DIVA Station, Digital video archive

DIVA Station is a physical and web archive of video, film and new-media art. It is based on collecting video material within a wider national context, and includes artists who work in Slovenia and/or abroad. It includes three basic categories: art video, events and sources.



The Landscapes, Spaces programme was curated by DIVA Station asociate Robert Kuret. He chose films that with landscapes, both internal and external, in one way or another. Participating: Ana Brumat, Ester Ivakič, Blaž Kutin, Blaž Murn, David Paige, Maja Prelog, Juš Premrov. Screening and talk at the inner courtyard of Škuc Gallery on Thursday, 4 July 2024, at 9 pm. More

Marko Košnik - Cukrarna (08:50)
Production: Egon March Institute (2001), 1994-1995
Cukrarna (Zuckerhaus, Sugarhouse) A video document (8:25) realized in out of 34 minutes performance performed at: - Opening of Medienbiennale Leipzig, 1994 (premiere) - Cankarjev dom - Linhartova dvorana, Ljubljana, 1995 - Galerija Kapelica, Ljubljana, 1995...
Bauhaus TuningsBauhaus TuningsBauhaus Tunings
Marko Košnik - Bauhaus Tunings (04:26)
Production: Egon March Institute, 1994
BAUHAUS TUNINGS 1994 – video documentary Creation of interference sound fields in Bauhaus building in Dessau for ARCHI-TONOMY workshop with international group of students, 28.10. – 11. 11. 1994, by Electronic Media Interpretation Studio and B...
Rooted in Code (trailer)Rooted in Code (trailer)Rooted in Code (trailer)
Nejc Trampuž - Rooted in Code (trailer) (13:23 (01:02))
Production: Nejc Trampuž, 2023
The film takes place in the year 2057. In a polluted city, a permaculture garden flourishes on the roof of a skyscraper, tended by a robot gardener and an elderly botanist. Appealing to all ages, the film speculates on the degraded state of the environmen...
Free TimeFree TimeFree Time
Nataša Skušek, Mladen Stropnik - Free Time (00:06:42)
Production: 2007
Video work discusses time management in a modern family life. The authors document their holiday with their children and through personal experience explore the overload and expectations imposed upon an individual about themselves by modern society.
YEARS 3 decades present
Neven Korda  - Renewal
Neven Korda - Renewal (00:05:28)
FV Video /Škuc - Forum, 1983
Memon, Emil - 1983/Blue Movie
Memon, Emil - 1983/Blue Movie (00:51:00)
Emil Memon, Pawel Wojtasi..., 1983
Kugler, Ema  - Taiga
Kugler, Ema - Taiga (00:08:22)
Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1996
Prosenc, Nataša - One Way
Prosenc, Nataša - One Way (00:05:31)
TV Slovenija, 1995
Zvonka T Simčič - Silvana Paletti / Moja Rezija
Zvonka T Simčič - Silvana Paletti / Mo... (00:07:00)
Zavod CCC & KUD Zbilje, 2014
Barbara Borčić - Video Art from Conceptualism to Postmodernism
Barbara Borčić - Video Art from Concep...
MIT Press, Massachussetts, US..., 2003
Sluga, Ana - Away
Sluga, Ana - Away (0:01:13)
Osole, Marijan - Max - Morte ai sciavi
Osole, Marijan - Max - Morte ai sciavi (0:16:28)
ŠKD Forum, Škuc, 1983
Ema Kugler - Hydra
Ema Kugler - Hydra (00:15:45)
V.S. Video, Forum Ljublja..., 1993
Kugler, Ema - Homo Erectus
Kugler, Ema - Homo Erectus (00:43:28)
ZANK, VPK, Cankarjev dom, 2000
Kugler, Ema  - Phantom
Kugler, Ema - Phantom (87:45)
Zavod ZANK / VPK, Cankarj..., 2003
Kugler, Ema - For the End of Time
Kugler, Ema - For the End of Time (02:05:28)
Zank & VPK, 2009
Furlan, Tomaž - Wear I
Furlan, Tomaž - Wear I (00:03:23)
Tomaž Furlan, 2005
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