V dokumentarcu Med štirimi stenami svoje zgodbe pripovedujejo ženske, ki so pobegnile pred nasiljem v lastnih družinah in poiskale pomoč v zatočišču. Spregovorijo o letih zlorabe, nasilja, posilstev in osamljenosti. Zgodovinarji in antropologi pa spregovorijo o širših razsežnostih nasilja. Film vsebuje tudi posnetke iz zatočišča za ženske in otroke - žrtve nasilja iz centrov za socialno delo in skupine za nenasilno komunikacijo, v kateri moški spreminjajo svoje nasilno vedenje.
Film vključuje tudi prizore iz slovenskih filmov: Idealist (Igor Pretnar), Vdovstvo Karoline Žašler (Matjaž Klopčič), Nasvidenje v naslednji vojni (Živojin Pavlović), Sedmina (Matjaž Klopčič).
ZANK je akronim za umetnika Zemiro Alajbegović in Nevena Kordo, ki sta v obdobju od začetka 80-ih do konca 90-ih let delovala skupaj, sprva v okviru gledališke skupine FV 112/15 in pozneje multimedijske skupine Borghesia. V 80-ih letih sta skupaj s sodelavci vodila legendarni FV Disko ter soustanovila video produkcijo FV Video, prvo neodvisno video založbo v Jugoslaviji, in pozneje tudi glasbeno FV Založbo. Skupaj sta ustvarjala video filme, dokumentarne videe in televizijske oddaje. Leta 1997 sta ustanovila Zavod ZANK.
Production: FV Video / ŠKD Forum, 1984
Video is a part of "So Young", a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips (So Young, The Wild Bunch, He, Too Much Tension, Cindy, A.R., ZMR), issued in 1985 as the first video cassette in Yugoslavia by the FV Label and successfully distributed via a...
Production: FV Video / Škuc - Forum, 1984
A reportage on the struggle with socialistic institutions for the youth club in the underground of Kersnikova 4 in Ljubljana. (Source: Videodokument)
Production: FV Video / Škuc - Forum, 1984
Video documents the deployment of a video installation by the group Borghesia as a part of an exhibition Back to the USA by R Irwin A group in Škuc gallery in 1984. A simple montage of the happening is accompanied by music by the Borghesia group. B...
Production: FV Video / ŠKUC - Forum, 1983
A collage of representations of socialistic victories and funerals, melodramatical films and family TV shows, accompanied with singing of a popular Yugoslav singer, Tereza Kesovija. The society which was ruled by senior men and socialistic populism; the p...
Production: Neven Korda & MSUM, 2017
4-channel video installation (10 minutes loop) was made for the exhibition "Multimedia Practices and Venues of Production", using the older artist's video materials from performances by the Borghesia group with the same titles (1984 -86). In...
Production: 2010
Video spot Lady Bird priredba, vokali in obleke: Lady Bird make up: Tea Skupek kamera: Matjaž Mrak režija in montaža: Neven Korda adaptation, vocals and styling: Lady Bird make up: Tea Skupek cinematographer: Matjaž Mrak directing and editing: Neven K...
Production: 2010
direktor fotografije / cinematographer: Matjaž Mrak druga kamera / 2nd camera: Tomy režija in montaža / directing and editing: Neven Korda cinematographer: Matjaž Mrak 2nd camera: Tomy directing and editing: Neven Korda Studio reconstruction of live a...
Production: 2007
Texts, Sound and Picture: Neven Korda Made from NNF selection: Vocals Srečko Meh, Maruša Oblak, Mojca Dimec, etc; Music Lolita (Štruci), Bast (Oceans), etc. NNF (New New Films) were made between 2001 and 2007 and consist of twelve videos. T...
Production: 2006
Conception, image and sound: Neven Korda NNF (New New Films) were made between 2001 and 2007 and consist of twelve videos. They are in-between reports by Neven Korda from his renewed reading of the 1960s. At the beginning, they did not like the image of r...
Production: 2006
Conception, image and sound: Neven Korda Music: Oceans, Bast image: all 5 NNF films, all the words from Reincarnation and Nomad, quotes from Un Chant d'Amour (Jean Genet), Olympia (Leni Reifenstahl), shots of everyday. NNF (New New Films) were made betwee...
Production: 2005
Video object Used material image: Reincarnattion and sound: NNF (New New Films) were made between 2001 and 2007 and consist of twelve videos. They are in-between reports by Neven Korda from his renewed reading of the 1960s. At the beginning, they did not...