Ana Čigon(1982, Štanjel) is a multidisciplinary artist working in video, film, performance and drawing. She graduated in painting and received her MA in video from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana. She also completed her MA in Interface Cultures at the Universtität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung Linz, Austria.
She is known for her satirical short videos and colourful animations of cats, which address pressing political issues. Her artistic practice uses an experimental approach to video and film, digital cut-out animation, drawings on paper, digital collage, spatial video installation and performance to explore and critique different aspects of contemporary society, focusing on marginalised voices and social inequalities. Key works such as Dear Ladies, Thank You; Rebellious Essence and the video Discovery Beyond Transparency (for which she received the OHO Group Award) exemplify her commitment to highlighting historical female figures and critically exploring contemporary social issues.
Ana Čigon has exhibited in a range of respected institutions, including the Škuc Gallery in Ljubljana, Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art in Priština, Likovni salon Gallery in Celje, and Kibela in Maribor. Her videos and films are part of important collections such as DIVA Station, the video archive of SCCA-Ljubljana and the Slovenian Film Archive in Ljubljana. She has participated in influential art events like the U3 Triennial of Contemporary Art and Crises and New Beginnings: Art in Slovenia 2005–2015, both presented at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Ljubljana and the exhibition For Your Pleasure. Feminist Positions in Visual Art in and from Slovenia at Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana. Her work was featured at several international venues, including Istanbul Modern in Turkey, Apollonia in Strasbourg, France, and the ISCP (International Studio & Curatorial Program) in New York, where she completed an artistic residency. Her films have been showcased at numerous international film festivals, including CINEMED – International Festival of Mediterranean Film in Montpellier, France and Experiments in Cinema International Film Festival in Albuquerque, USA. She has received several awards for her audiovisual works, most recently a special mention at the Slovenian Film Festival 2024.
Photo: Nada Žgank and personal archive
Production: A.Č., 2017
A cat walks into the Office of the Ministry for Cat Affairs and requests for a passport. All goes pretty well until the female and male cat clerks demand to know the cat's sex. (Source: Ana Čigon)
Production: RAMPA Laboratorij, koprodukcija RTV Slovenija, 2016
Eight women working in the broad spectrum of scientific professions from artificial intelligence to programming and aviation, talk about the conditions in which they became interested in technical professions, the obstacles they confronted, and how they d...
Production: 2016
The video is a document of experimental research of the online video archive DIVA Station. In the project, the artist sought the place of her artistic practice and intertwined her creation with the work of other (women) artists in a performative way, thus...
Production: Ana Čigon, 2015
An animation of what is happening in the macho world, if someone walks through it, who is not a macho. In the animation, a cat is walking through Ljubljana and is admiring the monuments in the city. The monuments are cat cartoon versions of real monument...
Production: Ana Čigon, 2015
The idea for animation was created at the feminist assembly Feminism to the Streets, which was held in Ljubljana in 2014. On that occasion, the participants exclaimed various slogans, among them also 'Franckas Today Are Running Faster'. Francka...
Production: Ana Čigon, Stacion Center for Contemporary Arts, Mestna galerija Ljubljana , 2015
Heroinat / Heroines is a short documentary film on the erection of a problematic monument, which was uncovered in 2015 in Prishtina. It was dedicated to the women that contributed in the war of 1998-99 in Kosovo and all the women that were victims of sexu...
Production: A.Č., 2015
The video is a short feminist comment on astronomical obstacles blocking the way towards gender equality. (Source: Ana Čigon)
Production: Ana Čigon, 2015
Video se začne s posvetilom vsem organizatoricam in organizatorjem razstav, ki ne izplačujejo razstavnin. V ozadju se slišijo nerazločni glasovi različnih ljudi in blag ropot. Hrup spominja na zvoke z odprtja razstave. Posvetilo izgine, hrup se poča...
Production: Ana Čigon, Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina - Kosovo, Mestna galerija Ljubljana, 2015
Remembering the Others is a documentary about the meaning and power of public monuments. In the film students, artists, theoreticians and activists from Prishtina, Kosovo talk about the meaning of monuments. Which people have the privilege to be represent...
Production: Mednarodni festival sodobnih umetnosti – Mesto žensk, 2013
In the video action, Barbara Kapelj Osredkar and Teja Reba asked passers-by on the streets of Ljubljana whether they know about a monument in Ljubljana that would be dedicated to female personality and which woman would they choose if they could decide. T...