SCCA-Ljubljana, Luksuz produkcija - U reki (MRFY) (04:20)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kraken, Luksuz produkcija, Kinodvor (Kinotrip), 2020
The music video for the song U reki (In the River) by MRFY was created at the Video Workshop produced by SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kraken, Luksuz produkcija and Kinodvor (Kinotrip).Mentors: Matic Zavodnik, Matevž Jerman and Peter Cerovše...

Name: SCCA-Ljubljana
No. of works: 23
Members: SCCA-Ljubljana
Countries: Slovenia
Born: 1993
SCCA-Ljubljana, Luksuz produkcija - U reki (MRFY) (04:27)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kraken, Luksuz produkcija, Kinodvor (Kinotrip), 2020
The music video for the song U reki (In the River) by MRFY was created at the Video Workshop produced by SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kraken, Luksuz produkcija and Kinodvor (Kinotrip).Mentors: Matic Zavodnik, Matevž Jerman and Peter Cerovše...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kraken, Luksuz produkcija, Kinodvor (Kinotrip), 2020
The music video for the song U reki (In the River) by MRFY was created at the Video Workshop produced by SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kraken, Luksuz produkcija and Kinodvor (Kinotrip).Mentors: Matic Zavodnik, Matevž Jerman and Peter Cerovše...
SCCA-Ljubljana, Nataša Skušek - Video evening with DIVA Station: Nataša Skušek (45:57)
Production: SCCA–Ljubljana, Galerija Photon, Nataša Skušek, 2020
Video Evenings are events organized by SCCA-Ljubljana and Photon Gallery with screenings and talks by artists included in the DIVA Station archive. In the time of the coronavirus pandemic we prepared a digital event with a screening and conversation in th...
Production: SCCA–Ljubljana, Galerija Photon, Nataša Skušek, 2020
Video Evenings are events organized by SCCA-Ljubljana and Photon Gallery with screenings and talks by artists included in the DIVA Station archive. In the time of the coronavirus pandemic we prepared a digital event with a screening and conversation in th...
SCCA-Ljubljana - Video art in videospot (01:24:02)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2017
Okrogla miza v okviru projekta/razstave SCCA LAB o videospotih v 80. letih in danes, organizirana na festivalu kratkega filma FeKK leta 2017 (ZVOČNI POSNETEK). Sodelujoči: Neven A. Korda, Barbara Borčić, Matevž Jerman, Maja Prelog, Sašo &Scaro...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2017
Okrogla miza v okviru projekta/razstave SCCA LAB o videospotih v 80. letih in danes, organizirana na festivalu kratkega filma FeKK leta 2017 (ZVOČNI POSNETEK). Sodelujoči: Neven A. Korda, Barbara Borčić, Matevž Jerman, Maja Prelog, Sašo &Scaro...