Lea Culetto
Name: Culetto, Lea
No. of works: 3
Countries: Slovenia
Born: 1995


Lea Culetto je leta 2019 zaključila podiplomski študij slikarstva na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje Univerze v Ljubljani. Od takrat deluje kot samozaposlena v kulturi. Samostojno se je predstavila v galeriji Miklova hiša (Ribnica), Aksioma (Ljubljana), Ravnikar Gallery Space (Ljubljana), v Galeriji Božidar Jakac (Kostanjevica na Krki), v Galeriji Kresija (Ljubljana) v Likovnem salonu Celje (Center sodobnih umetnosti, Celje) ter v prostorih ustvarjalnega in rezidenčnega centra MGLC Švicarija, kjer je bila rezidenčna umetnica (2021–2023). Sodelovala je na številnih skupinskih razstavah, med drugim na razstavi Vračanje pogleda (Cukrarna, 2022), Body and Territory (Kunsthaus Graz, 2023) in Vedno na voljo (Moderna galerija, 2023).
Sodelovala in razstavljala je z različnimi mednarodnimi festivali, kot so Mesto žensk, Rdeče zore, Lezbična četrt in Festival Račka. Na festivalih izvaja tudi različne delavnice. Kot mentorica je med drugim sodelovala na festivalu Bobri (Ljubljana, 2021) in pri projektu Stara celina v MGLC Švicariji (Ljubljana, 2022). Na povabilo Varje Hrvatin je kot kostumografka sodelovala pri predstavi Da te ni sram (Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana, 2022) in pri predstavi Ikigai (Slovensko ljudsko gledališče Celje, 2023). Kot vizualna umetnica je bila izbrana za sodelovanje pri projektu SAiR (Sustainability is in the Air, 2023–2026), ki ga vodi Mednarodni grafični likovni center. (Foto: osebni arhiv)

Author's Works
Lea Culetto - LeftoversLea Culetto - LeftoversLea Culetto - Leftovers
Lea Culetto - Leftovers (03:55)
Production: SAiR, MGLC Ljubljana, 2024
Hair. Valued as long as it is alive. As long as it grows on the appropriate parts of the body. Desired as long as it has the right colour, texture, thickness, shape and length. As long as it is tamed. As long as it does not fall out. Unwanted if dead. It...
Lea Culetto - Reveal The Goddess In YouLea Culetto - Reveal The Goddess In YouLea Culetto - Reveal The Goddess In You
Lea Culetto - Reveal The Goddess In You (00:00:42)
Production: L.C., 2017
Video superimposes home footage of shaving in the bathroom with footage of shaving from commercials for cosmetic depilatory products. The third layer superimposes the text constructed of advertising slogans of cosmetic brands. The title of the work is tak...
Lea Culetto - (Without)Lea Culetto - (Without)Lea Culetto - (Without)
Lea Culetto - (Without) (00:02:48)
Production: L.C., 2017
The video is a collage of numerous advertisements for cosmetic products showing the female body in seductive poses. Their rapid exchange is disrupted by digital glitches. The sound in the video consists of a quote from the text Foucault, Femininity and th...
YEARS 9 decades present
Srdić Janežič, Zoran - Testing
Srdić Janežič, Zoran - Testing (00:07:08)
Zavod za sodobne umetnost..., 2010
Srdić Janežič Zoran - Trash Robots
Srdić Janežič Zoran - Trash Robots (00:01:56)
Zavod za sodobne umetnost..., 2010
Srdič Janežič, Zoran - The Ballet Teacher
Srdič Janežič, Zoran - The Ballet Tea... (00:07:56)
Zavod za sodobne umetnist..., 2010
Muratović, Amir - From the Life of Books
Muratović, Amir - From the Life of Book... (00:03:55)
Muratović, Amir, 2010/2011
Saša Spačal - Liminoid
Saša Spačal - Liminoid (00:08:08)
Saša Spačal, Muzej sodo..., 2016
Jasna Hribernik - Tense Present: Šum fotonov / Tense Present: Photon Noise
Jasna Hribernik - Tense Present: Šum fo... (00:01:18)
White Balance, 2015
Saša Spačal - Mycophone_unison
Saša Spačal - Mycophone_unison (00:14:27)
Saša Spačal, Muzej sodo..., 2016
Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik (SIVA) - Motnja – Krzno
Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tr... (00:07:10)
Likovni salon Celje, 2011
Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik (SIVA) - Motnje oblačenja – Prevelika obleka
Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tr... (00:04:04)
Likovni salon Celje, 2011
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