
The DIVA News page refers to public presentations, exhibitions, screenings, publications in Slovenia and on the international scene, connected to participations of DIVA Station Video Archive and the video artists who had contributed their video artworks to the archive. We also introduce events organised by DIVA Station (SCCA-Ljubljana) in order to promote its content and usage.

Following the Revisiting Heritage conference at the National Museum in Warsaw, a comprehensive book was published with documentation of the international project of the same name. It also contains contributions from the conference, including the text by Barbara Borčić, entitled DIVA Station and Artists' Archives, in which she focused on two video practices from the archive: the work by Miha Vipotnik from the 1970s and the work by Laibach / Marijan Osole ̶ Max from the 1980s.

This year DIVA Station / SCCA-Ljubljana joined two major Ljubljana cultural events: Animateka Internacional Animated Film Festival with media installation by Ester Ivakič at the SCCA Project Room; and Night of Short Films (traditionally organised for the longest night of the year by and at the Slovenian Cinematheque) with a video program entitled Recording Reality - Subjectivization of Objective, curated by Toni Poljanec.  

For the third time, DIVA Station marks the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage – 27th of October. This year, we've been joined by Slovenian Cinematheque, City of Women and Gallery Skuc. The program Video Histories, Memories, and Coincidences was designed by Slavko Kačunko to present video practice by Marcel Odenbach, a recognized German artist as well as video theory through recently published anthologies Theorien der Videokunst. more

For the third time, the DIVA Station / SCCA-Ljubljana cooperated with the international short film festival FeKK. This time with a panel Production of Artificial Worlds (August 22, 2018) about VR and 360° movies and virtual reality, while visitors could also experience some VR film. With the exhibition Poetry Needs a Mirror in the Vodnikova domačija Gallery (30.8.-23.9. 2018) we focused on videopoetry. Curator Dušan Dovč chose works of extended poetic experience. more


We are particularly proud of some of the novelties in our archive. These are digital works that move in the inter-space between a short film and an art video. The dilemma about whether to speak about video art or short film seems unnecessary to younger generations, while for DIVA Station it is one of the main topics of the recent years. At DIVA on-line we have already published several such digital works of the younger generation, e.g. Coffee by Urška Djukić, Trails by Peter Cerovšek and Insider by Toni Poljanec.

In May and June, DIVA Station traveled a lot to different European cities. In Celje, participated at the exhibition Let’s Roll Our Sleeves Up! in Likovni salon Gallery, in Zagrebat the screening of The world is obliged to live you II., at the Multimedia Center and in Warsaw at the Revisiting Heritage conference at the National Museum.

For Let’s Roll Our Sleeves Up! exhibition in Likovni Salon Gallery Celje, the curators (Vesna Bukovec and Maja Hodošček) included also a selection of video works from our DIVA Archive. In Zagreb, our last year's co-worker Anita Budimir presented her selection The world is obliged to live you II.  in the framework of the Klubvizija program at the Multimedia Center. Barbara Borčić presented the DIVA Station at the Revisiting Heritage conference at the National Museum in Warsaw (with the screening of Nika Grabar DIVA's video essay in the Škuc Gallery and focuse on two video practices from the archives: the work of Mihe Vipotnik from the 1970s and Laibach / Marian Osole  ̶  Max from the eighties.

On May 9, we celebrate the Day of Victory over Fascism, each year a more up-to-date topic. We searched through the keywords of Nazism, resistance, war, discrimination in our DIVA video archive and found a great deal of works. Our choice:Mirko Simić, Anti Nazy Mix (199); Evelin Stermitz, Koncentracijsko taborišče Ljubelj (2004); Marko A. Kovačič, No More Heroes Anymore (1992).


On World Book Day, April 23, you can also read differently - in moving images. At the SCCA and with the help of video archive, we were already preparing exhibitions that linked the book and the video/fine arts. On DIVA Station video archive you can find video works that discuss reading, books, and literature. Our choice: Ksenija Čerče, fall... (2005-2008), Amir Muratović, From the Life of Books (2010/2011), Dejan Habicht, 12 Boring Poems (2013).

This is the DIVA’s hundred news! DIVA Station is proud of its nomination for the Europa Nostra Awards 2018, a European cultural heritage award. We were nominated by the Slovenian Cinematheque, which sees a lot of potential in our work and program, since we connect the cultural heritage with contemporary art. Unfortunately, this time DIVA Station is not among the winners, however, the winners will be announced in June at the European Cultural Heritage Summit in Berlin (18-24 June 2018).

At this year’s celebration of International Women's Day, we browsed through video works in our archive DIVA. We searched across the key words: activism, human rights, social gender, emancipation, feminism, resistance, desire ... and found many works. You can find the hits yourself, while we have selected for the FOCUS section below three of the outstanding women artists' performances: Maja Slavec, Woman Beauty Power Less (2008), Martina Bastarda, Mateja Ocepek, Nataša Skušek, Pissing (2002), Ana Čigon, Dear Ladies, thank you (2011).

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