The DIVA News page refers to public presentations, exhibitions, screenings, publications in Slovenia and on the international scene, connected to participations of DIVA Station Video Archive and the video artists who had contributed their video artworks to the archive. We also introduce events organised by DIVA Station (SCCA-Ljubljana) in order to promote its content and usage.
The new season of VideoGarden events is starting with a guest programme by the Ecuadorian experimental filmmaker Jean-Jacques Martinod. Together with co-director and cinematographer Bretta C. Walker, they will present a selection of short films and the background behind their creation. A selection of poetic, meditative films addresses liminal emotional and spatial personal experiences and reflections on the coexistence of human and nature. The screening and talk will be held at the inner courtyard of Škuc Gallery on Thursday, 21 July 2022, 9 pm. More
The second edition of the international festival of experimental audiovisual practices V-F-X Ljubljana, organized by SCCA-Ljubljana/DIVA Station and the Slovenian Cinematheque, presents a variety of artistic poetics, research and experimentation in the field of video and film. Katrin Mundt (EMAF, Osnabrück) prepared lecture on the ethics of curating of film and video and curated a selection of experimental and essay films under the title Riddles. Marina Kožul (25 FPS, Zagreb) has selected a programme of experimental films Space Dynamics by Croatian female authors of different generations. Artist in focus is a renowned Croatian author Vladislav Knežević. His retrospective will be screened in two parts, he will also held a masterclass. The 360-degree version of his film Aqualia (2021) will be on view at VR Point. We will screen original and restored early short films by Vinko Rozman, one of the pioneers of amateur film in Slovenia. An important part of the festival is the curated programme of secondary school and student films and videos V-F-X: Gen.Z, which will be available via the online platform Slovenian Film Database. The festival will end with the new edition of Luka Prinčič‘s research AV project. More
Renowned visual artist Duba Sambolec is a guest of the Video Evening with DIVA Station event (May 4 2022 at Photon Gallery). In conversation with Vesna Bukovec, a DIVA Station fellow, she will talk about her video works. At Video Evenings we host authors included in the archive and invite them to talk about their work. The events are created in collaboration with the Photon Gallery. More (Slovene only)
The second Music Video Workshop was held in November and December 2021. Co-organized by SCCA-Ljubljana, KRAKEN Association and Luksuz produkcija. Mentors: Matevž Jerman, Matic Zavodnik and Peter Cerovšek. Participants Lea Badovinac, Lučka Peterlin, Tilen Peterlin and Maria Sorokina recorded their videos with a mobile phone. Three videos for Niko Novak, Balans and YREX were created. They are included in the DIVA Station archive. More (In Slovene)
To the third online Back2Back – an event of artistic research of the DIVA archive – we invited the author of experimental short films and music videos Matevž Jerman. He prepared a curated program entitled Rendezvous with the Past, which he built around his music video Ljubljana is Berlin (co-author Peter Cerovšek). The selection of works addresses the present by comparing different temporalities and references from the use of archival materials, anachronistic relations between images and sound, with assumptions of the future or historical allusions. The program will be on view between 4 and 6 February 2022 on the website of the Slovenian Film Database.
Link: and DIVA Station
Screening of a new curated video programme Happy and merry … from the DIVA Station archive on Wednesday, 15 December 2021 at 7 pm at Galeriji Simulaker Gallery in Novo mesto.
The programme is the result of a collective selection of videos and films from the DIVA Station archive, which was prepared especially for the Simulaker Gallery at the end of the second year of the corona period by the SCCA-Ljubljana team Lara Plavčak, Vesna Bukovec in Peter Cerovšek. In it, we included playful and sarcastic works with a distinct creative imagination, which at times flirts with the absurd. The end of the year is a time of joyful celebration and a time when we proverbially look to the past and imagine the future. We live in a time when reasons for optimism and joy need to be re-invented over and over again, which could be the task of this selection of moving images as well.
Artists: Ana Čigon, Nataša Berk, Mladen Stropnik, Nataša Skušek, Zvonko Čoh & Milan Erič, Ana Nuša Dragan, Keiko Miyazaki, Sašo Vrabič, Sašo Sedlaček, Tomaž Furlan More
Every year we celebrate World AV Heritage Day (27 October) in cooperation with the Slovenian Cinematheque. This year we invited the Cineclub Zagreb (Kinoklub Zagreb, KKZ) to participate, where they recently, in cooperation with the Austrian Film Museum in Vienna (Österreichisches Filmmuseum), performed a digital restoration of the works of the master of amateur film, Tatjana Ivančić. The Slovenian Cinematheque will present fourteen digitally restored short films made between 1969 and 1979. The introduction to the screening and process of digital film restoration will be presented by Nadja Šičarov from the Austrian Film Museum in Vienna. More
Artists: Ana Nuša Dragan, Zemira Alajbegović, Ema Kugler
Curated by: Barbara Borčić, Peter Cerovšek
The first part of the exhibition with an emphasis on moving images was concluded in December 2020 in the Glass Atrium of the City Hall in Ljubljana. The second part of the exhibition in Project Room SCCA (21 September – 8 October 2021) presents video works, films, objects and documents by three women artists who were/are active in the field of action/performance, film and video art in Slovenia. Costumes, posters, flyers, catalogs, photographs, texts, critics and other paraphernalia from private archives, archives of SCCA and the MGLC archives will be on display.
The exhibition is a part of the European project Not Yet Written Stories – Women Artists’ Archives Online (2020–2022), which focuses on women artists who have often been overlooked in the history of contemporary art and will create, through research, archives of artists available in a common online repository. More
We invited Anne Tassel to curate the last VideoGareden this year. She has prepared a selection of works from the DIVA Station. The program All paths lead to dreams aims to bring closer the works of authors who directly and indirectly touch different worlds – they fluidly move between reality, dreams, gender, body and between spaces of expression that authors explore and seek common ground. The selected works by Neven Korda, Sašo Sedlaček, Matevž Jerman, Aleksandar Pejić, Duba Sambolec, Nataša Prosenc Stearns, Jasna Hribernik, Martina Bastarda, Mateja Ocepek, Nataša Skušek are in a way related to dreams, where such intertwining seems possible and real. More
The seventh event in the programme of screenings and conversations about art, video and film, VideoGarden in the inner courtyard of the Škuc Gallery consists of works that we acquired in the last year in the archives of the DIVA Station. The authors (Urška Aplinc, Nataša Berk, Ana Nuša Dragan, Lada Cerar, Maja Škerbot, Vesna Bukovec, Tatiana Kocmur, Agnes Momirski, Jatun Risba) tackle survival aspects at different times and with different approaches. The curator of the program Downhill. New acquisitions of DIVA Station is Vesna Bukovec. More