
The DIVA News page refers to public presentations, exhibitions, screenings, publications in Slovenia and on the international scene, connected to participations of DIVA Station Video Archive and the video artists who had contributed their video artworks to the archive. We also introduce events organised by DIVA Station (SCCA-Ljubljana) in order to promote its content and usage.

DIVA proposes a lot of dance. This is how Sašo Vrabič, dressed as Santa Claus, dances and observes how people who live in the same appartement react on the situation of act: Santa.

Miha Vipotnik - France Prešeren: Gazele (00:24:44)
Produkcija: RTV Slovenija, 2000                                                                                          

Gibljiva poetika narave je zvočno obdana s Sedmimi orkestralnimi pesnitvami Lucijana Marije Škerjanca in s sedmimi gazelami pesnika Franceta Prešerna.

Presentation, workshop, exhibition and projection on media facade, Oct. 30 – Nov. 10, 2014
The collaborators of DIVA Station (SCCA-Ljubljana) Barbara Borčić, Dušan Dovč, Ida Hiršenfelder and Nika Grabar will present the procedures of production, historisation and functioning of DIVA Station, the archive of video and media art in Slovenia. Two (Videospotting) video programmes will meet their premiere at Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb: Industrial Landscape curated by Miha Colner and Feedback Loop curated by Ida Hiršenfelder. 

S projekcijami in pogovorom smo v okviru programa Kino-integral v Slovenski kinoteki 23. junija predstavili omnibus kot posebno obliko filmske in video umetnosti, pri kateri na določeno temo ali zgodbo sodeluje več avtorjev oz. režiserjev. To obliko filmskega in video izražanja smo predstavili s tremi primeri oz. žanri: video art, igrani film in glasbeni video. 

The exhibition Race with Time. Performance and Video in a Rear-view Mirror shows various relations between the act of staging and the moving images: video action (N. and S. Dragan:Video Painting), studio shooting and art video (M. Vipotnik: Videogram 4), video performance (M. A. Kovačič: Casus belli; D. Sambolec: Collectors #3, *Settings*), action for camera (M. Bastarda, M. Ocepek, N. Skušek: Pissing), performance for camera (T. Furlan: Wear IV–VI; A. Čigon: One More Kick), urban choreography (M. Bučar: The Unnoticed). National Theatre Institute),  Ljubljana, 5.–16. 6. 2014.

Novi video program iz serije Videospotting - kuriranih preglednh in tematskih programov video umetnosti v slovenskem prostoru - je nastal na podlagi raziskovanja arhiva Postaja DIVA in se osredotoča na tematiko smrti.

The second of the lectures in collaboration between SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana and Nova Gorica City Gallery which are going to take place in the first half of 2014 as a part ofEncounters with Contemporary Visual Art Series is going to deal with projection as a medium and a building block of the experience of space in contemporary art entitled Endless Plane. The dimensions of video space and the art of projection.

Today, video space is an endless three-dimensional universe, which has completely transformed the initial television frame in the 4 x 3 format or film frame in the 16 x 9 format. By employing a wide range of programming languages for manipulation of video images it has spread out numerous endless plains and folded landscapes that are in a constant process of relocating, composing, and folding.

Video in visual arts has forecasted the disintegration of predetermined formats and position of viewing, which has been expanded in e.g. “total” space in the past fifteen years. Using video projection we may change any given surface into a dynamic video screen.

Marko Batista, Boštjan Čadež: Timing Diagrams, Old Power Plant, Ljubljana,Production: Aksioma, 2011


Ida Hiršenfelder, an art critic, theorist of media art, curator, and a member of DIVA Station digital video archive is going to talk about video space.


The lecture “What Television Can Be, And What Artists Can Use It For?” has surveyed artistic practices that are essentially concerned with the relation to television. Barbara Borčić, the leader of DIVA Station archive at SCCA-Ljubljana, will present the variety of ways in which artists have responded to television in a variety of media, techniques, and means of expression, challenging or exposing its conventions, especially its mediation and manipulation, or undermining the established codes and structures entitled What Television Can Be, And What Artists Can Use It For?.

Intimising Dance is a video programme selected by Ida Hiršenfelder in the framework of Videospotting series of video art programmes. It has been screened as a part of TransDance 13 Festival (from 21st till 30th October, 2013) organised by HaRaKa Center in their newly opened exhibition space ODA in the centre of Cairo. (Picture: Neven Korda, Echoes, 2009)

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