
The DIVA News page refers to public presentations, exhibitions, screenings, publications in Slovenia and on the international scene, connected to participations of DIVA Station Video Archive and the video artists who had contributed their video artworks to the archive. We also introduce events organised by DIVA Station (SCCA-Ljubljana) in order to promote its content and usage.

In the Espace Apollonia gallery in Strasbourg we successfully opened the exhibition Projected Visions. From art in the urban context to fiction and dystopia (January 26 - February 25, 2018). The curator Barbara Borčić selected works that are related to urban and public space in everyday, utopian and dystopic dimensions. The exhibition also received the first media release on TV Alsace20, soon followed by a catalogue of the project – Ljubljana.

The Old and the New, an authors' documentary on the Ljubljana sub-cultural scene in the 1980s, was presented in ACUD MACHT NEU in Berlin. Natalie Gravenor, a festival programmer, distributor and curator, selected it along with some music videos by Borghesia group for the series Sounding Images: Sounding Images #10: Borghesia – Industrial Music, Multimedia Art and Queer Activism in 1980s Yugoslavia.

DIVA Station each year marks the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage – 27th of October. Our goal is to emphasize the meaning of audio-visual archives as an important part of cultural heritage. This year we've been joined at the celebration in the Slovenian Cinematheque by Ursula Blickle Video Archive from Vienna. Two video programs were screened: Chance Meeting from Ursula Blickle Archiv by Claudia Slanar and The World Is Obliged to Live You from DIVA Station by Anita Budimir. The event concluded with the audio-visual project Interface Fractures IV. & V. by Luka Prinčič.  more


In cooperation with the Short Film Festival FeKK Ljubljana, we prepared the first edition of the laboratory (SCCA LAB), which will become the constant of the festival. This time, it was dedicated to the music video. In the SCCA Project Room we set up an exhibition / video ambience - a combination of the DIVA Station (older video clips) with the selection of the FEKK Festival (the newest clips) - with interesting interactions between the sound in the image, between the past and the contemporary. What followed was a lively panel about video as a genre linking music and image, a story and sound, comparing also music video production and procedures of video clips in the past and today.

New DIVA Station partnership with other archives always generates the exchange of publications and compilations of video works that we keep in our Médiathèque. New acquirements of Jef Cornelius documentaries on important European exhibitions and Video Edition Austria  ̶  Release 02 are the product of our collaboration with Argos (Brussels) and Medienwerkstadt (Vienna).

The SCCA’s widespread video archive networking practices, this year resulted in DIVA Station archive presentation and video screening in Kino Blickle in Vienna. The event was organized by Ursula Blickle Video Archiv, active since 2007 with a particular focus on Austrian video art from the 1990s and 2000s. After the screening of 16 art videos from the program DIVA Station Presents 4, a brief discussion took place with Barbara Borčić (curator, head of DIVA Station), Ana Čigon (artist) and Gerda Lampazler (artist, media theorist, co-head of Medienwerkstatt Wien) and Claudia Slanar ( curator, head of Ursula Blickle Video Archive).

The discussion focused on the early emergence of video art in Austrian and Slovenian alternative scenes in the 1970s and 1980s, somehow connected through art festivals Trigon in Graz. The speakers also talked about various aspects of video art production and its connection to experimental film, fine arts and music, emphasising its distinctive features that differentiate video art from film industry. They emphasised the pride of video pioneers who called themselves video artist to distinguish themselves from film makers and succeeded to make a completely separate art scene in 1960s. Later, they also tackled the term of video art as a historic concept that is vis-à-vis a prevalent digital production, merging of film and video, destined to become obsolete.

This was the first presentation of DIVA Station in Vienna. Long time ago, in 2003, SCCA-Ljubljana participated at the European Photography Projects I – Parallel Avant-gardes exhibition with screening of video program at Art Space. Our present host, Ursula Blickle Video Archiv, organised the event within the scope of their program "Archive in Dialogue", which seems of a decisive importance for smaller non-government archives. Now, in view of further co-operation and exchange of knowledge and experiences, we are looking forward to hosting Ursula Blickle Video Archiv at Slovenian Cinematheque this Autumn.



The exhibition Multimedia Practices and Venues of Production in the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova in Ljubljana (5 April – 11 June 2017) curated by Barbara Borčić and Igor Španjol is structured according to the typical venues of the artistic scene in Slovenia in 1980s: disco, gallery, club, studio, festival, publishing house, other television, viewing room and exit, cinema and television. In the viewing room you can play video on demand or scroll through DIVA Station video archive and its search engine options - categories from genre and years to artist and titles or key words.

A new number of Informatica Museologica Magazine is dedicated to contributions from the international symposia  Museums of Film – Film in the Museums that questioned the position of film in the museum practices (Zagreb, 2015). The 200 pages offer texts on film heritage, experiences of the European film museums, archival collections, curatorial and theory based practices (in Croatian language with English summaries). The text "DIVA Station - archiving of images and time" by Barbara Borčić is published within the section  The Encounter of the Analogue World and the New Digital Paradigm. Preservation of the Film/Video Heritage and accompanied by a vast visual material.

Slovenian premiere of the curated video program DIVA Station Presents III after the USA tour in 2016 was presented in DCP format at the Slovenian Cinematheque under Kino-integral section and at the invitation of the Asocciation Kraken, organisation responsible for the promotion of short film. The program, curated by Barbara Borčić, presents 17 video works which are divided into three parts: From analog to digital, From memory to fiction and From impression to digression.

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