DIVA Station project group began establishing the DIVA Station archives and web site in 2005. The group has included numerous members who focused on different archive-related tasks, from managing, editing, and advising to web programming and design. The DIVA project group is also a consulting body for issues related to the systemic management of the archives. Members begin research projects on the basis of concrete examples and current tasks, while they also engage in discussions on conceptual issues related to digitalisation, content description, terminology and other general decisions. The project group works closely with artists and other Slovenian and international experts (critics, curators, theoreticians, etc), prepares closed debates and open public events (seminars, exhibitions, lectures, discussions, workshops).
Head: Peter Cerovšek (2020-), Barbara Borčić (2005-2019); Editorial board: Vesna Bukovec (2015-), Peter Cerovšek (2017- ); Barbara Borčić (2005- ), Dušan Dovč (2006-2019), Ida Hiršenfelder (2007-2014), Neža Grum (2016-2017), Luka Polutnik (2016), Miha Kelemina (2014-2015), Andrej Pezelj (2010-2012), Ana Grobler (2009-10), Miha Colner (2006-2012), Mateja Rot (2006-09), Hana S. Vodeb (2006-07); Consultants: Zemira Alajbegović, Damijan Kracina, Neven Korda; Conception: Barbara Borčić & Damijan Kracina; Web programming: Borut Savski; Design: Ajdin Bašić; Translation into English: U.T.A. prevajanje / Tina Škoberne
Website producer: SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Tel.: +386 (0)1 431 83 85, E-mail: info@scca-ljubljana.si, http://www.scca-ljubljana.si
Copyright: All copyright works and sections of copyright works available on this web page are subject to copyright and other forms of intellectual work protection according to Copyright and Related Rights Act (ZASP). Video works and sections from video works published on this web site cannot be used without the consent of the owners of the works. Disclaimer: SCCA-Ljubljana will strive to ensure that the information published on this website is accurate and correct. SCCA-Ljubljana reserves the right to change the content of the web page at any time in accordance with the contracts signed with copyright holders and the Copyright and Related Rights Act (ZASP). The DIVA Station web site also includes links to other physical and legal persons not subject to supervision by SCCA-Ljubljana; therefore, SCCA assumes no responsibility for their content or work.
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Sašo Sedlaček - DIVA Studio (0:49:10) Subtitle: Broadcast within the initiative for the establishment of an autonomuos mediatic zone Infocalypse Now! Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana; co-production: Kapelica Gallery, 2008 Sašo Sedlaček si je v okviru iniciative za ustanovitev medijske avtonomne cone, Infokalipsa zdaj!, prizadeval za sprostitev dela televizijskih FM valov v nekomercialne, kulturne oziroma umetniške namene. Iniciativo je leta 2008 predstavil v...