Ema Kugler - Hydra (00:15:45)
Production: V.S. Video, Forum Ljubljana, VPK, 1993
Mythology in the video works by Ema Kugler is inscribed in rituals of everyday life; this time it is the theme of Hydra with many facets. The theme is represented by the separate scenes featuring human figures in leather costumes (created by the artist herself) that constrain their movements, thus emphasizing their separation from nature. The last trace of their respective connection is shown in a ritual relationship between a man and a bull, although even this relationship involves man's deeply ingrained c...
DIVA Art Film
76 results in works
Ema Kugler - Station 25 (00:30:08)
Production: Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1997
The artist continues with her main preoccupations: the relationship between a man and a woman, the irruption of the mythical into the rituals of everyday life. The video film uses the numerous potentials of electronic manipulation of the picture. The finest scenes are those of "morphing" (electronic transformation), where a figure from a painted canvas turns into an identical figure on the video screen, or the latter "freezes" into a figure on a fixed picture. The artist once again insists on the real natur...
Production: Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1997
The artist continues with her main preoccupations: the relationship between a man and a woman, the irruption of the mythical into the rituals of everyday life. The video film uses the numerous potentials of electronic manipulation of the picture. The finest scenes are those of "morphing" (electronic transformation), where a figure from a painted canvas turns into an identical figure on the video screen, or the latter "freezes" into a figure on a fixed picture. The artist once again insists on the real natur...
Ema Kugler - The Visitor (00:26:41)
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, VPK & Viba film, 1995
The artist insists on the duality of human nature: the same dreadfulness is part of both the mythical and the real world. The duality is explicitly presented by means of electronic effects that can petrify a human face, or wall-up a human body in a few seconds. Human figures dressed in extravagant costumes are returned back to nature by means of electronic effects: a man in a costume reminiscent of a bird transforms into a real bird. The costumed and real birds are accentuated by the bird's eye view, which...
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, VPK & Viba film, 1995
The artist insists on the duality of human nature: the same dreadfulness is part of both the mythical and the real world. The duality is explicitly presented by means of electronic effects that can petrify a human face, or wall-up a human body in a few seconds. Human figures dressed in extravagant costumes are returned back to nature by means of electronic effects: a man in a costume reminiscent of a bird transforms into a real bird. The costumed and real birds are accentuated by the bird's eye view, which...
Ema Kugler - Menhir (00:35:16)
Production: Forum Ljubljana, VPK & TV Slovenija, 1999
Urbanity is finally erased with mythological rituals, which is defined by the title of the video film: menhir, a large upright standing stone from the Neolithic Period which was used in sacred rituals. A man and a woman are Adam and Eve who are formed before us with electronic transformation (morphing) and are marked by blood, which also marks all the other elements of the video image: murder of an individual committed by a menhir or the trinity (politics, church, army), bodies of dancers. Blood, murder and...
Production: Forum Ljubljana, VPK & TV Slovenija, 1999
Urbanity is finally erased with mythological rituals, which is defined by the title of the video film: menhir, a large upright standing stone from the Neolithic Period which was used in sacred rituals. A man and a woman are Adam and Eve who are formed before us with electronic transformation (morphing) and are marked by blood, which also marks all the other elements of the video image: murder of an individual committed by a menhir or the trinity (politics, church, army), bodies of dancers. Blood, murder and...
Ema Kugler - Homo Erectus (00:43:28)
Production: ZANK, VPK, Cankarjev dom, 2000
This video features no words, only music and images. Ema Kugler describes the moving images as: “They are like a dark, surrealist dance of everyman with his own death. I have seen all these images. They came from the darkness of my subconsciousness, colonized me and obsessed me.” The video shows images, which together with the accompanying music give an impression of the infinite and the divine and being sucked into an abyss from where there is no return. The images bring us to the edge of our e...
Production: ZANK, VPK, Cankarjev dom, 2000
This video features no words, only music and images. Ema Kugler describes the moving images as: “They are like a dark, surrealist dance of everyman with his own death. I have seen all these images. They came from the darkness of my subconsciousness, colonized me and obsessed me.” The video shows images, which together with the accompanying music give an impression of the infinite and the divine and being sucked into an abyss from where there is no return. The images bring us to the edge of our e...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Betonski človek / Concrete Man (0:15:29)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1995
A woman's shoe gets stuck in concrete in the middle of the city. Her usual rhythm of life is disturbed. She is impatient to solve the problem. But a string of unexpected events interferes with her plans. Her world of fast living, obligations and errands turns into a pilgrimage to find the lost shoe... until she finally gives into the flow of events. At the end of the film she finds the shoe, which has by now lost its role as the primary motive for her search.
Production: TV Slovenija, 1995
A woman's shoe gets stuck in concrete in the middle of the city. Her usual rhythm of life is disturbed. She is impatient to solve the problem. But a string of unexpected events interferes with her plans. Her world of fast living, obligations and errands turns into a pilgrimage to find the lost shoe... until she finally gives into the flow of events. At the end of the film she finds the shoe, which has by now lost its role as the primary motive for her search.
Sašo Podgoršek - Koza je preživela (00:09:03)
Production: 1992
Posnetki prikazujejo posameznike, ki se zbirajo pred zapornico: oseba v avtomobilu, ki čaka na svoje dekle, oseba na vozu, oseba na motorju in nekdo s kozo v naročju. Kolona pred zapornico čaka na vlak, vname se pretep, koza pa se v zmedi znajde privezana na zapornico, ki se, ko vlak odide, dvigne s kozo vred. Video predstavlja zrežirane komične prizore, ki prikazujejo resničnost sodobne družbe.
Production: 1992
Posnetki prikazujejo posameznike, ki se zbirajo pred zapornico: oseba v avtomobilu, ki čaka na svoje dekle, oseba na vozu, oseba na motorju in nekdo s kozo v naročju. Kolona pred zapornico čaka na vlak, vname se pretep, koza pa se v zmedi znajde privezana na zapornico, ki se, ko vlak odide, dvigne s kozo vred. Video predstavlja zrežirane komične prizore, ki prikazujejo resničnost sodobne družbe.
Miha Vipotnik - Andrej from Stražišče (49:00)
Production: RTV Ljubljana, 1984
An experimental music show about singer-songwriter Andrej Šifrer, with the participation of Marjan Paternoster.
Production: RTV Ljubljana, 1984
An experimental music show about singer-songwriter Andrej Šifrer, with the participation of Marjan Paternoster.
Apolonija Šušteršič - Music for Windows I (0:02:34)
Subtitle: MTV for La Tourette
Production: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1997
This is a compilation of four short video films, made in the La Tourette Dominican monastery near Lyon, which was constructed in the early sixties according to the plans of Le Corbusier and with the participation of mathematician, musician, and composer Iannis Xenakis. A static camera records a musician playing a special instrument - a glass wall. He is enclosed in the space behind the glass wall, while the camera is positioned outside the wall. The musician improvises various rhythms on different parts...
Subtitle: MTV for La Tourette
Production: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1997
This is a compilation of four short video films, made in the La Tourette Dominican monastery near Lyon, which was constructed in the early sixties according to the plans of Le Corbusier and with the participation of mathematician, musician, and composer Iannis Xenakis. A static camera records a musician playing a special instrument - a glass wall. He is enclosed in the space behind the glass wall, while the camera is positioned outside the wall. The musician improvises various rhythms on different parts...
Zvonko Čoh, Milan Erič - Cigar for a Prince (00:11:09)
Subtitle: Socializing The Bull? - first episode
Production: Emotionfilm, ŠKUC, TV Slovenija, 1995
Cigara za princa je prva epizoda animiranega filma Socializacija bika?, ki je bila uporabljena kot promocijski spot. Skozi prelivanje podob spremljamo nagajivo ljubezensko zgodbo. Karikaturi dveh ljudi (avtorjev?) bežita pred bikom, asociacije odvijanja zgodbe so podobne sanjam, detajli so v ospredju. Socializacija bika? je prva slovenska celovečerna risanka.
Subtitle: Socializing The Bull? - first episode
Production: Emotionfilm, ŠKUC, TV Slovenija, 1995
Cigara za princa je prva epizoda animiranega filma Socializacija bika?, ki je bila uporabljena kot promocijski spot. Skozi prelivanje podob spremljamo nagajivo ljubezensko zgodbo. Karikaturi dveh ljudi (avtorjev?) bežita pred bikom, asociacije odvijanja zgodbe so podobne sanjam, detajli so v ospredju. Socializacija bika? je prva slovenska celovečerna risanka.