Marko A. Kovačič - No More Heroes Any More (0:18:15)
Production: V.S. VIDEO/Forum Ljubljana, 1992
Video deals with the theme of war in a parodic and grotesque manner. With Chroma key procedure the two main protagonists or shall we say antagonists - evil and conniving political leaders are set inside a TV studio, where so called Royal game takes place. War battle metaphorically packed as a twisted game of chess, which sees real people as toys in the hands of malicious and greedy politics, is getting more and more insane and uncontrollable. Performative character of the video allows the actors to exaggera...
DIVA money
17 results in works
Zmago Lenardič - Big Blue Subway (00:12:42)
Production: VPK & White Balance, 2000
Video tematizira odtujenost velikega urbanega središča s posnetki utrujenih, spečih ljudi na newyorški podzemni železnici. Pripisana beseda se nanaša na njihove misli ali sanje, odmik od realnosti odtujenega velemesta. Sprevračana je v temačno odisejado individualiziranega mestnega življenja preko osebnih zgodb malih ljudi, osamljenih meščanov.
Production: VPK & White Balance, 2000
Video tematizira odtujenost velikega urbanega središča s posnetki utrujenih, spečih ljudi na newyorški podzemni železnici. Pripisana beseda se nanaša na njihove misli ali sanje, odmik od realnosti odtujenega velemesta. Sprevračana je v temačno odisejado individualiziranega mestnega življenja preko osebnih zgodb malih ljudi, osamljenih meščanov.
Ema Kugler - Homo Erectus (00:43:28)
Production: ZANK, VPK, Cankarjev dom, 2000
This video features no words, only music and images. Ema Kugler describes the moving images as: “They are like a dark, surrealist dance of everyman with his own death. I have seen all these images. They came from the darkness of my subconsciousness, colonized me and obsessed me.” The video shows images, which together with the accompanying music give an impression of the infinite and the divine and being sucked into an abyss from where there is no return. The images bring us to the edge of our e...
Production: ZANK, VPK, Cankarjev dom, 2000
This video features no words, only music and images. Ema Kugler describes the moving images as: “They are like a dark, surrealist dance of everyman with his own death. I have seen all these images. They came from the darkness of my subconsciousness, colonized me and obsessed me.” The video shows images, which together with the accompanying music give an impression of the infinite and the divine and being sucked into an abyss from where there is no return. The images bring us to the edge of our e...
Apolonija Šušteršič - Bonnevoie by day & night (0:07:54)
Production: 1998
Video odslikuje podobo predela mesta Bonnevoie. Razgibana kamera raziskuje prostor, snema ključne točke četrti (železniška postaja, mestne ulice, gradbišče, privatne in javne prostore). Raziskovanje delovnega in bivalnega prostora mesta in njegovih prostorov za kulturno dejavnost. Bonnevoie je mestna četrt, ki slovi kot najbolj mešan predel Luksemburga z 80% emigrantske populacije.
Production: 1998
Video odslikuje podobo predela mesta Bonnevoie. Razgibana kamera raziskuje prostor, snema ključne točke četrti (železniška postaja, mestne ulice, gradbišče, privatne in javne prostore). Raziskovanje delovnega in bivalnega prostora mesta in njegovih prostorov za kulturno dejavnost. Bonnevoie je mestna četrt, ki slovi kot najbolj mešan predel Luksemburga z 80% emigrantske populacije.
Apolonija Šušteršič - Ausverkauf (0:09:45)
Production: 1999
Množica obiskovalcev prihaja v kino dvorano, kjer se najprej posedejo in ogledujejo film, nato pa jo popolnoma izpraznijo.
Production: 1999
Množica obiskovalcev prihaja v kino dvorano, kjer se najprej posedejo in ogledujejo film, nato pa jo popolnoma izpraznijo.
Apolonija Šušteršič - Production of Desire (0:04:19)
Production: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1997
The video clip relates handbags and shoes produced by world famous fashion companies (Armani, Gucci, etc.) to a brick of wax produced by Apolonija d.o.o. The material of the brick reveals the recycling procedure that characterises the entire artist's production. The video clip advertisement forms part of an installation placed in a prestigious shop. (VD)
Production: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1997
The video clip relates handbags and shoes produced by world famous fashion companies (Armani, Gucci, etc.) to a brick of wax produced by Apolonija d.o.o. The material of the brick reveals the recycling procedure that characterises the entire artist's production. The video clip advertisement forms part of an installation placed in a prestigious shop. (VD)
Zmago Lenardič, Jasna Hribernik - NewMoscowYork (00:25:20)
Production: White Balance, 2004
The video is a humoristic comparison of two metropolises – New York and Moscow, where the life in the age of globalization is close to identical. Authors juxtapose similar scenes on two different channels. Each channel shows an urban silhouette with skyscrapers, triumphal arches and monuments of one of both cities. Scenes are followed by a lively music and a narration by a voice speaking English with a Russian accent reading highly ironical quotations from Little golden America, a work by humorists Il...
Production: White Balance, 2004
The video is a humoristic comparison of two metropolises – New York and Moscow, where the life in the age of globalization is close to identical. Authors juxtapose similar scenes on two different channels. Each channel shows an urban silhouette with skyscrapers, triumphal arches and monuments of one of both cities. Scenes are followed by a lively music and a narration by a voice speaking English with a Russian accent reading highly ironical quotations from Little golden America, a work by humorists Il...
Vesna Bukovec - Moje sanje, lepo stanovanje / The Happiest Apartment in the World (00:04:08)
Production: V.B., 2010
A dream of a woman is shown in long static shots, which are fast-forwarded and thus emphasize the repetitive movements of browsing through home decorating magazines. The fast forwarded shots don't have a humorous effect but a rather neurotic one. The image is clear and clean. Immaculateness is even more stressed by the white outfit and furniture. Camera doesn't capture the woman's head making her body look like only a torso. Music by Alexi Murdoch titled Home is light and easy, but slowly a sublime massage...
Production: V.B., 2010
A dream of a woman is shown in long static shots, which are fast-forwarded and thus emphasize the repetitive movements of browsing through home decorating magazines. The fast forwarded shots don't have a humorous effect but a rather neurotic one. The image is clear and clean. Immaculateness is even more stressed by the white outfit and furniture. Camera doesn't capture the woman's head making her body look like only a torso. Music by Alexi Murdoch titled Home is light and easy, but slowly a sublime massage...
Sašo Sedlaček - Rent a Žicar / Rent a Beggar (00:19:23)
Production: 2006
Dokumentarni video o problemu "žicanja" denarja. Umetnik ponudi pravemu žicarju robota, ki bo namesto njega opravljal sramotno prakso pridobivanja denarja. Zaradi simbolno-estetske kategorije robota ima le-ta to prednost pred žicarjem, da lahko vstopi v določene javne prostore, ki so žicarjem sicer prepovedani. A video ne kaže samo na probleme skupine ljudi, ki eksistirajo na margini družbe - robot predstavlja tudi strategijo izboljševanja žicarskih pogojev, predstavlja višjo učinkovitost, višjo...
Production: 2006
Dokumentarni video o problemu "žicanja" denarja. Umetnik ponudi pravemu žicarju robota, ki bo namesto njega opravljal sramotno prakso pridobivanja denarja. Zaradi simbolno-estetske kategorije robota ima le-ta to prednost pred žicarjem, da lahko vstopi v določene javne prostore, ki so žicarjem sicer prepovedani. A video ne kaže samo na probleme skupine ljudi, ki eksistirajo na margini družbe - robot predstavlja tudi strategijo izboljševanja žicarskih pogojev, predstavlja višjo učinkovitost, višjo...
Sašo Sedlaček - Zanka / Loop (00:05:56)
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2004
Video prikazuje proces izdelave in uporabo stavbenega objekta, zgrajanega iz recikliranega materiala. Stavbeni objekt je mobilen in se lahko kot parazit postavi na različna urbana mesta, kjer s svojo amatersko radio postajo lahko uporabniku oddaja zvočne informacije iz okolja. Avtorjeva izbira mesta za instalacijo objekta je zelo sugestivna. V nakupovalnem centru, pod panojem "To je moje mesto", zveni projekt rahlo sarkastično. Umetnikov komentar je več kot očiten - ali v tem okolju potrošništva splo...
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2004
Video prikazuje proces izdelave in uporabo stavbenega objekta, zgrajanega iz recikliranega materiala. Stavbeni objekt je mobilen in se lahko kot parazit postavi na različna urbana mesta, kjer s svojo amatersko radio postajo lahko uporabniku oddaja zvočne informacije iz okolja. Avtorjeva izbira mesta za instalacijo objekta je zelo sugestivna. V nakupovalnem centru, pod panojem "To je moje mesto", zveni projekt rahlo sarkastično. Umetnikov komentar je več kot očiten - ali v tem okolju potrošništva splo...