Produkcija: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & TV Slovenija, 1995
DIVA družbeni spol
25 rezultatov med deli
Neven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - The Sand Collectors (00:12:34)
Produkcija: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & TV Slovenija, 1995
Video work tells a story of an art collector as remembered by herself in her old age, and as narrated by her friend, a psychoanalyst. Thru this narrative the authors deal with the spirit of avant-garde art in the first half of the 20th century. By layering black and white and colour images and sounds the work creates a deep and lively emotional space. (Source: Videodokument)
Produkcija: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & TV Slovenija, 1995
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Zbiralci peska (00:13:06)
Produkcija: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & TV Slovenija, 1995
Video delo pripoveduje zgodbo o zbirateljici umetniških del. K narativi delo pristopa prek protagonistkinih spominov ter pripovedi njenega znanca psihoanalitika. Skozi zgodbo se avtorja v tem in še dveh videih dotikata teoretskih razmišljanj o avantgardni umetnosti v prvi polovici 20. stoletja. S plastenjem črno-belih in barvnih podob ter zvokov delo ustvarja poglobljen in živahen emocionalni prostor. --- ZANK je akronim za umetnika Zemiro Alajbegović in Nevena Kordo, ki sta v obdo...
Produkcija: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & TV Slovenija, 1995
Video delo pripoveduje zgodbo o zbirateljici umetniških del. K narativi delo pristopa prek protagonistkinih spominov ter pripovedi njenega znanca psihoanalitika. Skozi zgodbo se avtorja v tem in še dveh videih dotikata teoretskih razmišljanj o avantgardni umetnosti v prvi polovici 20. stoletja. S plastenjem črno-belih in barvnih podob ter zvokov delo ustvarja poglobljen in živahen emocionalni prostor. --- ZANK je akronim za umetnika Zemiro Alajbegović in Nevena Kordo, ki sta v obdo...
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Med štirimi stenami (00:32:35)
Produkcija: ZANK, VPK & TV Slovenija (izobraževalni program), 1999
V dokumentarcu Med štirimi stenami svoje zgodbe pripovedujejo ženske, ki so pobegnile pred nasiljem v lastnih družinah in poiskale pomoč v zatočišču. Spregovorijo o letih zlorabe, nasilja, posilstev in osamljenosti. Zgodovinarji in antropologi pa spregovorijo o širših razsežnostih nasilja. Film vsebuje tudi posnetke iz zatočišča za ženske in otroke - žrtve nasilja iz centrov za socialno delo in skupine za nenasilno komunikacijo, v kateri moški spreminjajo...
Produkcija: ZANK, VPK & TV Slovenija (izobraževalni program), 1999
V dokumentarcu Med štirimi stenami svoje zgodbe pripovedujejo ženske, ki so pobegnile pred nasiljem v lastnih družinah in poiskale pomoč v zatočišču. Spregovorijo o letih zlorabe, nasilja, posilstev in osamljenosti. Zgodovinarji in antropologi pa spregovorijo o širših razsežnostih nasilja. Film vsebuje tudi posnetke iz zatočišča za ženske in otroke - žrtve nasilja iz centrov za socialno delo in skupine za nenasilno komunikacijo, v kateri moški spreminjajo...
Evelin Stermitz - Gender Transmission (0:03:03)
Podnaslov: WO:MAN # 1 WO:MAN # 2
Produkcija: 2005
The two videos question the relation and boundaries between man and woman in a philosophic and psychological manner. Like in the psychological theory of Jacques Lacan woman and man mirror themselves in terms of "the Other", so this is the issue of these videos. By establishing two mirrors through video, the situation resembles a real mirror, where man and woman are confronted to each other. There is always a surface, a shape for interacting constructed here through a digital code. But what will re...
Podnaslov: WO:MAN # 1 WO:MAN # 2
Produkcija: 2005
Evelin Stermitz - Hitchcock Dishing (0:01:17)
Produkcija: 2008
A short video about the danger of daily dishing as a sublime metaphor for the unpaid daily work of women with its loss of time and energy for other more meaningful, useful and creative activities. Hitchcock Dishing is also articulating concealed domestic violence.
Produkcija: 2008
Evelin Stermitz - Inside the Outside (0:05:33)
Produkcija: 2006
Moving beyond a surface, an outside, a window into a different world - what are the reasons for moving within a certain space of femininity? The questions of the moving shape circulate around the other, the captured difference, the identity and the self. By acting as a body with its language, this remains from the self and questioning shape. The body as a shape for self-reflective questions within a female room seemingly protected against the outside but exposed to the gaze.
Produkcija: 2006
Evelin Stermitz - Koncentracijsko taborišče Ljubelj (0:14:33)
Produkcija: 2004
At a cruel place, one woman moves; determined with pain, fears and depression but also with hope for a way out. The dancer is standing for the painful feeling of women in concentration camps, but also for physic and psychic discrimination of women in general. Actually this place is more imaginary and not bound to the real place as it could be any place where women suffer from cruelty and hopelessness, so it could be any woman who suffers from violence. The sense of feeling and moving is transferre...
Produkcija: 2004
Evelin Stermitz - Rose is a Rose (0:03:53)
Produkcija: 2008
This performative video work shows a woman engaged in covering her face with rose leaves.
As a metaphor for the above and beyond term "beauty", the fragility of beauty and the canons of beauty, the video reveals an obscure image of woman, which is also shaped by transiency and impermanence.
Excerpts from the poem "Sacred Emily" by Gertrude Stein, in which she created the sentence "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.", form the sound collage to the video work.
Produkcija: 2008
Evelin Stermitz - Table Talk (0:02:35)
Produkcija: 2008
In an exaggerated gender specific communication role, a woman is constantly giving positive encouragement towards an unseen male discussion partner, without having an own opinion, or something else to say then to support the counterpart.
In this performative video work, a gendered communication role model is directed to an imaginary male opponent and describes how the usage of language can be defined as a relation and structure of power between the two social sexes.
Produkcija: 2008
Evelin Stermitz - Structural Model (0:03:00)
Produkcija: 2006
A female person is reflecting the structures and dynamics of Freud's model of the psyche in terms of an unresolved pattern.
Researched parts of connections between the three layers of Freud"s model and women appear in the textline to represent some main thoughts about the complexity of (t)his system.
A video installation of the intermediation of the ego between the id, the superego and the external world from a female perspective.
This performance video work has been realized at Inter...
Produkcija: 2006