YEARS 3 decades present
Muratović, Amir - With the Wind
Muratović, Amir - With the Wind (00:01:10)
Amir Muratović, 2008
Muratović, Amir  - Urbanaria (Slovenski magazin)
Muratović, Amir - Urbanaria (Slovenski... (00:05:21)
RTV Slovenija, 1998
Rusjan, Pila - If Only...
Rusjan, Pila - If Only... (0:01:57)
ECVP & KUD PUNce, 2009
Muratović, Amir - From the Life of Books
Muratović, Amir - From the Life of Book... (00:03:55)
Muratović, Amir, 2010/2011
Rusjan, Pila - We are all Big Brother and Big Brother is just one of us
Rusjan, Pila - We are all Big Brother an... (0:08:14)
AKTO 4 in KUD PUNce, 2009
Mrevlje, Jaša - Leo's fall
Mrevlje, Jaša - Leo's fall (00:27:14)
Ganes D.O.O, 2004
Požlep, Mark - Fireplace, Axe and a Banana Peel
Požlep, Mark - Fireplace, Axe and a Ban... (00:11:46)
White Cross Production, 2008
Rusjan, Pila - Po-vračanje
Rusjan, Pila - Po-vračanje (0:18:19)
Visoka šola za umetnost Un..., 2010
Muratović, Amir - Slovenija skozi umetnost (Slovenski magazin)
Muratović, Amir - Slovenija skozi umetn... (00:28:19)
RTV Slovenija, 2007/2008
Mrevlje, Jaša - Something to be afraid of
Mrevlje, Jaša - Something to be afraid... (00:05:56)
Mrevlje, Jaša, 2007
Muratović, Amir - Gibanje v podobah
Muratović, Amir - Gibanje v podobah (00:05:00)
Amir Muratović, 2006
Muratović, Amir - Domači pajek
Muratović, Amir - Domači pajek (00.27:47)
RTV Slovenija, 2009/2010
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