Rok Sieberer Kuri - Kres II. Razstava (00:01:02)
Production: V.S. - D.V., 1990
Posnetki nočnega kresa in ples okoli ognja. Kamera zmedeno beleži telo v soju ognjenih plamenov.
DIVA dance
30 results in works
Ema Kugler - Taiga (00:08:22)
Production: Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1996
Video Taiga is made after eponymous performance carried out at the international festival of contemporary arts City of women in October 1995 in Ljubljana. The viewer enters a dark atmosphere, dictated by dramatic vocal-electronic music, threatening anthropomorphic and wax zoomorphic figures and the movement of the camera. When the author establishes the landscape, she inserts two wrestlers and a drowning woman into it, additionally increasing the suspense. As the dramaturgy reaches its peak, the set scene f...
Production: Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1996
Video Taiga is made after eponymous performance carried out at the international festival of contemporary arts City of women in October 1995 in Ljubljana. The viewer enters a dark atmosphere, dictated by dramatic vocal-electronic music, threatening anthropomorphic and wax zoomorphic figures and the movement of the camera. When the author establishes the landscape, she inserts two wrestlers and a drowning woman into it, additionally increasing the suspense. As the dramaturgy reaches its peak, the set scene f...
Borut Savski - Bowlfuls of Sound (00:03:34)
Production: 2008
Two sperical bowls (from the Dancers series) have simple motorics and a bit more complex sensorics. They are susceptible to the sound they hear, but they also coproduce the sound (compressed microphony). This is why the bowls are full of sound. They can see each other (infrared sensor) and then they change direction. This should allow for the bowls to slowly zigzag closer to each other, which doesn’t really interests us anymore, but for the bowls this may be defined as a motive (with humans it could b...
Production: 2008
Two sperical bowls (from the Dancers series) have simple motorics and a bit more complex sensorics. They are susceptible to the sound they hear, but they also coproduce the sound (compressed microphony). This is why the bowls are full of sound. They can see each other (infrared sensor) and then they change direction. This should allow for the bowls to slowly zigzag closer to each other, which doesn’t really interests us anymore, but for the bowls this may be defined as a motive (with humans it could b...
Neven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - Icht (00:24:25)
Production: RTV Slovenija, 1993
The dance performance by a man and a woman presents a story of timeless attraction and rejection. Despite of our desire for closeness, the curse of the greatest love for ourselves is omnipresent; sometimes the dancers come together, and then again they challenge and fight with each other yet they never get together. The theme of the stage choreography is partly transferred onto the street. (Source: Videodokument)
Production: RTV Slovenija, 1993
The dance performance by a man and a woman presents a story of timeless attraction and rejection. Despite of our desire for closeness, the curse of the greatest love for ourselves is omnipresent; sometimes the dancers come together, and then again they challenge and fight with each other yet they never get together. The theme of the stage choreography is partly transferred onto the street. (Source: Videodokument)
Boštjan Kavčič - Ples / Dance (0:03:44)
Production: 2001
A close up of feet dancing peculiarly to electronic music from Jean Michel Jarre's album Zoolook. Two different dichromatic filters are used and are altering one another. Playing with the medium, artist creates a stylized and abstract video using completely intimate and unimportant motif.
Production: 2001
A close up of feet dancing peculiarly to electronic music from Jean Michel Jarre's album Zoolook. Two different dichromatic filters are used and are altering one another. Playing with the medium, artist creates a stylized and abstract video using completely intimate and unimportant motif.
Ana Čigon - Brezčasje / Timelessness (0:04:03)
Subtitle: (poklon gozdu) / (compliment to the forest)
Production: Plesni studio Intakt, 2008
Dance video presents a dance show in a completely authorial way adding segments to the mere documentation. Author uses detailed shots from the woods and nature in general. We see a combination of long static shots and hand held camera manipulated with different editing effects. Costume design: Mateja Benedetti; Lights: Jaka Šimec; Visual design: Ana Čigon, Nataša Tovirac; Choreography: Nataša Tovirac; Dancers: Maša Kagao Knez, Teja Reba, Nataša Tovirac.
Subtitle: (poklon gozdu) / (compliment to the forest)
Production: Plesni studio Intakt, 2008
Dance video presents a dance show in a completely authorial way adding segments to the mere documentation. Author uses detailed shots from the woods and nature in general. We see a combination of long static shots and hand held camera manipulated with different editing effects. Costume design: Mateja Benedetti; Lights: Jaka Šimec; Visual design: Ana Čigon, Nataša Tovirac; Choreography: Nataša Tovirac; Dancers: Maša Kagao Knez, Teja Reba, Nataša Tovirac.
Maja Slavec - Revaluation (00:42:19)
Production: Partizanka, 2008
Video polje je reducirano na krog. Reducirano zato ker je še vedno prisotna črna površina, ki tvori razliko do pravokotnika. Krožna oblika in snemanje s ptičje persepktive ustvarjajo klaustrofobično vzdušje in akterjem ukradejo volumen. Volumen tako beremo bolj preko senc, kot preko perspektive. Subjekti prihajajo in odhajajo iz krožnega polja, plesalcu pa je krog tudi celotno polje delovanja. Avtorica se sprašuje o stopnji avtonomije, ki jo ima posameznik v družbi.
Production: Partizanka, 2008
Video polje je reducirano na krog. Reducirano zato ker je še vedno prisotna črna površina, ki tvori razliko do pravokotnika. Krožna oblika in snemanje s ptičje persepktive ustvarjajo klaustrofobično vzdušje in akterjem ukradejo volumen. Volumen tako beremo bolj preko senc, kot preko perspektive. Subjekti prihajajo in odhajajo iz krožnega polja, plesalcu pa je krog tudi celotno polje delovanja. Avtorica se sprašuje o stopnji avtonomije, ki jo ima posameznik v družbi.
Maja Smrekar - Repeating Coincidence (00:03:42)
Production: Smrekar, Maja, 2009
The main character in the video is a dance performer situated in media environment with splashing saturated colours, like a woman enclosed by the media wall. The speed and braking of the image represents the dancer’s nervous movements in the space that create an emotional tension. The sound composed by Borut Savski intensifies the fragmented and nervous motions and determines visual coordinates. The entire sound and visual imagery is saturated, repetitive and fragmented, composed by numerous cut frames. Th...
Production: Smrekar, Maja, 2009
The main character in the video is a dance performer situated in media environment with splashing saturated colours, like a woman enclosed by the media wall. The speed and braking of the image represents the dancer’s nervous movements in the space that create an emotional tension. The sound composed by Borut Savski intensifies the fragmented and nervous motions and determines visual coordinates. The entire sound and visual imagery is saturated, repetitive and fragmented, composed by numerous cut frames. Th...
Polonca Lovšin - Sama za božič / On My Own for Christmas (0:01.09)
Production: Lovšin, Polonca, 2006
Video je zgolj prikazni del širše zastavljenega projekta z naslovom 'Dynamo Christmas Tree', ki predstavlja napravo za samostojno napajanje okrasnih luči na božičnem dreveščku; avtorica luči prižiga in ugaša ob pomoči dinama, ki ga drži rokah. Video delo 'On My Own on Christmas' prikazuje avtorico, kako pleše v gozdu poleg majhnega božičnega dreveščka in prepeva pesem 'Last Christmas' skupine Wham in vzpostavlja neposredno asociacijo na ta glasbeni video...
Production: Lovšin, Polonca, 2006
Video je zgolj prikazni del širše zastavljenega projekta z naslovom 'Dynamo Christmas Tree', ki predstavlja napravo za samostojno napajanje okrasnih luči na božičnem dreveščku; avtorica luči prižiga in ugaša ob pomoči dinama, ki ga drži rokah. Video delo 'On My Own on Christmas' prikazuje avtorico, kako pleše v gozdu poleg majhnega božičnega dreveščka in prepeva pesem 'Last Christmas' skupine Wham in vzpostavlja neposredno asociacijo na ta glasbeni video...
Zoran Srdić Janežič - The Ballet Teacher (00:07:56)
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnisti in kulture Gulag, 2010
The Balet Teacher prikazuje seanso baletnega pouka v lutkarski izvedbi. Atmosfera je zelo dramatična, mogoče nekoliko nenavadna za takšno klišejsko temo. A ravno to povzroča napetost skozi cel video. Slika je skoraj popolnoma črno-bela in estetika videa mogoče nekolio spominja na nemške filme iz dvajsetih let. Ura baleta se konča neuspešno. Brez besed, samo s telesnim dialogom, je avtorju uspelo ustvariti močan karakter pri profesorju baleta. Moška dominacija je v filmu zelo izražena in že v...
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnisti in kulture Gulag, 2010
The Balet Teacher prikazuje seanso baletnega pouka v lutkarski izvedbi. Atmosfera je zelo dramatična, mogoče nekoliko nenavadna za takšno klišejsko temo. A ravno to povzroča napetost skozi cel video. Slika je skoraj popolnoma črno-bela in estetika videa mogoče nekolio spominja na nemške filme iz dvajsetih let. Ura baleta se konča neuspešno. Brez besed, samo s telesnim dialogom, je avtorju uspelo ustvariti močan karakter pri profesorju baleta. Moška dominacija je v filmu zelo izražena in že v...