Rok Sieberer Kuri - Prispevek TV Pika (00:02:30)
Production: TV Pika, 2001
Intervju Roka Siebererja Kurija za Pika TV, kjer avtor spregovori o prihajajoči razstavi in na splošno o svojem delu.
DIVA interview
38 results in works
Zemira Alajbegović, Boštjan Jurečič - Rok Sieberer - Kuri (00:05:51)
Subtitle: Prispevek TV Slovenija
Production: TV Slovenija, 1996
Informative TV emission about an exhibition and the work of Rok Sieberer Kuri.
Subtitle: Prispevek TV Slovenija
Production: TV Slovenija, 1996
Informative TV emission about an exhibition and the work of Rok Sieberer Kuri.
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Med štirimi stenami (00:32:35)
Production: ZANK, VPK & TV Slovenija (izobraževalni program), 1999
V dokumentarcu Med štirimi stenami svoje zgodbe pripovedujejo ženske, ki so pobegnile pred nasiljem v lastnih družinah in poiskale pomoč v zatočišču. Spregovorijo o letih zlorabe, nasilja, posilstev in osamljenosti. Zgodovinarji in antropologi pa spregovorijo o širših razsežnostih nasilja. Film vsebuje tudi posnetke iz zatočišča za ženske in otroke - žrtve nasilja iz centrov za socialno delo in skupine za nenasilno komunikacijo, v kateri moški spreminjajo...
Production: ZANK, VPK & TV Slovenija (izobraževalni program), 1999
V dokumentarcu Med štirimi stenami svoje zgodbe pripovedujejo ženske, ki so pobegnile pred nasiljem v lastnih družinah in poiskale pomoč v zatočišču. Spregovorijo o letih zlorabe, nasilja, posilstev in osamljenosti. Zgodovinarji in antropologi pa spregovorijo o širših razsežnostih nasilja. Film vsebuje tudi posnetke iz zatočišča za ženske in otroke - žrtve nasilja iz centrov za socialno delo in skupine za nenasilno komunikacijo, v kateri moški spreminjajo...
Zemira Alajbegović - Marko Peljhan's Invisible Territory (00:49:12)
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2007
Marko Peljhan's Invisible Territory is a documentary on multi media-artist Marko Peljhan and his project Makrolab, a mobile artistic and scientific laboratory that travels around the world. It was based in Scotland, Australia, Slovenia, USA. Now preparations are being made to move it to the Arctic and Antarctic. In Makrolab jointly work artists from all over the world, they analyze signals and the environment, their mission is to create new, critical art.
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2007
Marko Peljhan's Invisible Territory is a documentary on multi media-artist Marko Peljhan and his project Makrolab, a mobile artistic and scientific laboratory that travels around the world. It was based in Scotland, Australia, Slovenia, USA. Now preparations are being made to move it to the Arctic and Antarctic. In Makrolab jointly work artists from all over the world, they analyze signals and the environment, their mission is to create new, critical art.
Martina Bastarda - Umetniški projekt (01:30:00)
Subtitle: Serija osmih video intervjujev s sodobnimi slovenskimi vizualnimi ustvarjalci
Production: 2006
Video work presents eight contemporary Slovene visual artists. Each of the fifteen minutes long interviews deals with each of the individuals as a unique personality and all eight of them together with their position in a broader social context. Overall the project contains intertwinement of views on the social and cultural scene in Slovenia in the beginning of the 21th century and on the personal experience of individual artists.
Subtitle: Serija osmih video intervjujev s sodobnimi slovenskimi vizualnimi ustvarjalci
Production: 2006
Video work presents eight contemporary Slovene visual artists. Each of the fifteen minutes long interviews deals with each of the individuals as a unique personality and all eight of them together with their position in a broader social context. Overall the project contains intertwinement of views on the social and cultural scene in Slovenia in the beginning of the 21th century and on the personal experience of individual artists.
Ana Čigon, Brina Torkar - Ulikses / Ulysses (0:24:00)
Production: Ana Čigon, Brina Torkar, 2005
Ulysses is a visual documentary, a video film about Dublin, where the authors went for a student exchange. The video paints different sides of this city and Ireland. It is composed from different parts each dealing with different aspects of Dublin following the chapters of Lonely planet tour guides. The whole of this alternative, personal guide consists of shorts scenes, following each other in different intervals and building a visual story.
Production: Ana Čigon, Brina Torkar, 2005
Ulysses is a visual documentary, a video film about Dublin, where the authors went for a student exchange. The video paints different sides of this city and Ireland. It is composed from different parts each dealing with different aspects of Dublin following the chapters of Lonely planet tour guides. The whole of this alternative, personal guide consists of shorts scenes, following each other in different intervals and building a visual story.
Nika Grabar - Pleasure in Discipline
Subtitle: Interview with Neven Korda on video Borghesia: Discipline
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2011
Interview with Neven Korda concerning video Discipline. [Iz: From Consideration to Commitment: Art in Critical Confrontation to Society, on-line publication, Belgrade, Ljubljana, Skopje, Zagreb: 1990-2010; Publishers: in cooperation with ForumSkopje; Kurziv - Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society; SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts - Ljubljana / Artservis; The Association of NGOs Clubture]
Subtitle: Interview with Neven Korda on video Borghesia: Discipline
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2011
Interview with Neven Korda concerning video Discipline. [Iz: From Consideration to Commitment: Art in Critical Confrontation to Society, on-line publication, Belgrade, Ljubljana, Skopje, Zagreb: 1990-2010; Publishers: in cooperation with ForumSkopje; Kurziv - Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society; SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts - Ljubljana / Artservis; The Association of NGOs Clubture]
Tomaž Furlan - Wear VIII (00:04:39)
Subtitle: Video esej / Video Essay
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2010
Video is a part of a series of studio performances Wear compounded of eight works. The artist becomes a cyborg - a man sculpture. He is wearing massive concrete sculptural elements, which make his movements stiff and difficult. With clumsy performance of everyday household chores he humorously deals with the paradox of a life routine with machines, which are supposed to make our life easier and which mentally and ideologically determine the freedom of movement and thinking. Video works were made between 2004...
Subtitle: Video esej / Video Essay
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2010
Video is a part of a series of studio performances Wear compounded of eight works. The artist becomes a cyborg - a man sculpture. He is wearing massive concrete sculptural elements, which make his movements stiff and difficult. With clumsy performance of everyday household chores he humorously deals with the paradox of a life routine with machines, which are supposed to make our life easier and which mentally and ideologically determine the freedom of movement and thinking. Video works were made between 2004...
Amir Muratović - Zapeljevanje pogleda (3)
Subtitle: 3.sezona: Bogdan Borčić / Mojca Zlokarnik, Mirsad Begić / Jakov Brdar, Joni Zakonjšek / Mitja Ficko, Alen Ožbolt / Arjan Pregl
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2007-2011
Niz dokumentarnih oddaj o slovenski sodobni umetnosti Zapeljevanje pogleda nastaja v Izobraževalnem programu Televizije Slovenija od leta 2007. Serijo sestavljajo oddaje, v katerih se predstavljata po dva umetnika, ki nam skozi svoja dela in projekte predstavljata lasten pogled na umetnost. Zapeljevanje pogleda ni zvrstno in žanrsko omejena serija in se še zmerom dograjuje.
Subtitle: 3.sezona: Bogdan Borčić / Mojca Zlokarnik, Mirsad Begić / Jakov Brdar, Joni Zakonjšek / Mitja Ficko, Alen Ožbolt / Arjan Pregl
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2007-2011
Niz dokumentarnih oddaj o slovenski sodobni umetnosti Zapeljevanje pogleda nastaja v Izobraževalnem programu Televizije Slovenija od leta 2007. Serijo sestavljajo oddaje, v katerih se predstavljata po dva umetnika, ki nam skozi svoja dela in projekte predstavljata lasten pogled na umetnost. Zapeljevanje pogleda ni zvrstno in žanrsko omejena serija in se še zmerom dograjuje.
Andreja Džakušič - Survival Tactics (00:42:40)
Production: 2011
Umetnice in umetniki spregovorijo o načinih preživetja, svojem težkem ekonomskem položaju in produkcijskih pogojih na področju sodobne vizualne umetnosti. Avtorica ohrani anonimnost sodelujočih s postavitvijo kamere na tla prostora, v katerem poteka pogovor. Video je bil predvajan na bienalni razstavi Jaz, tukaj, zdaj: pogled na likovno umetnost Slovenije 6 leta 2011.
Production: 2011
Umetnice in umetniki spregovorijo o načinih preživetja, svojem težkem ekonomskem položaju in produkcijskih pogojih na področju sodobne vizualne umetnosti. Avtorica ohrani anonimnost sodelujočih s postavitvijo kamere na tla prostora, v katerem poteka pogovor. Video je bil predvajan na bienalni razstavi Jaz, tukaj, zdaj: pogled na likovno umetnost Slovenije 6 leta 2011.