Amir Muratović - Zapeljevanje pogleda (4)
Subtitle: 4.sezona: Emerik Bernard / Sergej Kapus, Herman Gvardjančič / Žarko Vrezec, Zmago Jeraj / Andrej Brumen Čop, Nika Špan / Petra Varl.
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2007-2012
Niz dokumentarnih oddaj o slovenski sodobni umetnosti Zapeljevanje pogleda nastaja v Izobraževalnem programu Televizije Slovenija od leta 2007. Serijo sestavljajo oddaje, v katerih se predstavljata po dva umetnika, ki nam skozi svoja dela in projekte predstavljata lasten pogled na umetnost. Zapeljevanje pogleda ni zvrstno in žanrsko omejena serija in se še zmerom dograjuje.
4.sezona: Emerik Bernard / Sergej Kapus, Herman Gvardjančič / Žarko Vrezec, Zmago Jeraj / Andrej Brumen Čop, Nika Špan / Pet...
DIVA artist
27 results in works
Andreja Džakušič - Survival Tactics (00:42:40)
Production: 2011
Umetnice in umetniki spregovorijo o načinih preživetja, svojem težkem ekonomskem položaju in produkcijskih pogojih na področju sodobne vizualne umetnosti. Avtorica ohrani anonimnost sodelujočih s postavitvijo kamere na tla prostora, v katerem poteka pogovor. Video je bil predvajan na bienalni razstavi Jaz, tukaj, zdaj: pogled na likovno umetnost Slovenije 6 leta 2011.
Production: 2011
Umetnice in umetniki spregovorijo o načinih preživetja, svojem težkem ekonomskem položaju in produkcijskih pogojih na področju sodobne vizualne umetnosti. Avtorica ohrani anonimnost sodelujočih s postavitvijo kamere na tla prostora, v katerem poteka pogovor. Video je bil predvajan na bienalni razstavi Jaz, tukaj, zdaj: pogled na likovno umetnost Slovenije 6 leta 2011.
Grabar, Nika; Colner, Miha - Same Place - Different Time
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2011
Through our conversations with the protagonists of the art scene in Ljubljana, who belong to different generations and expressive currents, we wanted to confront views and memories while considering the tectonic shifts in the fine art field in the last thirty years that accompanied the social transformation in this region.[From: From Consideration to Commitment: Art in Critical Confrontation to Society, on-line publication, Belgrade, Ljubljana, Skopje, Zagreb: 1990-2...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2011
Through our conversations with the protagonists of the art scene in Ljubljana, who belong to different generations and expressive currents, we wanted to confront views and memories while considering the tectonic shifts in the fine art field in the last thirty years that accompanied the social transformation in this region.[From: From Consideration to Commitment: Art in Critical Confrontation to Society, on-line publication, Belgrade, Ljubljana, Skopje, Zagreb: 1990-2...
Valérie Wolf Gang - Artist Sleeping on The Street (trailer) (03:00:00 (00:01:06))
Production: Co-production: Famul VideoLab, 2013
"Artist Sleeping on The Street" is a one channel video installation. LCD screen was put on the street of Belgium city Arlon and left there for couple of hours: the real time of the video in which the artist is sleeping. The goal of the video installation was to test the public for two things: firstly if they can notice a small detail on the street and secondly if they would stop and look at the artist sleeping or if they would turn their back on it. The result of the first test was expected but al...
Production: Co-production: Famul VideoLab, 2013
"Artist Sleeping on The Street" is a one channel video installation. LCD screen was put on the street of Belgium city Arlon and left there for couple of hours: the real time of the video in which the artist is sleeping. The goal of the video installation was to test the public for two things: firstly if they can notice a small detail on the street and secondly if they would stop and look at the artist sleeping or if they would turn their back on it. The result of the first test was expected but al...
Barbara Borčić - From art in the urban context to fictional distopia (00:01:20)
Subtitle: Projected Visions
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Apollonia, 2018
Projected Visions. From art in the urban context to fictional distopia (in frame of the project Selection from SCCA-Ljubljana video archive DIVA Station Curator: Barbara Borčić Espace Apollonia / Apollonia, échanges artistiques européens,Strasbourg 27 January–25 February 2018 The exhibition consists of eighteen video works and one film, bound to the theme of urban and public space in their everyday dimension but also in its utopian and dystopic aspects. Participating artis...
Subtitle: Projected Visions
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Apollonia, 2018
Projected Visions. From art in the urban context to fictional distopia (in frame of the project Selection from SCCA-Ljubljana video archive DIVA Station Curator: Barbara Borčić Espace Apollonia / Apollonia, échanges artistiques européens,Strasbourg 27 January–25 February 2018 The exhibition consists of eighteen video works and one film, bound to the theme of urban and public space in their everyday dimension but also in its utopian and dystopic aspects. Participating artis...
KOLEKTIVA, Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar, Metka Zupanič - Visions (00:25:33)
Production: Kunsthaus Graz, 2006
The video is part of a project prepared by the authors for the group exhibition "Narratives, -35 / + 65: Two Generations" in Kunsthaus Graz, in 2006. They published an open call for a short story about the artwork prepared by the three authors for the exhibition at Kunsthaus Graz. The winning three stories from the competition were read by a professional actor and we hear them in the video. All the stories from the open call were published in a trilingual booklet that was included in the exhibitio...
Production: Kunsthaus Graz, 2006
The video is part of a project prepared by the authors for the group exhibition "Narratives, -35 / + 65: Two Generations" in Kunsthaus Graz, in 2006. They published an open call for a short story about the artwork prepared by the three authors for the exhibition at Kunsthaus Graz. The winning three stories from the competition were read by a professional actor and we hear them in the video. All the stories from the open call were published in a trilingual booklet that was included in the exhibitio...
Đejmi Hadrović - All About the Veil (00:01:57)
Production: Đ.H., 2016
Art students were asked questions while their body language was observed. Main purpose of the idea was to flm an experimental interview about the object called veil. They had to wear it in order to explain how it feels like. My personal aim of this art project was to deconstruct the semantics of veil itself and give it a new meaning. I have chosen art students because they are a specifc social group, which is well known for “looking outside of the box”. It turned out, that no matt...
Production: Đ.H., 2016
Art students were asked questions while their body language was observed. Main purpose of the idea was to flm an experimental interview about the object called veil. They had to wear it in order to explain how it feels like. My personal aim of this art project was to deconstruct the semantics of veil itself and give it a new meaning. I have chosen art students because they are a specifc social group, which is well known for “looking outside of the box”. It turned out, that no matt...
Đejmi Hadrović - Silent Observer (00:09:12)
Production: KulturKontakt Austria, 2017
Video performance acts as a monologue confession of a woman in her early thirties and the obstacles she is dealing with. Content deals with issues such as gender, identity, migration, and ethnicity. Autobiographical thoughts are exposed to the audience through the audio recording only, while the performer in the video is only partially visible. It gives a notion of a classical portrayal, with the mind being the main source of happening. The artist is addressing the audience the with world’s...
Production: KulturKontakt Austria, 2017
Video performance acts as a monologue confession of a woman in her early thirties and the obstacles she is dealing with. Content deals with issues such as gender, identity, migration, and ethnicity. Autobiographical thoughts are exposed to the audience through the audio recording only, while the performer in the video is only partially visible. It gives a notion of a classical portrayal, with the mind being the main source of happening. The artist is addressing the audience the with world’s...
Matevž Jerman - Time (13:21)
Production: Temporama, 2016
There is life. There is a human being. There is a person. Striking on and on until you forget. As long as you remember.A dark encounter with roomfuls of memories, dreams, holidays, and artworks.This mini cinematic opera by Simon Penšek is dedicated to Matevž Čas. (Source: Temporama)
Production: Temporama, 2016
There is life. There is a human being. There is a person. Striking on and on until you forget. As long as you remember.A dark encounter with roomfuls of memories, dreams, holidays, and artworks.This mini cinematic opera by Simon Penšek is dedicated to Matevž Čas. (Source: Temporama)
Nika Grabar - Kot razpada spomin
Subtitle: Intervju: Miha Vipotnik o videu Path of Crasy Wisdom
Production: KINO!, 2020
Delovanje Mihe Vipotnika običajno povezujemo z video umetnostjo. Njegov prispevek je v tem kontekstu nedvomno pomemben. Velja za pionirja eksperimentalnega videa pri nas. A ko govorimo o njegovih intervencijah, je pomembno govoriti o izkušnji, ki jo z deli ustvarja, o specifični čutni formi, ki jo vedno znova konstruira skozi raziskovanje časa. Nenazadnje je bil tudi Path of Crazy Wisdom zamišljen kot video, ki žarči iz televizijskega ekrana. In ta televizijski objekt smo, kot pove Vipot...
Subtitle: Intervju: Miha Vipotnik o videu Path of Crasy Wisdom
Production: KINO!, 2020
Delovanje Mihe Vipotnika običajno povezujemo z video umetnostjo. Njegov prispevek je v tem kontekstu nedvomno pomemben. Velja za pionirja eksperimentalnega videa pri nas. A ko govorimo o njegovih intervencijah, je pomembno govoriti o izkušnji, ki jo z deli ustvarja, o specifični čutni formi, ki jo vedno znova konstruira skozi raziskovanje časa. Nenazadnje je bil tudi Path of Crazy Wisdom zamišljen kot video, ki žarči iz televizijskega ekrana. In ta televizijski objekt smo, kot pove Vipot...