Damijan Kracina - Žeblji / Nails (00:06:34)
Production: Akademija za likovno umetnost, Ljubljana, 1995
The black-and-white footage of a performance shot from a static camera dates to the time when the artist was studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana. The performer looks at sculpted busts, and hammers nails into them, seeking a way to examine the traditional sculptural format without employing a process of construction or deconstruction. The work is also humorous, as if the artist were trying to say that the sculpture is ‘hammered’ in the head.
DIVA Works
1193 results in works
Darij Kreuh - Mine Mind Do you Mind (00:03:18)
Subtitle: Imena skulptur: Treadmill, Push it, Cabine
Production: 1993
Posnetek serije skulptur, ki delujejo kot nihala. Gre za interaktivno delo predmeta s predmeti in za dokumentarne posnetke iz razstave, v katere montaža minimalno poseže. Kamera posega v različne kote eksponatov, zato da jih lažje - razločneje vidimo.
Subtitle: Imena skulptur: Treadmill, Push it, Cabine
Production: 1993
Posnetek serije skulptur, ki delujejo kot nihala. Gre za interaktivno delo predmeta s predmeti in za dokumentarne posnetke iz razstave, v katere montaža minimalno poseže. Kamera posega v različne kote eksponatov, zato da jih lažje - razločneje vidimo.
Srečo Dragan, Ana Nuša Dragan - Grand Finale (00:12:05)
Production: RTV Beograd in Studentski kulturni centar Beograd, 1983
Here the discussion of video art is figured visually as well. A woman brings a videocassette to a man, and he inserts it into a video machine. The cassette features critics discussing in a variety of languages. The work aims to represent the subject of new art in an apparently documentary way, while its fragments play on fictitious stereotypes, thus imparting an ironic aspect: the woman is dressed as a gangster, she stabs the man, and a red and blue stain appears on his shirt. (source: Videodokument)
Production: RTV Beograd in Studentski kulturni centar Beograd, 1983
Here the discussion of video art is figured visually as well. A woman brings a videocassette to a man, and he inserts it into a video machine. The cassette features critics discussing in a variety of languages. The work aims to represent the subject of new art in an apparently documentary way, while its fragments play on fictitious stereotypes, thus imparting an ironic aspect: the woman is dressed as a gangster, she stabs the man, and a red and blue stain appears on his shirt. (source: Videodokument)
Saša Spačal - Liminoid (00:08:08)
Production: Saša Spačal, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova - MSUM+, 2016
The video conceptually reflects on Liminoid, an artwork by Saša Spačal and Matic Potočnik.
Production: Saša Spačal, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova - MSUM+, 2016
The video conceptually reflects on Liminoid, an artwork by Saša Spačal and Matic Potočnik.
Saša Spačal - Mycophone_unison (00:14:27)
Production: Saša Spačal, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova - MSUM+, 2016
The video conceptually reflects on the work Mycophone_unison by Saša Spačal, Mirjan Švagelj and Anil Podgornik.
Production: Saša Spačal, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova - MSUM+, 2016
The video conceptually reflects on the work Mycophone_unison by Saša Spačal, Mirjan Švagelj and Anil Podgornik.
Marko A. Kovačič - Song of Flesh and Image Was Made Body (00:15:56)
Production: ŠKUC - Forum / koprodukcija Marijan Osole - Max, 1985
The story of the narrative is based on the genre of crime fiction. The images are filled with citations from the history of art and cinema (Man Ray, Sergei Eisenstein) and are further stratified and multiplied. The dynamics of the image fraught with typical cinematic suspense is matched with the music full of suspense (Bernard Herrmann). (Source: DIVA)
Production: ŠKUC - Forum / koprodukcija Marijan Osole - Max, 1985
The story of the narrative is based on the genre of crime fiction. The images are filled with citations from the history of art and cinema (Man Ray, Sergei Eisenstein) and are further stratified and multiplied. The dynamics of the image fraught with typical cinematic suspense is matched with the music full of suspense (Bernard Herrmann). (Source: DIVA)
Miha Vipotnik - Space 2 (01:53)
Production: Max-Max (Brut), 1986
In his video work the author gives an ironic statement about the state of home video production of that time and its integration in television programme (recorded for Petak u 22. TV Belgrade show in 1984). In the beginning the artist is sitting in a studio in a manner of TV broadcast presenters. His statement continues in an off over a montage of segments of one of his older video works Space shot in black and white. The montage is edited with added chroma key. Video was shown as part of Avtovizija (1986),...
Production: Max-Max (Brut), 1986
In his video work the author gives an ironic statement about the state of home video production of that time and its integration in television programme (recorded for Petak u 22. TV Belgrade show in 1984). In the beginning the artist is sitting in a studio in a manner of TV broadcast presenters. His statement continues in an off over a montage of segments of one of his older video works Space shot in black and white. The montage is edited with added chroma key. Video was shown as part of Avtovizija (1986),...
Polonca Lovšin - Always Better (00:01:27)
Subtitle: Street
Production: 2002
The video thematises footage from the artist's childhood: together with her sister, she demonstrated gymnastic exercises for the camera in the back garden of their family home. The sisters repeated the same routine, in the same place, in the present.
Subtitle: Street
Production: 2002
The video thematises footage from the artist's childhood: together with her sister, she demonstrated gymnastic exercises for the camera in the back garden of their family home. The sisters repeated the same routine, in the same place, in the present.
Vuk Ćosić - Deep ASCII (01:00:05)
Production: 1998
The ASCII conversion of the famous porno film Deep Throat.The author reduces volume of the image to a combination of black and green with various symbols. He is interested about durability of data, but also posses a more complex question about the transfer of information. Video Deep ASCII plays with the limit where information disappears.
Production: 1998
The ASCII conversion of the famous porno film Deep Throat.The author reduces volume of the image to a combination of black and green with various symbols. He is interested about durability of data, but also posses a more complex question about the transfer of information. Video Deep ASCII plays with the limit where information disappears.
Janez Janša - Nuclear Body (00:08:51)
Production: VPK, ŠOU Galerija Kapelica, Cankarjev dom, 1999
Grassijev eksperiment z medicinsko tehnologijo, s katerim se klonira iz digitalnih podob. Nato s pridobljenimi podobami manipulira, da bi razvil življenjski ciklus za svoj klon z vsemi življenjskimi funkcijami. Nuclear Body nima le estetske vrednosti, temveč je pomemben tudi za medicino. človeško telo je že dolgo predmet umetniškega čaščenja - od klasičnega grškega kipa do Rodina, notranji ustroj človeškega telesa, ki ga proučuje renesansa ... Anatomske risbe Da Vincija pa so poleg njihove es...
Production: VPK, ŠOU Galerija Kapelica, Cankarjev dom, 1999
Grassijev eksperiment z medicinsko tehnologijo, s katerim se klonira iz digitalnih podob. Nato s pridobljenimi podobami manipulira, da bi razvil življenjski ciklus za svoj klon z vsemi življenjskimi funkcijami. Nuclear Body nima le estetske vrednosti, temveč je pomemben tudi za medicino. človeško telo je že dolgo predmet umetniškega čaščenja - od klasičnega grškega kipa do Rodina, notranji ustroj človeškega telesa, ki ga proučuje renesansa ... Anatomske risbe Da Vincija pa so poleg njihove es...