Ana Grobler - Soči (00:02:38)
Production: 2006
Video work devoted to the Soča River is composed of close up photographs of the author's face and recordings of the river. The intertwinement of both creates an impression of unusual worlds. As images of the face interlace into an image of the river, the limits between human and nature are lost. The face fades into the river flow and the limits between solid and liquid, concrete and abstract, known and unknown vanish. When there is nothing you can grasp on, new key points must be created. Video is mea...
DIVA landscape
46 results in works
Ana Nuša Dragan - Survey (14:00)
Production: TV Skopje, 1990
The creation of video poetry: a scale of sequences shaped by Rene Magritte’s painting as a lyrical excess of the real world and the Macedonian landscape and architecture with distinct ethnographic dimensions. (Source: Videodokument)
Production: TV Skopje, 1990
The creation of video poetry: a scale of sequences shaped by Rene Magritte’s painting as a lyrical excess of the real world and the Macedonian landscape and architecture with distinct ethnographic dimensions. (Source: Videodokument)
Ana Nuša Dragan (00:15.30)
Subtitle: Artistic video portrait on Sreečko Kosovel
Production: VPK - Video Produkcija Kregar, 2001
Srečko Kosovel's life cycle is like a raindrop, where poetry is at home. He encounters the poetry very early, in an environment that is his foundation for the first images and the realization of truth. His life knows two homes, two centers: light and darkness, sickness and joy, home and abroad. The video image walks through the karst, which is the origin of his poetic images. The story of the image is conceptualistic, based on the karst environment: nature, sky, clouds, vineyards, olive trees, rosemary, se...
Subtitle: Artistic video portrait on Sreečko Kosovel
Production: VPK - Video Produkcija Kregar, 2001
Srečko Kosovel's life cycle is like a raindrop, where poetry is at home. He encounters the poetry very early, in an environment that is his foundation for the first images and the realization of truth. His life knows two homes, two centers: light and darkness, sickness and joy, home and abroad. The video image walks through the karst, which is the origin of his poetic images. The story of the image is conceptualistic, based on the karst environment: nature, sky, clouds, vineyards, olive trees, rosemary, se...
Zoran Srdić Janežič - Take a walk on the wild side (00:07:30)
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnosti in kulture Gulag, 2010
Video je nastal s snemanjem zapuščenega prostora. Snemalec sprva opazuje okolje in nima interakcije s objekti. Potem pa se v bistvu video pretvori v animacijo, kjer razmetani objekti dobijo neki svoj ritem in novo življenje. Gledalec ima občutek, kot da se stvari same od sebe začenjajo urejati, in iz kaosa zapuščenega prostora nastajajo pravilni in včasih ponavljajoči se vzorci in ritmi.
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnosti in kulture Gulag, 2010
Video je nastal s snemanjem zapuščenega prostora. Snemalec sprva opazuje okolje in nima interakcije s objekti. Potem pa se v bistvu video pretvori v animacijo, kjer razmetani objekti dobijo neki svoj ritem in novo življenje. Gledalec ima občutek, kot da se stvari same od sebe začenjajo urejati, in iz kaosa zapuščenega prostora nastajajo pravilni in včasih ponavljajoči se vzorci in ritmi.
Amir Muratović - With the Wind (00:01:10)
Production: Amir Muratović, 2008
The video is recorded in one frame and the dynamics of the shot is obtained by gradually expanding the viewing angle. The movement of vegetation demonstrates the power of the wind. Subtle changes in light and shadow create a dynamic composition. The viewer gets the feeling of being part of a modern version of a romantic landscape. Everything that is painterly in romantic pictures now gets a romantic cinematic image. (Source: DIVA Station)
Production: Amir Muratović, 2008
The video is recorded in one frame and the dynamics of the shot is obtained by gradually expanding the viewing angle. The movement of vegetation demonstrates the power of the wind. Subtle changes in light and shadow create a dynamic composition. The viewer gets the feeling of being part of a modern version of a romantic landscape. Everything that is painterly in romantic pictures now gets a romantic cinematic image. (Source: DIVA Station)
Grega Mastnak - Euphoria (00:03:00 (00:01:00))
Subtitle: (one minute excerpt)
Production: Casablanca - Ljubljana; TV Slovenija, 2000
Animated travelogue. We follow two passengers on the train. One is an elderly, quite abundant sleeping man, and the other a younger man who is in an ecstatic mood. The animation is characterized by a rough drawing, mostly two- or three-colored. The author emphasized the euphoric mood by changing perspectives and by exposing details.
Subtitle: (one minute excerpt)
Production: Casablanca - Ljubljana; TV Slovenija, 2000
Animated travelogue. We follow two passengers on the train. One is an elderly, quite abundant sleeping man, and the other a younger man who is in an ecstatic mood. The animation is characterized by a rough drawing, mostly two- or three-colored. The author emphasized the euphoric mood by changing perspectives and by exposing details.
Katjuša Kovačič - Njavke: Crossed-Eyed Gazes (00:14:53)
Production: 2015
Njavka je v slovanski mitologiji gozdno bitje ženskega spola. Predstavlja dušo deklice, ki je umrla nenaravne smrti. Njavke navadno živijo v skupinah globoko v gozdu ali v jamah, visoko v gorah. Dve njavki (performerki v animaličnem kostumu, ki posnema živalsko kožo, in v gibanju, ki je mešanica živalskega in človeškega) spremljamo v njunem naravnem, domačem okolju. Sledimo njunemu raziskovanju gozda: dotikamo se mahu na skalah, splazimo se v votlo drevesno deblo, ki je njun dom, oglašamo se...
Production: 2015
Njavka je v slovanski mitologiji gozdno bitje ženskega spola. Predstavlja dušo deklice, ki je umrla nenaravne smrti. Njavke navadno živijo v skupinah globoko v gozdu ali v jamah, visoko v gorah. Dve njavki (performerki v animaličnem kostumu, ki posnema živalsko kožo, in v gibanju, ki je mešanica živalskega in človeškega) spremljamo v njunem naravnem, domačem okolju. Sledimo njunemu raziskovanju gozda: dotikamo se mahu na skalah, splazimo se v votlo drevesno deblo, ki je njun dom, oglašamo se...
Valérie Wolf Gang - The Luxembourg Monster (00:10:05)
Production: 2013
"The Luxembourg monster" is a video installation which combines different artistic techniques (graffiti, video, sound). It is also an art piece which plays with the perception of the public: What is the actual monster in the installation? Artists Valerie Wolf Gang researches new surroundings and culture in Luxembourg and questions locals about the personal and economic problems they face in their country. As a representative democracy with a constitutional monarch, Luxembourg is headed by...
Production: 2013
"The Luxembourg monster" is a video installation which combines different artistic techniques (graffiti, video, sound). It is also an art piece which plays with the perception of the public: What is the actual monster in the installation? Artists Valerie Wolf Gang researches new surroundings and culture in Luxembourg and questions locals about the personal and economic problems they face in their country. As a representative democracy with a constitutional monarch, Luxembourg is headed by...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Nightmares of the New World (00:07:31)
Subtitle: Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers, Alternative Facts in Nucleus Brass
Production: 2017
Series of three single-channel videos - Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers / Alternative Facts, Nucleus Brass. The work of the video artist and filmmaker Nataša Prosenc Stearns is never directly illustrative, but her new series Nightmares of the New World is clearly a reaction to the bleak socio-political climate. The first three videos of the series: Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers / Alternative Facts and Nucleus Brass, address the uncertainty of our physicality from an embryo to a robot, the rising...
Subtitle: Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers, Alternative Facts in Nucleus Brass
Production: 2017
Series of three single-channel videos - Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers / Alternative Facts, Nucleus Brass. The work of the video artist and filmmaker Nataša Prosenc Stearns is never directly illustrative, but her new series Nightmares of the New World is clearly a reaction to the bleak socio-political climate. The first three videos of the series: Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers / Alternative Facts and Nucleus Brass, address the uncertainty of our physicality from an embryo to a robot, the rising...
Nika Oblak & Primož Novak - 900 m3 Sand (00:10:21)
Production: Universitätskulturzentrum UNIKUM, Klagenfurt in cooperation with section.a, Vienna, 2014
'900 m3 Sand' is a video installation created as a response to the specific site, a 1st world war cavern on mount Sabotin near Nova Gorica, Slovenia. The volume corresponds to the volume of the cavern dug out by soldiers mostly by hand in the course of 2 years. On Nika Oblak & Primož Novak's request a digger in a quarry composed a 900 m3 large pile of sand in a day. The action alludes to the absurd amount of the labor invested in constructing a battlefield and the pointlessness of warfare. (S...
Production: Universitätskulturzentrum UNIKUM, Klagenfurt in cooperation with section.a, Vienna, 2014
'900 m3 Sand' is a video installation created as a response to the specific site, a 1st world war cavern on mount Sabotin near Nova Gorica, Slovenia. The volume corresponds to the volume of the cavern dug out by soldiers mostly by hand in the course of 2 years. On Nika Oblak & Primož Novak's request a digger in a quarry composed a 900 m3 large pile of sand in a day. The action alludes to the absurd amount of the labor invested in constructing a battlefield and the pointlessness of warfare. (S...