Nataša Skušek - Vrt (00:00:20)
Subtitle: Počasna verzija
Production: 2008
The artist is placed in the place of a naked female model inside an impressionistic painting by Édouard Manet Luncheon on the Grass. Video collage is author's miniature emancipatory gesture fighting against the passive representation of women.
DIVA sexuality
40 results in works
Emil Memon - Blue Movie/Schizophrenia (00:05:37)
Production: Emil Memon, 1983/95
Video "Blue Movie/Schizophrenia" is a shorter edited version of Emil Memon's silent movie "1983/Blue movie" shot in NYC in 1983, reconceptualized as a music video (music by Emil Memon and Robert Aaron). (Music video for Emil Memon's Szhizophrenia track , featuring Robert Aaron, recorded at Dubway studio, NYC, 1994.) ]"1983/Blue movie" was made on the basis of Memon's Diploma Work at the Florence Academy entitled 'History of Art and Non-Narrative Cinema'...
Production: Emil Memon, 1983/95
Video "Blue Movie/Schizophrenia" is a shorter edited version of Emil Memon's silent movie "1983/Blue movie" shot in NYC in 1983, reconceptualized as a music video (music by Emil Memon and Robert Aaron). (Music video for Emil Memon's Szhizophrenia track , featuring Robert Aaron, recorded at Dubway studio, NYC, 1994.) ]"1983/Blue movie" was made on the basis of Memon's Diploma Work at the Florence Academy entitled 'History of Art and Non-Narrative Cinema'...
Ana Nuša Dragan - Survey (14:00)
Production: TV Skopje, 1990
The creation of video poetry: a scale of sequences shaped by Rene Magritte’s painting as a lyrical excess of the real world and the Macedonian landscape and architecture with distinct ethnographic dimensions. (Source: Videodokument)
Production: TV Skopje, 1990
The creation of video poetry: a scale of sequences shaped by Rene Magritte’s painting as a lyrical excess of the real world and the Macedonian landscape and architecture with distinct ethnographic dimensions. (Source: Videodokument)
Emil Memon - 1983/Blue Movie (00:51:00)
Production: Emil Memon, Pawel Wojtasik, 1983
"1983/Blue movie" was made on the basis of Memon's Diploma Work at the Florence Academy entitled 'History of Art and Non-Narrative Cinema', with references to film makers, such as Stan Brakhage, Kenneth Anger, Andy Warhol, Maya Deren, Sergei Eisenstein and video makers as Vito Acconci and Dennis Oppenheim. He made it while working as a Fulbright scholar on his MFA at PRATT Institute, Brooklyn, NYC, where he could use their facilities and premiered it there as his thesis show was based on it. Video is an i...
Production: Emil Memon, Pawel Wojtasik, 1983
"1983/Blue movie" was made on the basis of Memon's Diploma Work at the Florence Academy entitled 'History of Art and Non-Narrative Cinema', with references to film makers, such as Stan Brakhage, Kenneth Anger, Andy Warhol, Maya Deren, Sergei Eisenstein and video makers as Vito Acconci and Dennis Oppenheim. He made it while working as a Fulbright scholar on his MFA at PRATT Institute, Brooklyn, NYC, where he could use their facilities and premiered it there as his thesis show was based on it. Video is an i...
Dejan Habicht - Rotkäppchen
Subtitle: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Pesem je elektronska knjiga, ki si jo lahko natisnemo sami. Sestavljena je iz serije barvnih in črno belih fotografij, ki prikazujejo nenavadni zabaviščni park v globokem gozdu na severu Nemčije, kjer je bil avtor na delovnem obisku. Park naj bi obiskovalca začaral v pravljico o Rdeči kapici (Rotkäppchen), ki ima v tradicijah zelo različne vsebinske in pripovedne oblike. Avtorja zanimajo morbidne variacije o težkem zorenju deklice v žensko.
Subtitle: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Pesem je elektronska knjiga, ki si jo lahko natisnemo sami. Sestavljena je iz serije barvnih in črno belih fotografij, ki prikazujejo nenavadni zabaviščni park v globokem gozdu na severu Nemčije, kjer je bil avtor na delovnem obisku. Park naj bi obiskovalca začaral v pravljico o Rdeči kapici (Rotkäppchen), ki ima v tradicijah zelo različne vsebinske in pripovedne oblike. Avtorja zanimajo morbidne variacije o težkem zorenju deklice v žensko.
Mark Požlep, (Mrevlje - Pollak) Jaša - Time to Become Poets (0:08:00)
Production: 2009
Samostojno video delo, ki je bilo izvorno prikazano kot del razstavne instalacije na gostovanju v Marseillu, kjer sta avtorja zapolnila obsežen razstavni prostor z odsluženimi gledališkimi rekviziti. Video delo, ki je bilo predvajano v posebej zgrajeni projekcijski instalaciji na skrajnem koncu razstavišča, prikazuje predvsem proces nastajanja prostorske postavitve, ko sta avtorja izvajala performativne akcije (ustvarjene zgolj za kamero). Avtorja, ki sta tudi edina nastopajoča, se asociativno poigrav...
Production: 2009
Samostojno video delo, ki je bilo izvorno prikazano kot del razstavne instalacije na gostovanju v Marseillu, kjer sta avtorja zapolnila obsežen razstavni prostor z odsluženimi gledališkimi rekviziti. Video delo, ki je bilo predvajano v posebej zgrajeni projekcijski instalaciji na skrajnem koncu razstavišča, prikazuje predvsem proces nastajanja prostorske postavitve, ko sta avtorja izvajala performativne akcije (ustvarjene zgolj za kamero). Avtorja, ki sta tudi edina nastopajoča, se asociativno poigrav...
Zoran Srdić Janežič - The Ballet Teacher (00:07:56)
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnisti in kulture Gulag, 2010
The Balet Teacher prikazuje seanso baletnega pouka v lutkarski izvedbi. Atmosfera je zelo dramatična, mogoče nekoliko nenavadna za takšno klišejsko temo. A ravno to povzroča napetost skozi cel video. Slika je skoraj popolnoma črno-bela in estetika videa mogoče nekolio spominja na nemške filme iz dvajsetih let. Ura baleta se konča neuspešno. Brez besed, samo s telesnim dialogom, je avtorju uspelo ustvariti močan karakter pri profesorju baleta. Moška dominacija je v filmu zelo izražena in že v...
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnisti in kulture Gulag, 2010
The Balet Teacher prikazuje seanso baletnega pouka v lutkarski izvedbi. Atmosfera je zelo dramatična, mogoče nekoliko nenavadna za takšno klišejsko temo. A ravno to povzroča napetost skozi cel video. Slika je skoraj popolnoma črno-bela in estetika videa mogoče nekolio spominja na nemške filme iz dvajsetih let. Ura baleta se konča neuspešno. Brez besed, samo s telesnim dialogom, je avtorju uspelo ustvariti močan karakter pri profesorju baleta. Moška dominacija je v filmu zelo izražena in že v...
Neven Korda - Mud (04:34)
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia
Production: FV Video, Brut, VS Video / Forum, E-motion film, TV Slovenija & PIAS, Ljubljana, 1989
This video is a part of "The Triumph of Desire", a compilation of Borghesia music video clips (Document, G.U.M., Poppers, Triptych Futurists, No Hope No Fear, Discipline, Mud, She, Venceremos). It continues with the iconography introduced in the "So Young" compilation of Borghesia music video clips, but this time it is formally and technically much more elaborated. Issued by the FV Editions in 1989, it was successfully distributed via alternative channels. Videos are unique collages, which blend music,...
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia
Production: FV Video, Brut, VS Video / Forum, E-motion film, TV Slovenija & PIAS, Ljubljana, 1989
This video is a part of "The Triumph of Desire", a compilation of Borghesia music video clips (Document, G.U.M., Poppers, Triptych Futurists, No Hope No Fear, Discipline, Mud, She, Venceremos). It continues with the iconography introduced in the "So Young" compilation of Borghesia music video clips, but this time it is formally and technically much more elaborated. Issued by the FV Editions in 1989, it was successfully distributed via alternative channels. Videos are unique collages, which blend music,...
Neven Korda, Dario Seraval, Zemira Alajbegović - He (00:04:40)
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih video spotov skupine Borghesia z naslovom
Production: FV Video, ŠKUC Forum, 1985
The work is a music video for a song On by Borghesia group. Underground, SM motifs, image with strong contrast and aggressive changes in the dynamics of the image are the main characteristics of the group's videos. In the video On makes an inversion of the patriarch system - the video is reigned by a woman. Man is only a banal object of desire. (DIVA) Video is a part of "So Young", a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips (So Young, The Wild Bunch, He, Too Much Tension, Cindy, A.R., ZMR), issued in...
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih video spotov skupine Borghesia z naslovom
Production: FV Video, ŠKUC Forum, 1985
The work is a music video for a song On by Borghesia group. Underground, SM motifs, image with strong contrast and aggressive changes in the dynamics of the image are the main characteristics of the group's videos. In the video On makes an inversion of the patriarch system - the video is reigned by a woman. Man is only a banal object of desire. (DIVA) Video is a part of "So Young", a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips (So Young, The Wild Bunch, He, Too Much Tension, Cindy, A.R., ZMR), issued in...
Neven Korda, Dario Seraval, Zemira Alajbegović - Cindy (00:04:00)
Subtitle: From the compilation So Young
Production: FV Video, ŠKUC Forum, 1985
Protagonists of the video Cindy are set in an apocalyptic space inside an abandoned villa. The figures are mostly static, they occupy the shot as though they have been placed there - they exist in a manner of a still life. They rare movements are always slow, conceited and consistent with the rhythm of the music. There is no dialog, interactions are solely physical. This creates a feeling of loneliness and alienation. (DIVA) Video is a part of "So Young", a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips (S...
Subtitle: From the compilation So Young
Production: FV Video, ŠKUC Forum, 1985
Protagonists of the video Cindy are set in an apocalyptic space inside an abandoned villa. The figures are mostly static, they occupy the shot as though they have been placed there - they exist in a manner of a still life. They rare movements are always slow, conceited and consistent with the rhythm of the music. There is no dialog, interactions are solely physical. This creates a feeling of loneliness and alienation. (DIVA) Video is a part of "So Young", a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips (S...