Neža Knez - Deus ex Machina (20:17)
Subtitle: Imag(in)e Ka-mi-ze
Production: N.K., 2018
Video je del projekta v nastajanju 'Deus ex Machina', ki ga Neža Knez dela v sodelovanju z vrtčevskimi otroki. Prosila jih je, naj opišejo in narišejo zanje najpomembnejše stvari in kako bo to izgledalo v prihodnosti. Iz posameznih opisov so skupaj sestavili eno podobo, ki so jo poimenovali "mašina, ki bo naredila boljši svet, mašina, ki nam bo pomagala." Na podlagi elementov, ki so jih izbrali otroci, je avtorica sestavila maketo robota. Video je dokumentacija us...
DIVA machine
12 results in works
Peter Cerovšek - Fundaments (trailer) (1:41)
Production: EnaBanda, 2018
The director of the film follows the construction of a luxury hotel through his kitchen window. Fragments of the dissolution of his relationship unintentionally sneak into the recorded material and shake the very foundations of the film. (Source: EnaBanda)
Production: EnaBanda, 2018
The director of the film follows the construction of a luxury hotel through his kitchen window. Fragments of the dissolution of his relationship unintentionally sneak into the recorded material and shake the very foundations of the film. (Source: EnaBanda)