Marko A. Kovačič, Marko Kovačič - Casus Belli (installation) (00:04:57)
Production: Marko Kovačič & MSUM, 2017
9-channel video installation (5 minutes loop) was made for the exhibition "Multimedia Practices and Venues of Production", using the older artist's video materials from his projects in Ljubljana with the same title Casus Belli (1983): performances (Galerija ŠKUC, Disko FV), video performance (1st International Biennial VIDEO CD) & Super8 film (ŠKUC Production), 1983. Installation view from Multimedia Practices and Venues of Production exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubl...
DIVA archive
29 results in works
Barbara Borčić - From art in the urban context to fictional distopia (00:01:20)
Subtitle: Projected Visions
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Apollonia, 2018
Projected Visions. From art in the urban context to fictional distopia (in frame of the project Selection from SCCA-Ljubljana video archive DIVA Station Curator: Barbara Borčić Espace Apollonia / Apollonia, échanges artistiques européens,Strasbourg 27 January–25 February 2018 The exhibition consists of eighteen video works and one film, bound to the theme of urban and public space in their everyday dimension but also in its utopian and dystopic aspects. Participating artis...
Subtitle: Projected Visions
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Apollonia, 2018
Projected Visions. From art in the urban context to fictional distopia (in frame of the project Selection from SCCA-Ljubljana video archive DIVA Station Curator: Barbara Borčić Espace Apollonia / Apollonia, échanges artistiques européens,Strasbourg 27 January–25 February 2018 The exhibition consists of eighteen video works and one film, bound to the theme of urban and public space in their everyday dimension but also in its utopian and dystopic aspects. Participating artis...
Barbara Borčić - Multimedia Practices and Venues of Production
Subtitle: The Eighties through the Prism of Events, Exhibitions, and Discourses – Part 2
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, MSUM, 2017
Videodokument from "Multimedia Practices and Venues of Production" exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana April 5 - June 11, 2017. The exhibition shows how expanded the field of art was in the 1980s, with practices characterized by multimedia, self-organization, interdisciplinarity, trans-generational work, and collective authorship. The display concept foregrounds the typical venues and events, putting additional emphasis on selected artistic installations. The multimedia th...
Subtitle: The Eighties through the Prism of Events, Exhibitions, and Discourses – Part 2
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, MSUM, 2017
Videodokument from "Multimedia Practices and Venues of Production" exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana April 5 - June 11, 2017. The exhibition shows how expanded the field of art was in the 1980s, with practices characterized by multimedia, self-organization, interdisciplinarity, trans-generational work, and collective authorship. The display concept foregrounds the typical venues and events, putting additional emphasis on selected artistic installations. The multimedia th...
Miha Vipotnik - Concurrences (52:00)
Production: Casablanca, RTV Slovenija, 2017
The story of the poet - the protagonist of the film, who, upon the release of his new collection of poems, receives a message about finding long-lost videos of the late writer, poet and essayist Jure Detela. Vipotnik's recordings, which was actually accidentally found, is also a rare introspection into the very essence of Detela's artistic creation. The poet - the protagonist of the film, now, while listening to poet Detela from the tapes, reflects his life course.
Production: Casablanca, RTV Slovenija, 2017
The story of the poet - the protagonist of the film, who, upon the release of his new collection of poems, receives a message about finding long-lost videos of the late writer, poet and essayist Jure Detela. Vipotnik's recordings, which was actually accidentally found, is also a rare introspection into the very essence of Detela's artistic creation. The poet - the protagonist of the film, now, while listening to poet Detela from the tapes, reflects his life course.
Anja Medved - Spovednica tihotapcev. Pogledi skozi železno zaveso (21:51)
Subtitle: Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
Spovednica tihotapcev je prva spominodajalska akcija iz serije Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina: Carinarnica na meji med dvema mestoma, državama, družbenima sistemoma, med romanskim in slovanskim svetom 65 let po končani vojni. 20. decembra 2007 z vstopom Slovenije v schengensko območje se Nova Gorica prvič v svoji kratki zgodovini znajde brez mejnih zapornic. Isti večer se ta travmatični prostor spremeni v prostor srečanj. V njem so nameščeni kamera, mikrofon, računalnik in zavesa, za kat...
Subtitle: Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
Spovednica tihotapcev je prva spominodajalska akcija iz serije Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina: Carinarnica na meji med dvema mestoma, državama, družbenima sistemoma, med romanskim in slovanskim svetom 65 let po končani vojni. 20. decembra 2007 z vstopom Slovenije v schengensko območje se Nova Gorica prvič v svoji kratki zgodovini znajde brez mejnih zapornic. Isti večer se ta travmatični prostor spremeni v prostor srečanj. V njem so nameščeni kamera, mikrofon, računalnik in zavesa, za kat...
Anja Medved - Album of the City (27:43)
Subtitle: Cross-Border Memory Collection Actions
Production: Kinoatelje, Kinokašča, 2012
In December 2011 the inhabitants of Nova Gorica/Gorizia were invited to donate to the Album of the City copies of photographs they had recently taken in their city and address the motives that made them capture the space in which they live in the lens. This resulted in a collection of reflections and observations that connects very different individuals into a community that cares what the conurbation of our future is to be like. Cross-Border Memory Collection ActionsThe purpose of memory-contributed actio...
Subtitle: Cross-Border Memory Collection Actions
Production: Kinoatelje, Kinokašča, 2012
In December 2011 the inhabitants of Nova Gorica/Gorizia were invited to donate to the Album of the City copies of photographs they had recently taken in their city and address the motives that made them capture the space in which they live in the lens. This resulted in a collection of reflections and observations that connects very different individuals into a community that cares what the conurbation of our future is to be like. Cross-Border Memory Collection ActionsThe purpose of memory-contributed actio...
Anja Medved - Found Portraits (33:18)
Subtitle: Cross-Border Memory Collection Actions
Production: Kinoatelje, Kinokašča, 2014
In December 2013, the fourth memory collection action entitled Found Portraits was carried out in the premises of the former border crossing between Nova Gorica and Gorizia. Citizens of both cities were invited to choose photos of unknown fellow citizens and talk about their memories of them. Cross-Border Memory Collection ActionsThe purpose of memory-contributed actions is to create an open archive that evolves over time and becomes a kind of gift that we give to the people of both cities for generations...
Subtitle: Cross-Border Memory Collection Actions
Production: Kinoatelje, Kinokašča, 2014
In December 2013, the fourth memory collection action entitled Found Portraits was carried out in the premises of the former border crossing between Nova Gorica and Gorizia. Citizens of both cities were invited to choose photos of unknown fellow citizens and talk about their memories of them. Cross-Border Memory Collection ActionsThe purpose of memory-contributed actions is to create an open archive that evolves over time and becomes a kind of gift that we give to the people of both cities for generations...
Anja Medved - Images of Oblivion (55:45)
Subtitle: Cross-Border Memory Collection Actio
Production: Kinoatelje, 2016
Documentary video from the memory collection campaign in Ljubljana in 2014. The documentary project Images of Oblivion - Personal History of the City of Ljubljana is a collection of personal memories revived by elderly citizens of Ljubljana when looking at family photos taken during World War II. It consists of 23 short independent video portraits. It was created in collaboration with the Divja misel Institute and the My Streets project.It was presented as a video installation in a darkened gallery space wi...
Subtitle: Cross-Border Memory Collection Actio
Production: Kinoatelje, 2016
Documentary video from the memory collection campaign in Ljubljana in 2014. The documentary project Images of Oblivion - Personal History of the City of Ljubljana is a collection of personal memories revived by elderly citizens of Ljubljana when looking at family photos taken during World War II. It consists of 23 short independent video portraits. It was created in collaboration with the Divja misel Institute and the My Streets project.It was presented as a video installation in a darkened gallery space wi...
Anja Medved - Ordinacija spomina (13:00)
Subtitle: Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
10. decembra 2009 je bila v hišici nekdanjega mejnega prehoda med Novo Gorico in Gorico organizirana druga spominodajalska akcija iz serije Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina: Ordinacija spomina / Corsia dei ricordi. Občani obeh mest so bili povabljeni, da v domačih albumih, izberejo nekaj fotografij, posnetih na tem obmejnem območju, ter delijo spomine na zamrznjeni trenutek. Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spominaNamen spominodajalskih akcij je oblikovati odprti arhiv, ki se razvija s časom in postaj...
Subtitle: Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
10. decembra 2009 je bila v hišici nekdanjega mejnega prehoda med Novo Gorico in Gorico organizirana druga spominodajalska akcija iz serije Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina: Ordinacija spomina / Corsia dei ricordi. Občani obeh mest so bili povabljeni, da v domačih albumih, izberejo nekaj fotografij, posnetih na tem obmejnem območju, ter delijo spomine na zamrznjeni trenutek. Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spominaNamen spominodajalskih akcij je oblikovati odprti arhiv, ki se razvija s časom in postaj...
Anja Medved - Memory Clinic (13:00)
Subtitle: Cross-Border Memory Collection Actions
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
On 10 December 2009, the Memory Clinic, a public event aimed at collecting family photographs, was organized at a former border crossing between Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy). The inhabitants of both cities were invited to go through their family albums, to select some photographs that had been shot in that border area and share their memories at a former customs post. Cross-Border Memory Collection ActionsThe purpose of memory-contributed actions is to create an open archive that evolves over...
Subtitle: Cross-Border Memory Collection Actions
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
On 10 December 2009, the Memory Clinic, a public event aimed at collecting family photographs, was organized at a former border crossing between Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy). The inhabitants of both cities were invited to go through their family albums, to select some photographs that had been shot in that border area and share their memories at a former customs post. Cross-Border Memory Collection ActionsThe purpose of memory-contributed actions is to create an open archive that evolves over...