Mirko Simić - Anti Nazy (00:09:06)
Production: Bris & VS Video / Strip core, 1992
A collage of documentary shots of totalitarian regimes of various periods and places. (VD)
DIVA collage
50 results in works
Rok Sieberer Kuri - Preveč slepi, da bi videli / Too Blind To See (00:06:42)
Production: Media Teror, 2000
Kompilacija zmanipulirane slike in zvoka, ki se med seboj ne ujemata in vsaka na svoj način tematizirata sodobno odvisnost od množičnih medijev (v največji meri televizije). V video delu smo priča zvočnim zapisom vročih linij, poročilom, punk glasbi in napovedovalcu poljudnoznanstvene dokumentarne serije, istočasno se ne-ujemajoče z zvokom odvijajo podobe pornografskih filmov, sadističnih prizorov, klavnice, vojn ter informativnih oddaj, vmesne prostore pa polni siva megla in močan šum. A...
Production: Media Teror, 2000
Kompilacija zmanipulirane slike in zvoka, ki se med seboj ne ujemata in vsaka na svoj način tematizirata sodobno odvisnost od množičnih medijev (v največji meri televizije). V video delu smo priča zvočnim zapisom vročih linij, poročilom, punk glasbi in napovedovalcu poljudnoznanstvene dokumentarne serije, istočasno se ne-ujemajoče z zvokom odvijajo podobe pornografskih filmov, sadističnih prizorov, klavnice, vojn ter informativnih oddaj, vmesne prostore pa polni siva megla in močan šum. A...
Miha Vipotnik - Lenora (04:50)
Subtitle: From TV show with Matejo Koležnik and her friends
Production: RTV Ljubljana, 1983
A folk song about a girl and her deceased lover, sung by Mateja Koležnik and Jani Kovačič. The dialogue of the two singers is followed by a sublime transition from one face to the other. With a constant turning of positives and negatives of images the faces are placed into spaces, which indirectly follow the text of the song. Dynamics of the image show an unconcerned approach to a problem of a portrait, as the latter sporadically almost blends with the colours of the landscape. Due to complete reduction...
Subtitle: From TV show with Matejo Koležnik and her friends
Production: RTV Ljubljana, 1983
A folk song about a girl and her deceased lover, sung by Mateja Koležnik and Jani Kovačič. The dialogue of the two singers is followed by a sublime transition from one face to the other. With a constant turning of positives and negatives of images the faces are placed into spaces, which indirectly follow the text of the song. Dynamics of the image show an unconcerned approach to a problem of a portrait, as the latter sporadically almost blends with the colours of the landscape. Due to complete reduction...
Zemira Alajbegović - Vortex (00:04:04)
Production: TV Slovenija, 2000
Music video of Iztok Turk (DJ plasma). Vortex is a video limited to rigid symmetrical space which nevertheless shows an extraordinary abundance of shapes. This compositional matrix with a simple concept contains affluence of visual contents connected to the utopia present in the music.
Production: TV Slovenija, 2000
Music video of Iztok Turk (DJ plasma). Vortex is a video limited to rigid symmetrical space which nevertheless shows an extraordinary abundance of shapes. This compositional matrix with a simple concept contains affluence of visual contents connected to the utopia present in the music.
Rok Sieberer Kuri - Chroma Qart Mix Light + Ideology (Last part) (00:10:55)
Subtitle: Media Teror predstavlja Short Video Films
Production: Media Teror, 2002
Video v levem spodnjem kotu prikazuje proizvodni obrat za predelavo lignjev, posnetke pa spremlja poljudno-znanstveni komentar, ki podaja statistiko letne porabe lignjev. Sledi insert z vroče linije nedefiniranega nemškega TV programa in kompilacija podob/glasbe iz ostalih del.
Subtitle: Media Teror predstavlja Short Video Films
Production: Media Teror, 2002
Video v levem spodnjem kotu prikazuje proizvodni obrat za predelavo lignjev, posnetke pa spremlja poljudno-znanstveni komentar, ki podaja statistiko letne porabe lignjev. Sledi insert z vroče linije nedefiniranega nemškega TV programa in kompilacija podob/glasbe iz ostalih del.
Rok Sieberer Kuri - Psy (00:07:23)
Subtitle: Media Teror predstavlja Short Video Films
Production: Media Teror, 2003
Video prikazuje filtriranje podob v kombinaciji z drugimi posnetki prsti, rib, posameznikov, mesta, zahajajočega sonca itd. Posnetki so opremljeni z agresivno techno glasbo.
Subtitle: Media Teror predstavlja Short Video Films
Production: Media Teror, 2003
Video prikazuje filtriranje podob v kombinaciji z drugimi posnetki prsti, rib, posameznikov, mesta, zahajajočega sonca itd. Posnetki so opremljeni z agresivno techno glasbo.
Bratko Bibič - In the Family Garden 1 (38:44)
Production: Zavod Alcedo, Slovenska kinoteka, Filmski arhiv RS, 1999
In 1999, Bratko Bibič and his colleagues began editing, recycling, adapting ... archived silent and sound, completely ignored contributions of Slovenian and other filmmakers to the history of local mentalities. He decided to immerse himself in the cinematographic tradition of Slovenes from 1905 onwards, starting at the source of world film history: composing and performing live music at screenings of the first and second part of the music and film project under the auspices of Bridko Bebič's Traveling Cin...
Production: Zavod Alcedo, Slovenska kinoteka, Filmski arhiv RS, 1999
In 1999, Bratko Bibič and his colleagues began editing, recycling, adapting ... archived silent and sound, completely ignored contributions of Slovenian and other filmmakers to the history of local mentalities. He decided to immerse himself in the cinematographic tradition of Slovenes from 1905 onwards, starting at the source of world film history: composing and performing live music at screenings of the first and second part of the music and film project under the auspices of Bridko Bebič's Traveling Cin...
Marko A. Kovačič - Dosje 83:03 - video rekonstrukcija / Dossier 83:03. Video Reconstruction (00:45:40)
Production: Forum-Ljubljana / Zwiks, 2003
Narration d'auteur contextualises the artists own art practice within the social and political circumstances in Yugoslavia/Slovenia in the period of 20 years. The visual material originates from his personal archive and appertains to his art projects, home/family shots, or found footages/TV News. The video presents the historical/social events through biased/personal view. The methodology of individual authorial approach is relatively personal expressing the eclecticism of the 90s – the fragmentarines...
Production: Forum-Ljubljana / Zwiks, 2003
Narration d'auteur contextualises the artists own art practice within the social and political circumstances in Yugoslavia/Slovenia in the period of 20 years. The visual material originates from his personal archive and appertains to his art projects, home/family shots, or found footages/TV News. The video presents the historical/social events through biased/personal view. The methodology of individual authorial approach is relatively personal expressing the eclecticism of the 90s – the fragmentarines...
Neven Korda - The Futurists (CD-ROM)
Subtitle: Video from the underground
Production: ZANK, 2001
Video collage recycles video memories from the 1980' as captured by the eye of FV Video camera and fragments of recordings of performances and projects by the group Borghesia and HC Collective from Ljubljana. The content of the CD-ROM doesn't contain any broader explanation and is based on image and sound. The CD-ROM takes us on a reliving of the alternative scene of the 80', which was one of the most vital and creative scenes in the history of Slovene culture and art.
Subtitle: Video from the underground
Production: ZANK, 2001
Video collage recycles video memories from the 1980' as captured by the eye of FV Video camera and fragments of recordings of performances and projects by the group Borghesia and HC Collective from Ljubljana. The content of the CD-ROM doesn't contain any broader explanation and is based on image and sound. The CD-ROM takes us on a reliving of the alternative scene of the 80', which was one of the most vital and creative scenes in the history of Slovene culture and art.
Marko A. Kovačič - Mirror Knows the Secret (00:02:34)
Production: 1986
The video is based on the performance of the same title. The metamorphosis of image is enabled by electronic technology. A step further from the chroma-key procedure of inserting of the front plane of the image into some other background, which invests the modified image with greater dynamics and gives it the mark of experiment. The use of digital (mirror) effects allows for the reproduction of the same image in the rhythm of music. (Source: Videodokument) A short video project made for the TV show Auto-vis...
Production: 1986
The video is based on the performance of the same title. The metamorphosis of image is enabled by electronic technology. A step further from the chroma-key procedure of inserting of the front plane of the image into some other background, which invests the modified image with greater dynamics and gives it the mark of experiment. The use of digital (mirror) effects allows for the reproduction of the same image in the rhythm of music. (Source: Videodokument) A short video project made for the TV show Auto-vis...