Damijan Kracina - The Ant (00:03:53)
Production: 1997
The video shows the last minute in the life of a dying ant which is stuck on an adhesive surface. At exhibitions, the static footage is presented on a miniature screen, with the ant practically life-size. The author discusses human irresponsibility and merciless treatment of animals, revealing that the death of even such a tiny creature is just as dramatic as any other.
DIVA death
43 results in works
Damijan Kracina - Kracina TV (00:05:48)
Production: 1995
Hiperrealističen kip avtorja iz lateksa stoji sredi prostora v Galeriji Kapelica, kjer je umetnik prvič postavil instalacijo. Nizek podstavek kipa je povezan s sedmimi monitorji, v katere je uprt pogled figure. Na svetlobnih objektih so prikazane fotografije povoženih mačk. Instalacija prikazuje dvojno smrt oziroma dvojno odsotnost življenja. Mrtve so povožene mačke, neživ pa je tudi kip umetnika. S podobami mrtvih mačk umetnik ni opozoril zgolj na krut odnost človeka do živali, na davek človeko...
Production: 1995
Hiperrealističen kip avtorja iz lateksa stoji sredi prostora v Galeriji Kapelica, kjer je umetnik prvič postavil instalacijo. Nizek podstavek kipa je povezan s sedmimi monitorji, v katere je uprt pogled figure. Na svetlobnih objektih so prikazane fotografije povoženih mačk. Instalacija prikazuje dvojno smrt oziroma dvojno odsotnost življenja. Mrtve so povožene mačke, neživ pa je tudi kip umetnika. S podobami mrtvih mačk umetnik ni opozoril zgolj na krut odnost človeka do živali, na davek človeko...
Ema Kugler - For the End of Time (02:05:28)
Production: Zank & VPK, 2009
The video film is an investigation on man and his smallness in front of nature and time, the story is told by a voice-over narrator, with no dialogues between the characters. The camera slowly moves horizontally in panoramic views showing bright wide desert landscapes crossed by traces of death, alternated with futuristic interiors. Computer generated imagery plays an important role in this last work as in the previous ones by Ema Kugler and contributes to the creation of recurrent enviroments which are a p...
Production: Zank & VPK, 2009
The video film is an investigation on man and his smallness in front of nature and time, the story is told by a voice-over narrator, with no dialogues between the characters. The camera slowly moves horizontally in panoramic views showing bright wide desert landscapes crossed by traces of death, alternated with futuristic interiors. Computer generated imagery plays an important role in this last work as in the previous ones by Ema Kugler and contributes to the creation of recurrent enviroments which are a p...
Marko A. Kovačič - Requiem M (00:04:02)
Production: Studio Brut, 1990
Video documents a performance entitled Requiem, which happened as a part of an exhibition Izkušnja predmeta (Experience of the Object)in Modern gallery in Ljubljana in 1989. The artist conducted the performance on his 33rd birthday. Coated with white wax make-up he immovably lies in a sarcophague for an hour and a half, as long as Mozart's Coronation Mass lasts. With the performance the author partly relived Jesus's experience and predicted the death of human kind. Focused and clear shots of the perf...
Production: Studio Brut, 1990
Video documents a performance entitled Requiem, which happened as a part of an exhibition Izkušnja predmeta (Experience of the Object)in Modern gallery in Ljubljana in 1989. The artist conducted the performance on his 33rd birthday. Coated with white wax make-up he immovably lies in a sarcophague for an hour and a half, as long as Mozart's Coronation Mass lasts. With the performance the author partly relived Jesus's experience and predicted the death of human kind. Focused and clear shots of the perf...
Zmago Lenardič - Suicide (00:04:10)
Production: Zmago Lenardič, 2006
Video explores the dynamics of a tragic event like the suicide by hanging. The digital colour manipulation of the images isolates the scene from any context, emphasizing it on a dazzling background. The action, perceived in its essential elements, gains a dramatic and at the same time theatrical connotation, despite the surreal inversion of the roles between the man and the chair. By focusing on the intensity of the event thanks to a static shot and few close-ups, the video generates confusion between subje...
Production: Zmago Lenardič, 2006
Video explores the dynamics of a tragic event like the suicide by hanging. The digital colour manipulation of the images isolates the scene from any context, emphasizing it on a dazzling background. The action, perceived in its essential elements, gains a dramatic and at the same time theatrical connotation, despite the surreal inversion of the roles between the man and the chair. By focusing on the intensity of the event thanks to a static shot and few close-ups, the video generates confusion between subje...
Andreja Džakušič - Development of Compassion (00:06:26)
Subtitle: Scrubbing
Production: 2008
Video documentation of performance made at ZDSLU Gallery in Ljubljana in 2008. Developing Compassion is a project made of series of performances, installations and photographs, which lasted two years (2006-2008). It represents the artist's way of noting the pain that she has faced with the illness, dying and final passing away of her father. In the first of three performances she symbolically let go of her emotional states, which she has stitched as pain, sadness and fear on white pillows. In the se...
Subtitle: Scrubbing
Production: 2008
Video documentation of performance made at ZDSLU Gallery in Ljubljana in 2008. Developing Compassion is a project made of series of performances, installations and photographs, which lasted two years (2006-2008). It represents the artist's way of noting the pain that she has faced with the illness, dying and final passing away of her father. In the first of three performances she symbolically let go of her emotional states, which she has stitched as pain, sadness and fear on white pillows. In the se...
Dejan Habicht - Nemi film / Silent Film (00:11:30)
Subtitle: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Silent Film is a video footage of disc defragmentation in Windows '95 environment. The artist has preserved the dead poetic of a dieing computer programmes.
Subtitle: 12 dolgočasnih pesmi
Production: Center in Galerija P74, 2007
Silent Film is a video footage of disc defragmentation in Windows '95 environment. The artist has preserved the dead poetic of a dieing computer programmes.
Mark Požlep - Fireplace, Axe and a Banana Peel (00:11:46)
Production: White Cross Production, 2008
Igrani video zaključuje avtorjevo tematiziranje namišljenih in personificiranih superherojev. Dogajanje je postavljeno v tesen domačijski ambient, kjer tije protagonisti – superheroji - skušajo živeti v sožitju. Zaradi karakternih posebnosti in velikega ega vsakega izmed njih je medsebojna komunikacija napeta, sobivanje pa skoraj nemogoče. Poskus sobivanja preraste v nasilje, pogubno za vse tri protagoniste. Skozi ludistično igro se superheroji - Batman, Bananaman in Superman – začno pretepati,...
Production: White Cross Production, 2008
Igrani video zaključuje avtorjevo tematiziranje namišljenih in personificiranih superherojev. Dogajanje je postavljeno v tesen domačijski ambient, kjer tije protagonisti – superheroji - skušajo živeti v sožitju. Zaradi karakternih posebnosti in velikega ega vsakega izmed njih je medsebojna komunikacija napeta, sobivanje pa skoraj nemogoče. Poskus sobivanja preraste v nasilje, pogubno za vse tri protagoniste. Skozi ludistično igro se superheroji - Batman, Bananaman in Superman – začno pretepati,...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Afterlife (00:02:43)
Production: Nataša Prosenc, 2010
Video is part of the series Haiku Videos, which originate in daily recordings with minimal staging. They are created when a real life situation motivates an idea. Like in Haiku poetry, the images of Haiku Videos are based on directly observed events, objects or occurrences.
Production: Nataša Prosenc, 2010
Video is part of the series Haiku Videos, which originate in daily recordings with minimal staging. They are created when a real life situation motivates an idea. Like in Haiku poetry, the images of Haiku Videos are based on directly observed events, objects or occurrences.
Noemi Veberič Levovnik - You go to my head / Screen No. 1 (00:00:24)