Maja Slavec - Revaluation (00:42:19)
Production: Partizanka, 2008
Video polje je reducirano na krog. Reducirano zato ker je še vedno prisotna črna površina, ki tvori razliko do pravokotnika. Krožna oblika in snemanje s ptičje persepktive ustvarjajo klaustrofobično vzdušje in akterjem ukradejo volumen. Volumen tako beremo bolj preko senc, kot preko perspektive. Subjekti prihajajo in odhajajo iz krožnega polja, plesalcu pa je krog tudi celotno polje delovanja. Avtorica se sprašuje o stopnji avtonomije, ki jo ima posameznik v družbi.
DIVA improvisation
34 results in works
Borut Savski - Multimedia. Mali (00:03:53)
Production: Borut Savski, 2008
Omnibus of documentary video and photographic recordings of installations and performances between 1999 and 2008.
Production: Borut Savski, 2008
Omnibus of documentary video and photographic recordings of installations and performances between 1999 and 2008.
Borut Savski - Aestetic Machines (00:09:39)
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2003
Performance performance in the Kapelica Gallery in 2003, where the title was the foundation of reflection, and the event itself was a playful communication of four performers. Like any game, communication was also simplified to the basic rules, which were in this case contained in the simple structure of the "instrument." Two piano wires can sound when they are trembling - so four people are needed, including two pairs and close in contact, as they strain each one wire. In order to rub the wire, both pair...
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2003
Performance performance in the Kapelica Gallery in 2003, where the title was the foundation of reflection, and the event itself was a playful communication of four performers. Like any game, communication was also simplified to the basic rules, which were in this case contained in the simple structure of the "instrument." Two piano wires can sound when they are trembling - so four people are needed, including two pairs and close in contact, as they strain each one wire. In order to rub the wire, both pair...
Luka Dekleva - Sen/za Televizijo/a (00:28:38)
The video is a result of artistic collaboration with Miha Vipotnik during the Sen/za Televizijo/a project at Jakopič Gallery, marking 30 years to the date after the first transmission of Vipotnik's television video project Videograma 4 on May 4th, 1979. Dekleva's work is a re-make of Videograma 4. The image has been deformed with an oscillator in order to achieve an entirely abstract video, thus making the image and sound completely illegible and seemingly playing in a slowed down mode as though...
The video is a result of artistic collaboration with Miha Vipotnik during the Sen/za Televizijo/a project at Jakopič Gallery, marking 30 years to the date after the first transmission of Vipotnik's television video project Videograma 4 on May 4th, 1979. Dekleva's work is a re-make of Videograma 4. The image has been deformed with an oscillator in order to achieve an entirely abstract video, thus making the image and sound completely illegible and seemingly playing in a slowed down mode as though...
Luka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič, Miha Ciglar - Netmag08 Live (00:05:22)
Production: 2008
Netmag08 Live je multimedijski dogodek, performans interakcije signalov in napetostnih polj. Že sama postavitev določa parametre video interakcij. Intervencija umetnika, ki s svojim telom preusmerja tok elektronov iz katodne cevi v zvočni izvor. Umetnik je posredovalec zvoka in video signalov, ima vlogo media, ki omogoča komunikacijo med zvokom in video signalom in vseh estetskih rezultatov, ki iz tega izvirajo.
Production: 2008
Netmag08 Live je multimedijski dogodek, performans interakcije signalov in napetostnih polj. Že sama postavitev določa parametre video interakcij. Intervencija umetnika, ki s svojim telom preusmerja tok elektronov iz katodne cevi v zvočni izvor. Umetnik je posredovalec zvoka in video signalov, ima vlogo media, ki omogoča komunikacijo med zvokom in video signalom in vseh estetskih rezultatov, ki iz tega izvirajo.
Luka Dekleva, Luka Prinčič - Singing Bizovik Bridge (00:04:07)
Production: Kapelica, Codeep. KinoDvor, 2008
The authors created new contents and techniques by manipulating video and audio recordings of a bridge. In this video performance the sound is coming from the microphones mounted on cables and construction of the bridge. Thus, Jodi Rose, Cym and Luka Prinčič combined the recorded sound material in a live event and a video of the bridge that has been simultaneously manipulated by Luka Dekleva. Artists escalate the presence of environmental sound, in order to expand the importance of sound architecture as t...
Production: Kapelica, Codeep. KinoDvor, 2008
The authors created new contents and techniques by manipulating video and audio recordings of a bridge. In this video performance the sound is coming from the microphones mounted on cables and construction of the bridge. Thus, Jodi Rose, Cym and Luka Prinčič combined the recorded sound material in a live event and a video of the bridge that has been simultaneously manipulated by Luka Dekleva. Artists escalate the presence of environmental sound, in order to expand the importance of sound architecture as t...
(Mrevlje - Pollak) Jaša - Bla Bla Me (00:12:37)
Production: 2006
Production: 2006
Mark Požlep - Maybe Weird and Dark but Certainly Alive (0:05:00)
Subtitle: Maybe Weird and dark but certainly alive; Never Exactly sure what i will find, never exactly sure what i will search; Is my cock big enough, is my brain small enough, for you to make me a star; Disco fever killed my beaver; It is never too late to have a
Production: 2010
Video predstavlja dokumentacijo glasbenega performansa ob otvoritvi razstave ‘Maybe Weird and Dark but Certainly Alive’ v galeriji Plevnik-Kronkowska v Celju. Skupina v volkodlake maskiranih glasbenikov v izložbenem oknu galerije izvaja hrupne minutne kompozicije (avtor Gašper Piano). Sleherna skladba kljub svoji instrumentalni naravi predstavlja refleksijo na določeno temo, saj so se izvajalci z zvokom odzvali na predlagane naslove: 'Maybe Weird and Dark but Certainly Alive', 'Never E...
Subtitle: Maybe Weird and dark but certainly alive; Never Exactly sure what i will find, never exactly sure what i will search; Is my cock big enough, is my brain small enough, for you to make me a star; Disco fever killed my beaver; It is never too late to have a
Production: 2010
Video predstavlja dokumentacijo glasbenega performansa ob otvoritvi razstave ‘Maybe Weird and Dark but Certainly Alive’ v galeriji Plevnik-Kronkowska v Celju. Skupina v volkodlake maskiranih glasbenikov v izložbenem oknu galerije izvaja hrupne minutne kompozicije (avtor Gašper Piano). Sleherna skladba kljub svoji instrumentalni naravi predstavlja refleksijo na določeno temo, saj so se izvajalci z zvokom odzvali na predlagane naslove: 'Maybe Weird and Dark but Certainly Alive', 'Never E...
Zoran Srdić Janežič - Testing (00:07:08)
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnosti in kulture Gulag, 2010
Kompilacija različnih iz gline animiranih zgodb. Pristop avtorja je lahkoten in je podoben improvizaciji. Narativnost sledi določenemu ritmu, vendar zgodbe niso močno povezane v celoto. Sam naslov asociira na poskuse različnih kiparskih in animacijskih rešitev. Testing deluje kot nabor prizorov prototipov, ki napovedujejo neko večjo zgodbo, ki se mora šele realizirati. K temu prispevajo tudi občasni kratki prizori avtorjevih rok, ki določajo kadre.
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnosti in kulture Gulag, 2010
Kompilacija različnih iz gline animiranih zgodb. Pristop avtorja je lahkoten in je podoben improvizaciji. Narativnost sledi določenemu ritmu, vendar zgodbe niso močno povezane v celoto. Sam naslov asociira na poskuse različnih kiparskih in animacijskih rešitev. Testing deluje kot nabor prizorov prototipov, ki napovedujejo neko večjo zgodbo, ki se mora šele realizirati. K temu prispevajo tudi občasni kratki prizori avtorjevih rok, ki določajo kadre.
Sašo Sedlaček - Zanka / Loop (00:05:56)
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2004
Video prikazuje proces izdelave in uporabo stavbenega objekta, zgrajanega iz recikliranega materiala. Stavbeni objekt je mobilen in se lahko kot parazit postavi na različna urbana mesta, kjer s svojo amatersko radio postajo lahko uporabniku oddaja zvočne informacije iz okolja. Avtorjeva izbira mesta za instalacijo objekta je zelo sugestivna. V nakupovalnem centru, pod panojem "To je moje mesto", zveni projekt rahlo sarkastično. Umetnikov komentar je več kot očiten - ali v tem okolju potrošništva splo...
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2004
Video prikazuje proces izdelave in uporabo stavbenega objekta, zgrajanega iz recikliranega materiala. Stavbeni objekt je mobilen in se lahko kot parazit postavi na različna urbana mesta, kjer s svojo amatersko radio postajo lahko uporabniku oddaja zvočne informacije iz okolja. Avtorjeva izbira mesta za instalacijo objekta je zelo sugestivna. V nakupovalnem centru, pod panojem "To je moje mesto", zveni projekt rahlo sarkastično. Umetnikov komentar je več kot očiten - ali v tem okolju potrošništva splo...