Borut Savski, Luka Prinčič - Problemloss Orchestra. Before the performance in Berlin (00:04:52)
Production: 2006
Problemloss Orchestra was a project group ( PMS: Luka Prinčič, Matjaž Manček and Borut Savski), which performed in 2005 and 2006. The recording took place in Berlin and was recorded by Neven Korda.
DIVA sound
47 results in works
son:DA, Erinc Seymen - Performance for a Poem 2 (00:08:48)
Subtitle: Maribor
Production: 2006
The two channel video is a performance and site-specific installation realised in Istanbul and Maribor. In the second one it's clear that the stage where the performer acts and the public space are definitely separated. The low resolution image allows a digital manipulation of video and sound made of pixelization, distorsion, colour key glitch, streching of the image. Key role is given to the recitacion of a Turkish poem of the '30, a remarkable example of nationalist rethoric. The sound and the video image...
Subtitle: Maribor
Production: 2006
The two channel video is a performance and site-specific installation realised in Istanbul and Maribor. In the second one it's clear that the stage where the performer acts and the public space are definitely separated. The low resolution image allows a digital manipulation of video and sound made of pixelization, distorsion, colour key glitch, streching of the image. Key role is given to the recitacion of a Turkish poem of the '30, a remarkable example of nationalist rethoric. The sound and the video image...
Maja Slavec - Woman Beauty Power Less (00:04:40)
Production: 2008
A well-dressed woman is carrying with her a black box which has inside the sound of the countdown before the explosion of a bomb. She is walking with a resolute gait on the main street of Ljubljana during the rush-hour as a Suicide-bomber. With this action she is looking to provoke the people and attract their attention to this possible terroristic attack.
Production: 2008
A well-dressed woman is carrying with her a black box which has inside the sound of the countdown before the explosion of a bomb. She is walking with a resolute gait on the main street of Ljubljana during the rush-hour as a Suicide-bomber. With this action she is looking to provoke the people and attract their attention to this possible terroristic attack.
Maja Smrekar - Imaginarij elektromagnetnih transformacij (0:28:39)
Production: Smrekar, Maja, 2009
Experimental video and sound work with multi-layered structure is made with various technological means from the perspective of investigative and formal video and sound approaches that the artist finds in the crossroad of analogue and digital manipulations of images. She uses numerous means for manipulation and processing of picture such as layering, fast switching between the shots and distortion that together make complex abstract effects. The motives are changing with speed, and they are notably connecte...
Production: Smrekar, Maja, 2009
Experimental video and sound work with multi-layered structure is made with various technological means from the perspective of investigative and formal video and sound approaches that the artist finds in the crossroad of analogue and digital manipulations of images. She uses numerous means for manipulation and processing of picture such as layering, fast switching between the shots and distortion that together make complex abstract effects. The motives are changing with speed, and they are notably connecte...
Amir Muratović - From the Life of Books (00:03:55)
Production: Muratović, Amir, 2010/2011
The video consists of various scenes of browsing through books. The author focuses primarily on the movements of the readers' hands and their interaction with the book. The abstract image of the book pages is due to the delay in the montage. Since the noise of browsing is not in line with the motion, the act of reading gets additional dramaturgical tension.
Production: Muratović, Amir, 2010/2011
The video consists of various scenes of browsing through books. The author focuses primarily on the movements of the readers' hands and their interaction with the book. The abstract image of the book pages is due to the delay in the montage. Since the noise of browsing is not in line with the motion, the act of reading gets additional dramaturgical tension.
Borut Savski - Multimedia. Mali (00:03:53)
Production: Borut Savski, 2008
Omnibus of documentary video and photographic recordings of installations and performances between 1999 and 2008.
Production: Borut Savski, 2008
Omnibus of documentary video and photographic recordings of installations and performances between 1999 and 2008.
Borut Savski - A Dancer (00:17:23)
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2005
A recording of the performance that took place in the Kapelica Gallery. Borut Savski has created a machine that operates independently and in this way creates his own artistic practice. The author's question concerns mainly the principles of subjectivation. The dancer proposes a completely new subjectivation of artistic activity through motion and sound, and no longer through word and language.
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2005
A recording of the performance that took place in the Kapelica Gallery. Borut Savski has created a machine that operates independently and in this way creates his own artistic practice. The author's question concerns mainly the principles of subjectivation. The dancer proposes a completely new subjectivation of artistic activity through motion and sound, and no longer through word and language.
Borut Savski - Aestetic Machines (00:09:39)
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2003
Performance performance in the Kapelica Gallery in 2003, where the title was the foundation of reflection, and the event itself was a playful communication of four performers. Like any game, communication was also simplified to the basic rules, which were in this case contained in the simple structure of the "instrument." Two piano wires can sound when they are trembling - so four people are needed, including two pairs and close in contact, as they strain each one wire. In order to rub the wire, both pair...
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2003
Performance performance in the Kapelica Gallery in 2003, where the title was the foundation of reflection, and the event itself was a playful communication of four performers. Like any game, communication was also simplified to the basic rules, which were in this case contained in the simple structure of the "instrument." Two piano wires can sound when they are trembling - so four people are needed, including two pairs and close in contact, as they strain each one wire. In order to rub the wire, both pair...
Luka Dekleva - FeedForward Cinema (00:05:25)
Production: codeep, 2007
Video dokumentacija performansa iz Kinodvor dne 19. oktobra 2007. Delo Feedforward Cinema nastaja z interakcijo dveh video naprav, ki si vzajemno pošiljajo signale in tvorijo zaprt krog informacij. Rezultat spominja na različne vzorce od zelo organskih oblik do strogo geometričnih in točno omejenih polj, ki v določenem trenutku raspadejo in odprejo polje za nove oblike. Vzorci so vedno ne-narativni. Če je na začetku tvorba, ki spominja na molekulano strukturo, proti koncu postaja vse bolj grafična. Vs...
Production: codeep, 2007
Video dokumentacija performansa iz Kinodvor dne 19. oktobra 2007. Delo Feedforward Cinema nastaja z interakcijo dveh video naprav, ki si vzajemno pošiljajo signale in tvorijo zaprt krog informacij. Rezultat spominja na različne vzorce od zelo organskih oblik do strogo geometričnih in točno omejenih polj, ki v določenem trenutku raspadejo in odprejo polje za nove oblike. Vzorci so vedno ne-narativni. Če je na začetku tvorba, ki spominja na molekulano strukturo, proti koncu postaja vse bolj grafična. Vs...
Luka Dekleva - City Off Season (00:05:44)
Production: 2006
City of Season je video za istoemenski glasbeno delo beograjskega umetnika za hrupno glasbo (noise) WoO. Luka Dekleva generira video pokrajino na podlagi počasnega zvočnega ritma, ki je povezan z manipulacijo mozaičnih priključkov v programu PureData. Iz grafičnega vzorca oblikuje trodimenzionalni prostor. Bolj kot slika "razpada", bolj prisotna je tretja dimenzija, vse do trenutka, ko se v preplatanju prostorskih osi, slika spet poenoti v eni ravni površini raspadajočega vzorca.
Production: 2006
City of Season je video za istoemenski glasbeno delo beograjskega umetnika za hrupno glasbo (noise) WoO. Luka Dekleva generira video pokrajino na podlagi počasnega zvočnega ritma, ki je povezan z manipulacijo mozaičnih priključkov v programu PureData. Iz grafičnega vzorca oblikuje trodimenzionalni prostor. Bolj kot slika "razpada", bolj prisotna je tretja dimenzija, vse do trenutka, ko se v preplatanju prostorskih osi, slika spet poenoti v eni ravni površini raspadajočega vzorca.