Emil Memon - Caravaggio / Slayer (09:19)
Production: Emil Memon, 1994
Caravaggio video is part of the set of videos (Salvator Mundi, Gandhi and Salt, Architectural Triptych) from the early 1990s when Memon did research at a Photo/Slide library at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (NYC), interested in great works of art and the nature of representation, documentation, and the literal physicality of the image itself. The video was made on the artist’s musical track Slayer. It turned the morphing of the image/painting itself into mediation. It was presented at his art shows i...
DIVA 1994
13 results in works
Marko Košnik - Bauhaus Tunings (04:26)
Production: Inštitut Egon March, 1994
BAUHAUS TUNINGS 1994 – video documentary Creation of interference sound fields in Bauhaus building in Dessau for ARCHI-TONOMY workshop with international group of students, 28.10. – 11. 11. 1994, by Electronic Media Interpretation Studio and Bauhaus Dessau Foundation. Tutors: Stephen Kovats, Gleb Gamasin, Peter Treuheit, Marko Košnik Concept and realization of sonorostatic sound ambient: Marko Košnik Construction of frames for sonorostatic plates: Peter Treuheit Sound pillar built...
Production: Inštitut Egon March, 1994
BAUHAUS TUNINGS 1994 – video documentary Creation of interference sound fields in Bauhaus building in Dessau for ARCHI-TONOMY workshop with international group of students, 28.10. – 11. 11. 1994, by Electronic Media Interpretation Studio and Bauhaus Dessau Foundation. Tutors: Stephen Kovats, Gleb Gamasin, Peter Treuheit, Marko Košnik Concept and realization of sonorostatic sound ambient: Marko Košnik Construction of frames for sonorostatic plates: Peter Treuheit Sound pillar built...
Marko Košnik - Cukrarna (08:50)
Production: Inštitut Egon March (2001), 1994-1995
Cukrarna (Zuckerhaus, Sugarhouse) A video document (8:25) realized in out of 34 minutes performance performed at: - Opening of Medienbiennale Leipzig, 1994 (premiere) - Cankarjev dom - Linhartova dvorana, Ljubljana, 1995 - Galerija Kapelica, Ljubljana, 1995 Choreography and dance: Mateja Bučar Screenplay, directing of the show and the video, original sound track: Marko Košnik Video projection part realized with Videoprodukcija Kregar Web video document produced by Egon March Institute in 2001 A c...
Production: Inštitut Egon March (2001), 1994-1995
Cukrarna (Zuckerhaus, Sugarhouse) A video document (8:25) realized in out of 34 minutes performance performed at: - Opening of Medienbiennale Leipzig, 1994 (premiere) - Cankarjev dom - Linhartova dvorana, Ljubljana, 1995 - Galerija Kapelica, Ljubljana, 1995 Choreography and dance: Mateja Bučar Screenplay, directing of the show and the video, original sound track: Marko Košnik Video projection part realized with Videoprodukcija Kregar Web video document produced by Egon March Institute in 2001 A c...