Ema Kugler - Man with Shadow (01:40)
Subtitle: trailer
Production: ZANK & VPK, 2019
The genetic code forces man in reproduction. A newborn has no choice. Without her/his will, it is sorted to this world and as a completely helpless creature in the dressage of civilizational norms, which are determined by those in the position of power ... But what if something else is possible?
DIVA surveillance
23 results in works
Duba Sambolec - NATO Women Waiting (09:33)
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2001/2013
Umetnica je idejo za video dobila v 90-tih, ko je na letališču na Norveškem opazila povečano število vojaškega osebja, ki je bilo namenjeno na vojna območja na Balkanu. Pozornost so ji vzbudile vojakinje in sprožile razmišljanja o njihovi pripravljenosti na preživetje, na potencialno spolno nasilje in spolne vloge v vojski in vojni. Pozneje se je seznanila tudi s problematičnimi ravnanji enot ZN na Balkanu (nezakonita preprodaja orožja in drog, spolne zlorabe, korup...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2001/2013
Umetnica je idejo za video dobila v 90-tih, ko je na letališču na Norveškem opazila povečano število vojaškega osebja, ki je bilo namenjeno na vojna območja na Balkanu. Pozornost so ji vzbudile vojakinje in sprožile razmišljanja o njihovi pripravljenosti na preživetje, na potencialno spolno nasilje in spolne vloge v vojski in vojni. Pozneje se je seznanila tudi s problematičnimi ravnanji enot ZN na Balkanu (nezakonita preprodaja orožja in drog, spolne zlorabe, korup...
Nejc Trampuž - WorldHacked.img (00:47)
Production: ALUO, 2019/2022
WorldHacked.img is a spinoff video of Trampuž's master's thesis practical work (titled WorldCrash.img) from 2019. WorldHacked.img was created in 2022, independently but parallel to the exhibition of WorldCrash.img as part of the Only The End is Within Our Grasp exhibition. Both the theory and practice of Trampuž's master's thesis, awarded by ALUO and titled Error as a Transformative Method, question and reverse the perception of error. Trampuž takes error as a tool that can be used to discover new...
Production: ALUO, 2019/2022
WorldHacked.img is a spinoff video of Trampuž's master's thesis practical work (titled WorldCrash.img) from 2019. WorldHacked.img was created in 2022, independently but parallel to the exhibition of WorldCrash.img as part of the Only The End is Within Our Grasp exhibition. Both the theory and practice of Trampuž's master's thesis, awarded by ALUO and titled Error as a Transformative Method, question and reverse the perception of error. Trampuž takes error as a tool that can be used to discover new...