Ana Čigon - Macho (00:03:00)
Subtitle: part of the series Uncovering a Pig in a Poke
Production: Ana Čigon, 2015
An animation of what is happening in the macho world, if someone walks through it, who is not a macho. In the animation, a cat is walking through Ljubljana and is admiring the monuments in the city. The monuments are cat cartoon versions of real monuments dedicated to male historic figures in Ljubljana. The cat at first enjoys the monuments but is slowly becoming suspicious of the repetition of the same gender of cats represented on the monuments. Namely, under all of the monuments there is a label mačo (...
DIVA parody
37 results in works
Keiko Miyazaki - A Hole (00:01:58)
Production: K.M. & SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
This video is about the Japanese concept of MA in conversation. Ma roughly means "gap", "space", "pause" or "the space between two structural parts." In our daily life we are experiencing MA either positively or in a negative way. MA is in the purposeful pauses in speech which make words stand out. We realise how much we are communicating with non verbal gestures. Sometime the silent moment between words speaks more than the words themselves. The video explores this concept by satirically portraying a conve...
Production: K.M. & SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
This video is about the Japanese concept of MA in conversation. Ma roughly means "gap", "space", "pause" or "the space between two structural parts." In our daily life we are experiencing MA either positively or in a negative way. MA is in the purposeful pauses in speech which make words stand out. We realise how much we are communicating with non verbal gestures. Sometime the silent moment between words speaks more than the words themselves. The video explores this concept by satirically portraying a conve...
Lea Culetto - Reveal The Goddess In You (00:00:42)
Production: L.C., 2017
Video superimposes home footage of shaving in the bathroom with footage of shaving from commercials for cosmetic depilatory products. The third layer superimposes the text constructed of advertising slogans of cosmetic brands. The title of the work is taken from one of the slogans and ironically complements the visual contrast between reality and the idealized image of the female body. The video has no sound.
Production: L.C., 2017
Video superimposes home footage of shaving in the bathroom with footage of shaving from commercials for cosmetic depilatory products. The third layer superimposes the text constructed of advertising slogans of cosmetic brands. The title of the work is taken from one of the slogans and ironically complements the visual contrast between reality and the idealized image of the female body. The video has no sound.
Urška Aplinc - Slide (01:52)
Production: U.A., 2014
Video je del projekta Drča, ki ga je avtorica ustvarila v času študija kiparstva na ALUO. V ateljeju je zgradila objekt, ki ima poleg specifične estetske vrednosti tudi igrivo 'uporabno' vrednost. Njeno uporabo avtorica demonstrira v videu, sestavljenem iz ponovitev kratkega spusta po drči. (Vir: Postaja DIVA)
Production: U.A., 2014
Video je del projekta Drča, ki ga je avtorica ustvarila v času študija kiparstva na ALUO. V ateljeju je zgradila objekt, ki ima poleg specifične estetske vrednosti tudi igrivo 'uporabno' vrednost. Njeno uporabo avtorica demonstrira v videu, sestavljenem iz ponovitev kratkega spusta po drči. (Vir: Postaja DIVA)
Urška Aplinc - Fungus, fungi (12:05)
Production: U.A., 2014
Video je del projekta Čarovniški risi, gobe, ki je nastal v času študija na ALUO. Konceptualno delo z uporabo stare nemške knjige o gobah (1933) premišlja zgodovinsko konstrukcijo in vzpostavljanje vednosti, ki se kaže s prepletanjem jezika, znanosti in umetnosti, pa tudi interpretacije. Avtorica na dveh različnih lokacijah (ateljeji na ALUO) v kamero bere vsebino knjige, ki jo kot nepopolni prevod spremljamo v podnapisih. Način branja spominja na pripovedovanje pravljice. P...
Production: U.A., 2014
Video je del projekta Čarovniški risi, gobe, ki je nastal v času študija na ALUO. Konceptualno delo z uporabo stare nemške knjige o gobah (1933) premišlja zgodovinsko konstrukcijo in vzpostavljanje vednosti, ki se kaže s prepletanjem jezika, znanosti in umetnosti, pa tudi interpretacije. Avtorica na dveh različnih lokacijah (ateljeji na ALUO) v kamero bere vsebino knjige, ki jo kot nepopolni prevod spremljamo v podnapisih. Način branja spominja na pripovedovanje pravljice. P...
SCCA-Ljubljana, Luksuz produkcija - Skupivn (SBO) (03:34)
Subtitle: Delavnica videospota
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kraken, Luksuz produkcija, Kinodvor (Kinotrip), 2020
The music video for the song Skupivn (Outtogether) by SBO was created at the Video Workshop produced by SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kraken, Luksuz produkcija and Kinodvor (Kinotrip).Mentors: Matic Zavodnik, Matevž Jerman and Peter Cerovšek. Authors: Ela Hartman, Jakob Žorž, Kaja Horvat
Subtitle: Delavnica videospota
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kraken, Luksuz produkcija, Kinodvor (Kinotrip), 2020
The music video for the song Skupivn (Outtogether) by SBO was created at the Video Workshop produced by SCCA-Ljubljana, Društvo Kraken, Luksuz produkcija and Kinodvor (Kinotrip).Mentors: Matic Zavodnik, Matevž Jerman and Peter Cerovšek. Authors: Ela Hartman, Jakob Žorž, Kaja Horvat
Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Stealing Land (07:15)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
The performance Stealing Land Dr Xenia performs on the land of the former Rakuš mill in Celje, a textbook example of capital appetites for plots in good locations, which evict ideas of non-profit spaces for culture intended for common and public good. The fight for territory begins and ends with incantations of masked performers dressed in black business attires: "I'm stealing, you're stealing, we're all stealing." (Source: excerpt of the curatorial text by Vesna Bukovec, Ana Grobler and Sebasti...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
The performance Stealing Land Dr Xenia performs on the land of the former Rakuš mill in Celje, a textbook example of capital appetites for plots in good locations, which evict ideas of non-profit spaces for culture intended for common and public good. The fight for territory begins and ends with incantations of masked performers dressed in black business attires: "I'm stealing, you're stealing, we're all stealing." (Source: excerpt of the curatorial text by Vesna Bukovec, Ana Grobler and Sebasti...
Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Man, Don't Get Angry (19:34)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
Man, Don't Get Angry is first and foremost a feminist response to the familiar image of (dressed) Marcel Duchamp and (naked) Eva Babitz's chess game from 1963. It is also a reference to the performance Mojca ärgere dich nicht, which was performed by Petja Grafenauer, Zoran Srdić Janežič, and Simon Macuh in 2013 at the Red Dawn festival with the aim of defending the use of nudity in works of art. Here, next to the dressed women, there is a half-naked man, who does not get to make a move during the ga...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
Man, Don't Get Angry is first and foremost a feminist response to the familiar image of (dressed) Marcel Duchamp and (naked) Eva Babitz's chess game from 1963. It is also a reference to the performance Mojca ärgere dich nicht, which was performed by Petja Grafenauer, Zoran Srdić Janežič, and Simon Macuh in 2013 at the Red Dawn festival with the aim of defending the use of nudity in works of art. Here, next to the dressed women, there is a half-naked man, who does not get to make a move during the ga...
Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Fart Roulette (06:39)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
The performance Fart Roulette is actually a picnic on the grass, which can be reminiscent of Manet's famous painting, although this time, everyone present is dressed. The title refers to Russian roulette, and the authors shoot farts instead of bullets. The parody deals with a serious topic of environmental pollution and its far-reaching consequences. Artists in Celje have been warning about local polluters (Cinkarna Celje and other industries) for a long time, but those responsible do not take them seriousl...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
The performance Fart Roulette is actually a picnic on the grass, which can be reminiscent of Manet's famous painting, although this time, everyone present is dressed. The title refers to Russian roulette, and the authors shoot farts instead of bullets. The parody deals with a serious topic of environmental pollution and its far-reaching consequences. Artists in Celje have been warning about local polluters (Cinkarna Celje and other industries) for a long time, but those responsible do not take them seriousl...
Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Rights for Our Fights (11:12)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
The fifth in a series of performances - its title is also the title of the exhibition - is the only one where Dr Xenia performs live with audience participation. This performance is also defined by the space, the four corners of the Alakatraz Gallery form a boxing ring, which becomes the scene of fights. Despite the boxing equipment, there are no boxing matches in the ring, but various derivations of board games. All games (Mikado, Cards and Rock paper scissors) are usually played with the hands and playing...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
The fifth in a series of performances - its title is also the title of the exhibition - is the only one where Dr Xenia performs live with audience participation. This performance is also defined by the space, the four corners of the Alakatraz Gallery form a boxing ring, which becomes the scene of fights. Despite the boxing equipment, there are no boxing matches in the ring, but various derivations of board games. All games (Mikado, Cards and Rock paper scissors) are usually played with the hands and playing...