Katarina Rešek - Zvezdana (Napravi mi dete) (00:03:17)
Production: Kuklaxklan, 2014
Glasbeni video spot skladbe Zvezdana skupine Napravi mi dete.
DIVA landscape
46 results in works
Katarina Rešek - Napoleon (Napravi mi dete) (00:03:45)
Production: Napravi mi dete & UL AGRFT, 2016
Music video Napoleon tells the story of a young woman in search of love, lost in a violent relationship with another person, which results in a violent relationship with herself and further relationships of the same kind. The film opens up the issue of sexual identity and ends with a conclusion that this is and will continue to be a man’s world if women look at it through men’s eyes. (Source: Katarina Rešek)
Production: Napravi mi dete & UL AGRFT, 2016
Music video Napoleon tells the story of a young woman in search of love, lost in a violent relationship with another person, which results in a violent relationship with herself and further relationships of the same kind. The film opens up the issue of sexual identity and ends with a conclusion that this is and will continue to be a man’s world if women look at it through men’s eyes. (Source: Katarina Rešek)
Peter Cerovšek - Trails (07:00)
Production: 2015
Eksperimentalni kratki film je sestavljen iz niza kratkih sekvenc, posnetih s telefonom in kamero. Posnetki pogledov skozi okno ob potovanju z vlakom, avtobusom in gondolo se izmenjujejo z izpisovanjem besedila na temni podlagi – vsebino kratkih telefonskih sporočil. Tresoča in nemirna slika posnetkov narave se prepleta z abstraktnimi vzorci, ki jih tvori svetloba. Menjajo se letni časi in pokrajina. Glasba v podlagi prispeva k ustvarjanju nostalgičnega vzdušja. Film govori krhkosti ljubeze...
Production: 2015
Eksperimentalni kratki film je sestavljen iz niza kratkih sekvenc, posnetih s telefonom in kamero. Posnetki pogledov skozi okno ob potovanju z vlakom, avtobusom in gondolo se izmenjujejo z izpisovanjem besedila na temni podlagi – vsebino kratkih telefonskih sporočil. Tresoča in nemirna slika posnetkov narave se prepleta z abstraktnimi vzorci, ki jih tvori svetloba. Menjajo se letni časi in pokrajina. Glasba v podlagi prispeva k ustvarjanju nostalgičnega vzdušja. Film govori krhkosti ljubeze...
Neža Knez - For-Nothing (11:37)
Production: N.K., 2016
Videodokumentacija tridnevne akcije, ki jo je umetnica izvajala na delavnici v Regensburgu v Nemčiji. Na sredi travnika v parku, je začela kopati luknjo. Kopala jo je toliko časa, dokler je iz nje še lahko odmetavala zemljo. Nato je luknjo zasula nazaj. Del projekta so tudi odzivi mimoidočih. Avtorica jih je povabila, naj napišejo svoje mnenje o njenem projektu. Zapise je vključila v knjigo umetnice. Statična kamera beleži različne faze kopanja, interakcijo s soudeleženci delavnice in...
Production: N.K., 2016
Videodokumentacija tridnevne akcije, ki jo je umetnica izvajala na delavnici v Regensburgu v Nemčiji. Na sredi travnika v parku, je začela kopati luknjo. Kopala jo je toliko časa, dokler je iz nje še lahko odmetavala zemljo. Nato je luknjo zasula nazaj. Del projekta so tudi odzivi mimoidočih. Avtorica jih je povabila, naj napišejo svoje mnenje o njenem projektu. Zapise je vključila v knjigo umetnice. Statična kamera beleži različne faze kopanja, interakcijo s soudeleženci delavnice in...
Danilo Milovanović - (Dis)connection (00:04:48)
Production: D.M., 2017
This intervention is a humorous, but actual reaction to the laying concrete on the public, living space. The idea requires a specific location that contains a grassy section interrupted with a concrete section. The grassy part must contain everyday use of a formed organic path, a shortcut. The intervention occurs with the covering of a concrete area with grassland-shaped surfaces that connects two grassy entities. A continuous 'organic' path is drawn, which connects the grass surfaces on the one hand, and o...
Production: D.M., 2017
This intervention is a humorous, but actual reaction to the laying concrete on the public, living space. The idea requires a specific location that contains a grassy section interrupted with a concrete section. The grassy part must contain everyday use of a formed organic path, a shortcut. The intervention occurs with the covering of a concrete area with grassland-shaped surfaces that connects two grassy entities. A continuous 'organic' path is drawn, which connects the grass surfaces on the one hand, and o...
Danilo Milovanović - Longcut (00:02:19)
Production: D.M., 2017
The idea of intervention arises from the question of the discourse of time in a modern society. This has "shrunk" at the mental level and it seems that 24 hours a day is no longer enough to perform all the tasks required by the pace of modern life. As a metaphor of the economy of time in the public space, I summarize the shortcuts - human traces across grass surfaces created with the aim of faster crossing. I intervene next to existing shortcuts by making 'longcut'. It is technically a transfer of Ric...
Production: D.M., 2017
The idea of intervention arises from the question of the discourse of time in a modern society. This has "shrunk" at the mental level and it seems that 24 hours a day is no longer enough to perform all the tasks required by the pace of modern life. As a metaphor of the economy of time in the public space, I summarize the shortcuts - human traces across grass surfaces created with the aim of faster crossing. I intervene next to existing shortcuts by making 'longcut'. It is technically a transfer of Ric...
Danilo Milovanović - Urban Plants Cu(l)t (00:03:43)
Production: D.M., 2017
The intervention is a reaction to the design of external plants in public and private spaces. They are usually trimed in geometric forms, thereby making their aesthetic value dominant over the organic nature and biological function of the plants. I am reacting to this cultural phenomenon with the symbolic design of wild, branched out plants in the urban environment. As a design guide I use visible architecture in the background of the plant. It is an optical work that requires a look at the treated plant fr...
Production: D.M., 2017
The intervention is a reaction to the design of external plants in public and private spaces. They are usually trimed in geometric forms, thereby making their aesthetic value dominant over the organic nature and biological function of the plants. I am reacting to this cultural phenomenon with the symbolic design of wild, branched out plants in the urban environment. As a design guide I use visible architecture in the background of the plant. It is an optical work that requires a look at the treated plant fr...
Miha Mohorič - Genesis (00:04:12)
Production: Sagar Kolektiv, 2011
Short film about the source of our existence and our happiness... Shot in Khumbu Valley, Himalayas, Nepal, 2011 (Source: Miha Mohorič)
Production: Sagar Kolektiv, 2011
Short film about the source of our existence and our happiness... Shot in Khumbu Valley, Himalayas, Nepal, 2011 (Source: Miha Mohorič)
Kristina Kokalj - Memory Machine (00:04:25)
Production: ALUO, 2018
The video is a collage of black and white images shot on a 35mm analog film. Images are exchanged at a rapid pace and, according to the principle of stop-motion animation, create the illusion of flickering and hectic movement. Images of nature (tree branches) and urban (street lights, graffiti, fences, roads) are intertwined. Open aperture shots produce a branch-like linear light drawing that transitions and flashes alternately with close-ups of bare branches. Stroboscopic flashes of images are accompanied...
Production: ALUO, 2018
The video is a collage of black and white images shot on a 35mm analog film. Images are exchanged at a rapid pace and, according to the principle of stop-motion animation, create the illusion of flickering and hectic movement. Images of nature (tree branches) and urban (street lights, graffiti, fences, roads) are intertwined. Open aperture shots produce a branch-like linear light drawing that transitions and flashes alternately with close-ups of bare branches. Stroboscopic flashes of images are accompanied...
P L A T E AU R E S I D U E - Ex Topia (37:00)
Production: P L A T E AU R E S I D U E, 2017
Ex Topia is a research-based artistic intervention set in the postglacial landscape of Triglav glacier in the Slovenian Alps. The project was created in collaboration with scientists from Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU and a heterogeneous group of 32 participants in august 2017.Ex Topia is a documented artistic intervention dedicated to the disappearing Triglav glacier, which shrunk from 36ha to 1ha in just 70 years.The project focuses on the landscape under the Triglav glacier that has been tr...
Production: P L A T E AU R E S I D U E, 2017
Ex Topia is a research-based artistic intervention set in the postglacial landscape of Triglav glacier in the Slovenian Alps. The project was created in collaboration with scientists from Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU and a heterogeneous group of 32 participants in august 2017.Ex Topia is a documented artistic intervention dedicated to the disappearing Triglav glacier, which shrunk from 36ha to 1ha in just 70 years.The project focuses on the landscape under the Triglav glacier that has been tr...