Katjuša Kovačič - Njavke: Crossed-Eyed Gazes (00:14:53)
Production: 2015
Njavka je v slovanski mitologiji gozdno bitje ženskega spola. Predstavlja dušo deklice, ki je umrla nenaravne smrti. Njavke navadno živijo v skupinah globoko v gozdu ali v jamah, visoko v gorah.
Dve njavki (performerki v animaličnem kostumu, ki posnema živalsko kožo, in v gibanju, ki je mešanica živalskega in človeškega) spremljamo v njunem naravnem, domačem okolju. Sledimo njunemu raziskovanju gozda: dotikamo se mahu na skalah, splazimo se v votlo drevesno deblo, ki je njun dom, oglašamo se...
DIVA improvisation
34 results in works
Marko A. Kovačič - Hrupofon (03:20)
Subtitle: A sound_hybrid object
Production: 2015
The artist has constructed a sculptural music machine called hrupofon (Bruitphone – hrup=bruit in french) that he is playing by adding to the digital sound scene the real-time manualy produced sounds. 'It's a real music, a real composition', say the public.
Subtitle: A sound_hybrid object
Production: 2015
The artist has constructed a sculptural music machine called hrupofon (Bruitphone – hrup=bruit in french) that he is playing by adding to the digital sound scene the real-time manualy produced sounds. 'It's a real music, a real composition', say the public.
Evelin Stermitz - Blue House (00:25:18)
Subtitle: Dance Improvisation Performance
Production: E.S., 2009
Dance improvisation by three female performers. They use their bodies to explore empty spaces in a blue house. The author links the blue color to the story of Bluebeard, which addresses violence against women. However, the house in the video is a safe place. Performers: Klaudia Ahrer, Tina Gressl, Judith Meister All music composed, performed and recorded by Elise Kermani, Copyright 2008, Licensed by BMI.
Subtitle: Dance Improvisation Performance
Production: E.S., 2009
Dance improvisation by three female performers. They use their bodies to explore empty spaces in a blue house. The author links the blue color to the story of Bluebeard, which addresses violence against women. However, the house in the video is a safe place. Performers: Klaudia Ahrer, Tina Gressl, Judith Meister All music composed, performed and recorded by Elise Kermani, Copyright 2008, Licensed by BMI.
Neža Jurman - Pez Pushing (Ljubljana) (00:10:28)
Production: Nez Pez, 2017
Nez Pez s projektom Pez Pushing s potiskanjem rolke po mestu raziskuje urbano okolje, pri tem pa izdeluje zvočno – vizualno sliko. Rolka, ki je v ta namen predelana v improviziran instrument, ki spominja na električno kitaro, deluje kot medij, skozi katerega se skozi vibracije strun in drugih okoljskih zvokov ustvarja zvok poti. Enostavna gesta, kot je potiskanje rolke, predstavlja element raziskovanja okolja, iskanja različnih situacij in naključij, ki predstavljajo vtis mesta in mestne identitet...
Production: Nez Pez, 2017
Nez Pez s projektom Pez Pushing s potiskanjem rolke po mestu raziskuje urbano okolje, pri tem pa izdeluje zvočno – vizualno sliko. Rolka, ki je v ta namen predelana v improviziran instrument, ki spominja na električno kitaro, deluje kot medij, skozi katerega se skozi vibracije strun in drugih okoljskih zvokov ustvarja zvok poti. Enostavna gesta, kot je potiskanje rolke, predstavlja element raziskovanja okolja, iskanja različnih situacij in naključij, ki predstavljajo vtis mesta in mestne identitet...
Maja Hodošček - Poem (00:12:04 (trailer 00:02:03))
Production: 2015
For the first time a teenage girl is encountering a poem written by her high school colleagues – members of a school debate club wrote this particular poem. In the video we see how she reacts upon the written words by translating them in semi abstract sounds. Or she pics upon parts of the poem and tries to transform them into a new form, reading the words backwards or inventing them a new. She confronts herself with an unknown material, there is no reference on which she could depend on. Therefore she fin...
Production: 2015
For the first time a teenage girl is encountering a poem written by her high school colleagues – members of a school debate club wrote this particular poem. In the video we see how she reacts upon the written words by translating them in semi abstract sounds. Or she pics upon parts of the poem and tries to transform them into a new form, reading the words backwards or inventing them a new. She confronts herself with an unknown material, there is no reference on which she could depend on. Therefore she fin...
Urška Aplinc - sara-grieg-chocolate (00:16:55)
Production: U.A., 2015
Avtorica uporabi domači videoposnetek, ki ga je posnela njena mlajša sestra v avtu. Surov material iz kamere, ki je nastal kot otroška igra s kamero, je hkrati spontana zabeležka nekega trenutka v času in prostoru. Umetnica s podrobno analizo posnetka (glej dodatno besedilo) raziskuje dva aspekta, prvi je vezan na telo in njegovo manifestacijo skozi glas in snemanje, drugi pa na vmesnost videa, ki beleži preplet otroške igre, momentov nadzora in usmerjanja. Video je bil predstavljen...
Production: U.A., 2015
Avtorica uporabi domači videoposnetek, ki ga je posnela njena mlajša sestra v avtu. Surov material iz kamere, ki je nastal kot otroška igra s kamero, je hkrati spontana zabeležka nekega trenutka v času in prostoru. Umetnica s podrobno analizo posnetka (glej dodatno besedilo) raziskuje dva aspekta, prvi je vezan na telo in njegovo manifestacijo skozi glas in snemanje, drugi pa na vmesnost videa, ki beleži preplet otroške igre, momentov nadzora in usmerjanja. Video je bil predstavljen...
Tatiana Kocmur, Boštjan Čadež - Quintessence (24:06)
Production: Svetlobna gverila/Forum Ljubljana, 2020
Quintessence is an audio-visual performance that combines the intermedia practice of Boštjan Čadež and the performative body of Tatiana Kocmur. The performer's body is covered with LED lights that respond to her movement. The movement of the body with the help of sensors generates image and sound. A series of movements make up an animated image supported by a video projection. Quintessence discusses possible ways to embody in a world of technological progress. It offers reflections on modern...
Production: Svetlobna gverila/Forum Ljubljana, 2020
Quintessence is an audio-visual performance that combines the intermedia practice of Boštjan Čadež and the performative body of Tatiana Kocmur. The performer's body is covered with LED lights that respond to her movement. The movement of the body with the help of sensors generates image and sound. A series of movements make up an animated image supported by a video projection. Quintessence discusses possible ways to embody in a world of technological progress. It offers reflections on modern...
Bratko Bibič - In the Family Garden (51:48)
Production: Zavod Alcedo, Slovenska kinoteka, Filmski arhiv RS, 2004
In 1999, Bratko Bibič and his colleagues began editing, recycling, adapting ... archived silent and sound, completely ignored contributions of Slovenian and other filmmakers to the history of local mentalities. He decided to immerse himself in the cinematographic tradition of Slovenes from 1905 onwards, starting at the source of world film history: composing and performing live music at screenings of the first and second part of the music and film project under the auspices of Bridko Bebič's Traveling Cin...
Production: Zavod Alcedo, Slovenska kinoteka, Filmski arhiv RS, 2004
In 1999, Bratko Bibič and his colleagues began editing, recycling, adapting ... archived silent and sound, completely ignored contributions of Slovenian and other filmmakers to the history of local mentalities. He decided to immerse himself in the cinematographic tradition of Slovenes from 1905 onwards, starting at the source of world film history: composing and performing live music at screenings of the first and second part of the music and film project under the auspices of Bridko Bebič's Traveling Cin...
Nataša Berk - Eine Revolution Ohne Tanzen Ist Eine Revolution Die Sich Nicht Lohnt (03:36)
Production: N.B., 2011/12
The video consists of two editions (2011/12 and 2017). Each was filmed at a different location, probably in the artist's apartment at the time. The work is a dance performance for the camera. The artist dances to music not recorded in the video. The very absence of music is the essence of the work, as the artist invites the viewers to choose the music they will listen to while watching her dance. The title of the work is based on a famous quote attributed to the American anarchist Emma Goldman (If I can't d...
Production: N.B., 2011/12
The video consists of two editions (2011/12 and 2017). Each was filmed at a different location, probably in the artist's apartment at the time. The work is a dance performance for the camera. The artist dances to music not recorded in the video. The very absence of music is the essence of the work, as the artist invites the viewers to choose the music they will listen to while watching her dance. The title of the work is based on a famous quote attributed to the American anarchist Emma Goldman (If I can't d...
Nataša Berk - Eine Revolution Ohne Tanzen Ist Eine Revolution Die Sich Nicht Lohnt (03:38)
Production: N.B., 2017
The video consists of two editions (2011/12 and 2017). Each was filmed at a different location, probably in the artist's apartment at the time. The work is a dance performance for the camera. The artist dances to music not recorded in the video. The very absence of music is the essence of the work, as the artist invites the viewers to choose the music they will listen to while watching her dance. The title of the work is based on a famous quote attributed to the American anarchist Emma Goldman (If I can't d...
Production: N.B., 2017
The video consists of two editions (2011/12 and 2017). Each was filmed at a different location, probably in the artist's apartment at the time. The work is a dance performance for the camera. The artist dances to music not recorded in the video. The very absence of music is the essence of the work, as the artist invites the viewers to choose the music they will listen to while watching her dance. The title of the work is based on a famous quote attributed to the American anarchist Emma Goldman (If I can't d...