Amir Muratović - With the Wind (00:01:10)
Production: Amir Muratović, 2008
The video is recorded in one frame and the dynamics of the shot is obtained by gradually expanding the viewing angle. The movement of vegetation demonstrates the power of the wind. Subtle changes in light and shadow create a dynamic composition. The viewer gets the feeling of being part of a modern version of a romantic landscape. Everything that is painterly in romantic pictures now gets a romantic cinematic image. (Source: DIVA Station)
DIVA movement
82 results in works
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Going Where (00:02:15)
Production: 2010
Video is part of the series Haiku Videos, which originate in daily recordings with minimal staging. They are created when a real life situation motivates an idea. Like in Haiku poetry, the images of Haiku Videos are based on directly observed events, objects or occurrences.
Production: 2010
Video is part of the series Haiku Videos, which originate in daily recordings with minimal staging. They are created when a real life situation motivates an idea. Like in Haiku poetry, the images of Haiku Videos are based on directly observed events, objects or occurrences.
Nataša Skušek - Huzar (01:05)
Production: N.S., 2011
Video prikazuje moškega v spodnjicah, ki trdno spi na postelji. Ženska roka ga obmetava z obešalniki, vendar ga to ne zbudi. Čez nekaj časa se telo v spanju začne tresti, kot bi skušalo odvreči nakopičene obešalnike. Video v avtoričinem humornem stilu obarvanava napetosti v partnerskem odnosu in se poigrava s sterotipnimi vlogami družbenih spolov.
Production: N.S., 2011
Video prikazuje moškega v spodnjicah, ki trdno spi na postelji. Ženska roka ga obmetava z obešalniki, vendar ga to ne zbudi. Čez nekaj časa se telo v spanju začne tresti, kot bi skušalo odvreči nakopičene obešalnike. Video v avtoričinem humornem stilu obarvanava napetosti v partnerskem odnosu in se poigrava s sterotipnimi vlogami družbenih spolov.
Nataša Skušek - Golica (03:54)
Production: N.S., 2013
Videoperfomans je bil vključen na samostojno razstavo z naslovom Pravi moški v Galeriji Alkatraz leta 2014. Nataša Skušek v svojih delih obravnava stereotipne družbene, seksualne in družinske vloge, ki jih družba pripisuje ženskam. Dela na razstavi so se na humoren način osredotočala na partnerske odnose in vlogo moškega. Video Golica spremlja zvok živižganja istoimenske ponarodele melodije narodnozabavnega ansambla. Žvižganje daje tempo potresavanju ženske zadn...
Production: N.S., 2013
Videoperfomans je bil vključen na samostojno razstavo z naslovom Pravi moški v Galeriji Alkatraz leta 2014. Nataša Skušek v svojih delih obravnava stereotipne družbene, seksualne in družinske vloge, ki jih družba pripisuje ženskam. Dela na razstavi so se na humoren način osredotočala na partnerske odnose in vlogo moškega. Video Golica spremlja zvok živižganja istoimenske ponarodele melodije narodnozabavnega ansambla. Žvižganje daje tempo potresavanju ženske zadn...
Katjuša Kovačič - Njavke: Crossed-Eyed Gazes (00:14:53)
Production: 2015
Njavka je v slovanski mitologiji gozdno bitje ženskega spola. Predstavlja dušo deklice, ki je umrla nenaravne smrti. Njavke navadno živijo v skupinah globoko v gozdu ali v jamah, visoko v gorah. Dve njavki (performerki v animaličnem kostumu, ki posnema živalsko kožo, in v gibanju, ki je mešanica živalskega in človeškega) spremljamo v njunem naravnem, domačem okolju. Sledimo njunemu raziskovanju gozda: dotikamo se mahu na skalah, splazimo se v votlo drevesno deblo, ki je njun dom, oglašamo se...
Production: 2015
Njavka je v slovanski mitologiji gozdno bitje ženskega spola. Predstavlja dušo deklice, ki je umrla nenaravne smrti. Njavke navadno živijo v skupinah globoko v gozdu ali v jamah, visoko v gorah. Dve njavki (performerki v animaličnem kostumu, ki posnema živalsko kožo, in v gibanju, ki je mešanica živalskega in človeškega) spremljamo v njunem naravnem, domačem okolju. Sledimo njunemu raziskovanju gozda: dotikamo se mahu na skalah, splazimo se v votlo drevesno deblo, ki je njun dom, oglašamo se...
Ana Čigon - Perspective (00:05:07)
Subtitle: Video Installation
Production: Ana Čigon, Galerija Alkatraz, 2010
Delo je enokanalni video, ki združuje dokumentacijo večkanalne videoinstalacije v galeriji Alkatraz z originalnimi posnetki. Performans za video je bil predhodno posnet v prostorih galerije in nato predstavljen na treh dvo-kanalnih projekcijah v zanki. V videu se izmenjujejo posnetki prostorske postavitve z originali, ki so sestavljeni tako, da je znotraj enega kadra več posnetkov, ki simulirajo prostorsko postavitev. Video spominja na delo One more kick iz leta 2009, vendar ni njegovo nadaljevanje, am...
Subtitle: Video Installation
Production: Ana Čigon, Galerija Alkatraz, 2010
Delo je enokanalni video, ki združuje dokumentacijo večkanalne videoinstalacije v galeriji Alkatraz z originalnimi posnetki. Performans za video je bil predhodno posnet v prostorih galerije in nato predstavljen na treh dvo-kanalnih projekcijah v zanki. V videu se izmenjujejo posnetki prostorske postavitve z originali, ki so sestavljeni tako, da je znotraj enega kadra več posnetkov, ki simulirajo prostorsko postavitev. Video spominja na delo One more kick iz leta 2009, vendar ni njegovo nadaljevanje, am...
Katjuša Kovačič - Seeking Balance (00:08:40)
Production: Mesto žensk / City of Women, 2009
The author, Katjuša Kovačič, in her movement debut, Seeking Balance, seeks balance in a moving, expressive, cultural, and gravitational sense; she is trying to connect different entities into a whole, and in this manner to create a story of co-existence, transition, and complementation.
Production: Mesto žensk / City of Women, 2009
The author, Katjuša Kovačič, in her movement debut, Seeking Balance, seeks balance in a moving, expressive, cultural, and gravitational sense; she is trying to connect different entities into a whole, and in this manner to create a story of co-existence, transition, and complementation.
Katjuša Kovačič - Dynamic Balance (trailer) (00:54:30)
Production: 2015
A show of physical theatre exploring the ideas of Nikola Tesla from early 20th century, by skipping over differences the performers represent a live motor. The performers explore the co-dependence of mass and energy. They seek balance and apply various means of expression to their movement, ranging from contemporary dance, acrobatics, capoeira, Chinese dance, physical and street theatre. The interaction between opposites creates the force of the collective engine. The sound also comes from two sources: t...
Production: 2015
A show of physical theatre exploring the ideas of Nikola Tesla from early 20th century, by skipping over differences the performers represent a live motor. The performers explore the co-dependence of mass and energy. They seek balance and apply various means of expression to their movement, ranging from contemporary dance, acrobatics, capoeira, Chinese dance, physical and street theatre. The interaction between opposites creates the force of the collective engine. The sound also comes from two sources: t...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Emerning Fossils (00:08:01)
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2016
Video is a part of "Black Waters and Other Stories" series - short videos with no narrative structure.
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2016
Video is a part of "Black Waters and Other Stories" series - short videos with no narrative structure.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Nightmares of the New World (00:07:31)
Subtitle: Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers, Alternative Facts in Nucleus Brass
Production: 2017
Series of three single-channel videos - Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers / Alternative Facts, Nucleus Brass. The work of the video artist and filmmaker Nataša Prosenc Stearns is never directly illustrative, but her new series Nightmares of the New World is clearly a reaction to the bleak socio-political climate. The first three videos of the series: Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers / Alternative Facts and Nucleus Brass, address the uncertainty of our physicality from an embryo to a robot, the rising...
Subtitle: Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers, Alternative Facts in Nucleus Brass
Production: 2017
Series of three single-channel videos - Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers / Alternative Facts, Nucleus Brass. The work of the video artist and filmmaker Nataša Prosenc Stearns is never directly illustrative, but her new series Nightmares of the New World is clearly a reaction to the bleak socio-political climate. The first three videos of the series: Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers / Alternative Facts and Nucleus Brass, address the uncertainty of our physicality from an embryo to a robot, the rising...