Danilo Milovanović - Longcut (00:02:19)
Production: D.M., 2017
The idea of intervention arises from the question of the discourse of time in a modern society. This has "shrunk" at the mental level and it seems that 24 hours a day is no longer enough to perform all the tasks required by the pace of modern life. As a metaphor of the economy of time in the public space, I summarize the shortcuts - human traces across grass surfaces created with the aim of faster crossing. I intervene next to existing shortcuts by making 'longcut'. It is technically a transfer of Ric...
DIVA process
26 results in works
Peter Cerovšek - Fundaments (trailer) (1:41)
Production: EnaBanda, 2018
The director of the film follows the construction of a luxury hotel through his kitchen window. Fragments of the dissolution of his relationship unintentionally sneak into the recorded material and shake the very foundations of the film. (Source: EnaBanda)
Production: EnaBanda, 2018
The director of the film follows the construction of a luxury hotel through his kitchen window. Fragments of the dissolution of his relationship unintentionally sneak into the recorded material and shake the very foundations of the film. (Source: EnaBanda)
Uršula Berlot - Liquid Solidity (05:06)
Production: Uršula Berlot, 2017
The round-shaped form in the process of constant transformation is based on the idea of simulating life at the molecular level. The structure which periodically resembles a virus structure, complex proteins or carbon fullerenes, is being decomposed, transformed and re-shaped in a string of regulatory processes. The fusion of elements according to the rule of shape and anti-shape (the key–lock principle), chain formation, deformation with multiplied symmetry, or a simulation of the Brownian motion crea...
Production: Uršula Berlot, 2017
The round-shaped form in the process of constant transformation is based on the idea of simulating life at the molecular level. The structure which periodically resembles a virus structure, complex proteins or carbon fullerenes, is being decomposed, transformed and re-shaped in a string of regulatory processes. The fusion of elements according to the rule of shape and anti-shape (the key–lock principle), chain formation, deformation with multiplied symmetry, or a simulation of the Brownian motion crea...
Urška Aplinc - sara-grieg-chocolate (00:16:55)
Production: U.A., 2015
Avtorica uporabi domači videoposnetek, ki ga je posnela njena mlajša sestra v avtu. Surov material iz kamere, ki je nastal kot otroška igra s kamero, je hkrati spontana zabeležka nekega trenutka v času in prostoru. Umetnica s podrobno analizo posnetka (glej dodatno besedilo) raziskuje dva aspekta, prvi je vezan na telo in njegovo manifestacijo skozi glas in snemanje, drugi pa na vmesnost videa, ki beleži preplet otroške igre, momentov nadzora in usmerjanja. Video je bil predstavljen...
Production: U.A., 2015
Avtorica uporabi domači videoposnetek, ki ga je posnela njena mlajša sestra v avtu. Surov material iz kamere, ki je nastal kot otroška igra s kamero, je hkrati spontana zabeležka nekega trenutka v času in prostoru. Umetnica s podrobno analizo posnetka (glej dodatno besedilo) raziskuje dva aspekta, prvi je vezan na telo in njegovo manifestacijo skozi glas in snemanje, drugi pa na vmesnost videa, ki beleži preplet otroške igre, momentov nadzora in usmerjanja. Video je bil predstavljen...
Tatiana Kocmur - Avatara (39:48)
Production: Lezbična četrt, 2020
Video documentation of Avatara performance at the opening of the Gender Slipslope. Lesbian Quarter Festival Exhibition at the ŠKUC gallery in 2020.The artist stands motionless in the gallery space. She is wrapped and hung with various textiles and sprinkled with glitter and colored powder. She creates the impression of a living sculpture in space. Visitors walk past her and after about 20 minutes, the first interactions begin. Visitors remove layers of textiles and objects from the artist until she i...
Production: Lezbična četrt, 2020
Video documentation of Avatara performance at the opening of the Gender Slipslope. Lesbian Quarter Festival Exhibition at the ŠKUC gallery in 2020.The artist stands motionless in the gallery space. She is wrapped and hung with various textiles and sprinkled with glitter and colored powder. She creates the impression of a living sculpture in space. Visitors walk past her and after about 20 minutes, the first interactions begin. Visitors remove layers of textiles and objects from the artist until she i...
Marko Košnik - Ditopia Fragments 2008-09 (16:29)
Production: Inštitut Egon March , 2011
Ditopia Fragments 2008-09 is a video document based on excerpts from walk animations for interactive installations and live performances by Marko Košnik. Libreto Operabil POW Mousy written and performed by Marko Košnik Music and voice from live performance of Operabil Memotopia, Barbara Thun, Klanggalerie Münich, 2008 Live generated video fragments from original performances: - DITOPIA MEMOTOPIA Chance generated video installation, Mediascape Novigrad, Croatia, 2008 - DITOPIA SCREEN Int...
Production: Inštitut Egon March , 2011
Ditopia Fragments 2008-09 is a video document based on excerpts from walk animations for interactive installations and live performances by Marko Košnik. Libreto Operabil POW Mousy written and performed by Marko Košnik Music and voice from live performance of Operabil Memotopia, Barbara Thun, Klanggalerie Münich, 2008 Live generated video fragments from original performances: - DITOPIA MEMOTOPIA Chance generated video installation, Mediascape Novigrad, Croatia, 2008 - DITOPIA SCREEN Int...