Peter Cerovšek, Matevž Jerman, Luksuz produkcija - We have all been here since forever (12:18)
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2016
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." H.P. Lovecraft (Source: Luksuz produkcija)
DIVA Experimental video
330 results in works
Peter Cerovšek, Luksuz produkcija - The Runner (5:39)
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2015
The first breath is a decision. Each subsequent breath is a struggle for a goal that remains unseen. A struggle for life. He is a former long distance runner. He reveals his suffering, pain, and effort, all of which are crucial elements of each and every race. (Source: Luksuz produkcija)
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2015
The first breath is a decision. Each subsequent breath is a struggle for a goal that remains unseen. A struggle for life. He is a former long distance runner. He reveals his suffering, pain, and effort, all of which are crucial elements of each and every race. (Source: Luksuz produkcija)
Peter Cerovšek - Fundaments (trailer) (1:41)
Production: EnaBanda, 2018
The director of the film follows the construction of a luxury hotel through his kitchen window. Fragments of the dissolution of his relationship unintentionally sneak into the recorded material and shake the very foundations of the film. (Source: EnaBanda)
Production: EnaBanda, 2018
The director of the film follows the construction of a luxury hotel through his kitchen window. Fragments of the dissolution of his relationship unintentionally sneak into the recorded material and shake the very foundations of the film. (Source: EnaBanda)
Sara Bezovšek - Revenge Porn (04:53)
Subtitle: 1.del trilogije wwwiolenc=3
Production: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, 2019
Subtitle: 1.del trilogije wwwiolenc=3
Production: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, 2019
Sara Bezovšek - Cyberstalking (05:27)
Subtitle: 2. del trilogije wwwiolenc=3
Production: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, 2019
Subtitle: 2. del trilogije wwwiolenc=3
Production: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, 2019
Sara Bezovšek - Sextortion (06:06)
Subtitle: 3. del trilogije wwwiolenc=3
Production: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, 2019
Subtitle: 3. del trilogije wwwiolenc=3
Production: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, 2019
Matevž Jerman - Remains - Confessions to the Ghosts (40:08)
Production: Gustav film, 2019
Niko Novak’s songs inhabit and carve out the physical and interpersonal landscapes and distances discarded by another film – with sound, melody, expressiveness and voice weaved into dark, balladic rock. Something highly amorphous, intangible, restless and presently absent is embodied; we hunt ghosts, memories and feelings that inhabit the spaces between pictures and songs. “If you have ghosts, you have everything.” (Source: Luka Zagoričnik)
Production: Gustav film, 2019
Niko Novak’s songs inhabit and carve out the physical and interpersonal landscapes and distances discarded by another film – with sound, melody, expressiveness and voice weaved into dark, balladic rock. Something highly amorphous, intangible, restless and presently absent is embodied; we hunt ghosts, memories and feelings that inhabit the spaces between pictures and songs. “If you have ghosts, you have everything.” (Source: Luka Zagoričnik)
Matevž Jerman - Summer Fables (06:10)
Production: 2015
A hot summer night. A distant thunder. A fox and a cat on the run. The world will end in the morning. (Source: Matevž Jerman)
Production: 2015
A hot summer night. A distant thunder. A fox and a cat on the run. The world will end in the morning. (Source: Matevž Jerman)
Matevž Jerman - Woodsman's Bizzare Dream 2 (03:51)
Production: 2009
Production: 2009
Matevž Jerman - Ona mežika, cvetje drhti (08:17)
Production: Tramal Films, 2017
Pet sekund, pet sekund je dovolj, da se odločiš, ali boš problem, ali boš rešitev! (Rob Tyner-MC5)
Production: Tramal Films, 2017
Pet sekund, pet sekund je dovolj, da se odločiš, ali boš problem, ali boš rešitev! (Rob Tyner-MC5)