Ana Čigon - Macho (00:03:00)
Subtitle: part of the series Uncovering a Pig in a Poke
Production: Ana Čigon, 2015
An animation of what is happening in the macho world, if someone walks through it, who is not a macho. In the animation, a cat is walking through Ljubljana and is admiring the monuments in the city. The monuments are cat cartoon versions of real monuments dedicated to male historic figures in Ljubljana. The cat at first enjoys the monuments but is slowly becoming suspicious of the repetition of the same gender of cats represented on the monuments. Namely, under all of the monuments there is a label mačo (...
DIVA collage
50 results in works
Neža Jurman - Untitled Pez (00:01:57)
Production: Nez Pez, 2014
Video sestavlja niz nekajsekundnih gif animacij, ki jih je avtorica sestavila iz lastnih risb in slik in jih podložila s fotografijami iz različnih lokacij (tovarna Rog, Kolezija, Bosna). Eksperimentalna video animacija je raziskovanje procesa animiranja s prepletanjem digitaliziranih analognih podob s pomočjo plastenja in repeticije.
Production: Nez Pez, 2014
Video sestavlja niz nekajsekundnih gif animacij, ki jih je avtorica sestavila iz lastnih risb in slik in jih podložila s fotografijami iz različnih lokacij (tovarna Rog, Kolezija, Bosna). Eksperimentalna video animacija je raziskovanje procesa animiranja s prepletanjem digitaliziranih analognih podob s pomočjo plastenja in repeticije.
Lea Culetto - Reveal The Goddess In You (00:00:42)
Production: L.C., 2017
Video superimposes home footage of shaving in the bathroom with footage of shaving from commercials for cosmetic depilatory products. The third layer superimposes the text constructed of advertising slogans of cosmetic brands. The title of the work is taken from one of the slogans and ironically complements the visual contrast between reality and the idealized image of the female body. The video has no sound.
Production: L.C., 2017
Video superimposes home footage of shaving in the bathroom with footage of shaving from commercials for cosmetic depilatory products. The third layer superimposes the text constructed of advertising slogans of cosmetic brands. The title of the work is taken from one of the slogans and ironically complements the visual contrast between reality and the idealized image of the female body. The video has no sound.
Kristina Kokalj - Memory Machine (00:04:25)
Production: ALUO, 2018
The video is a collage of black and white images shot on a 35mm analog film. Images are exchanged at a rapid pace and, according to the principle of stop-motion animation, create the illusion of flickering and hectic movement. Images of nature (tree branches) and urban (street lights, graffiti, fences, roads) are intertwined. Open aperture shots produce a branch-like linear light drawing that transitions and flashes alternately with close-ups of bare branches. Stroboscopic flashes of images are accompanied...
Production: ALUO, 2018
The video is a collage of black and white images shot on a 35mm analog film. Images are exchanged at a rapid pace and, according to the principle of stop-motion animation, create the illusion of flickering and hectic movement. Images of nature (tree branches) and urban (street lights, graffiti, fences, roads) are intertwined. Open aperture shots produce a branch-like linear light drawing that transitions and flashes alternately with close-ups of bare branches. Stroboscopic flashes of images are accompanied...
Bratko Bibič - In the Family Garden (51:48)
Production: Zavod Alcedo, Slovenska kinoteka, Filmski arhiv RS, 2004
In 1999, Bratko Bibič and his colleagues began editing, recycling, adapting ... archived silent and sound, completely ignored contributions of Slovenian and other filmmakers to the history of local mentalities. He decided to immerse himself in the cinematographic tradition of Slovenes from 1905 onwards, starting at the source of world film history: composing and performing live music at screenings of the first and second part of the music and film project under the auspices of Bridko Bebič's Traveling Cin...
Production: Zavod Alcedo, Slovenska kinoteka, Filmski arhiv RS, 2004
In 1999, Bratko Bibič and his colleagues began editing, recycling, adapting ... archived silent and sound, completely ignored contributions of Slovenian and other filmmakers to the history of local mentalities. He decided to immerse himself in the cinematographic tradition of Slovenes from 1905 onwards, starting at the source of world film history: composing and performing live music at screenings of the first and second part of the music and film project under the auspices of Bridko Bebič's Traveling Cin...
Luksuz produkcija - Curriculum Vitae (08:26)
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2019
A resume (C.V.) is usually a document that presents personal skills and competencies, but does not reveal weaknesses. Author Ece Ezer used the form of a C.V. to honestly reflect on her own difficulties and fears. At the same time, the work exposes linguistic obstacles to understanding a foreign language and highlights errors and alternative meanings that are established by literal machine translation and by disregarding sentence structures and the linguistic rules of another language. Fragmentarity and inab...
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2019
A resume (C.V.) is usually a document that presents personal skills and competencies, but does not reveal weaknesses. Author Ece Ezer used the form of a C.V. to honestly reflect on her own difficulties and fears. At the same time, the work exposes linguistic obstacles to understanding a foreign language and highlights errors and alternative meanings that are established by literal machine translation and by disregarding sentence structures and the linguistic rules of another language. Fragmentarity and inab...
Vesna Bukovec - Kaj je nevarnost? (02:00)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
Kako govoriti o nevarnosti v neslavnem letu 2020? Kratek vizualni dnevnik različnih nevarnosti od pandemije koronavirusa do izkoriščanja, nasilja, podnebnih sprememb in lažnih novic.Video je nastal na povabilo FemLink-Art, za mednarodni video kolaž na temo nevarnosti: Danger. (Vir: avtorica)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
Kako govoriti o nevarnosti v neslavnem letu 2020? Kratek vizualni dnevnik različnih nevarnosti od pandemije koronavirusa do izkoriščanja, nasilja, podnebnih sprememb in lažnih novic.Video je nastal na povabilo FemLink-Art, za mednarodni video kolaž na temo nevarnosti: Danger. (Vir: avtorica)
Vesna Bukovec - What is danger? (02:00)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
How to speak about danger in the infamous year 2020 ? A short and intensive visual diary of the many dangers ranging from coronavirus pandemic to exploitation, violence, climate change and fake news.The video was made by invitation to participate in the FemLink-Art‘s international video collage on the topic of Danger. (Source: author)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
How to speak about danger in the infamous year 2020 ? A short and intensive visual diary of the many dangers ranging from coronavirus pandemic to exploitation, violence, climate change and fake news.The video was made by invitation to participate in the FemLink-Art‘s international video collage on the topic of Danger. (Source: author)
Ester Ivakič - Sometimes I wish I were an angel sometimes (06:32)
Production: Ester Ivakič, 2022
There must be a way of existing without existing. (Source: Ester Ivakič)
Production: Ester Ivakič, 2022
There must be a way of existing without existing. (Source: Ester Ivakič)