Luksuz produkcija - For Andrej (01:59)
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2016
A film made a few days after the lethal jump of the Slovenian high diver, Andrej Beuc, during a high-diving competition held in Bosnia. The film is dedicated to his memory. (Source: Luksuz produkcija)
Authors: Diane Ntahimpera, Ivor Hodulak, Mary Marinopoulou
DIVA death
43 results in works
Jatun Risba - Drop-off (trailer) (08:22 (trailer 02:45))
Production: Jatun Risba & Franco G. Livera, 2020
A year of desires ...for a new Beginning ...for changing the Course of ...desires end desires ...DROP-OFF Drop-off is a work that reclaims the beauty and vitality of life in its darkest places. (Source: author)
Production: Jatun Risba & Franco G. Livera, 2020
A year of desires ...for a new Beginning ...for changing the Course of ...desires end desires ...DROP-OFF Drop-off is a work that reclaims the beauty and vitality of life in its darkest places. (Source: author)
Vesna Bukovec - Kaj je nevarnost? (02:00)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
Kako govoriti o nevarnosti v neslavnem letu 2020? Kratek vizualni dnevnik različnih nevarnosti od pandemije koronavirusa do izkoriščanja, nasilja, podnebnih sprememb in lažnih novic.Video je nastal na povabilo FemLink-Art, za mednarodni video kolaž na temo nevarnosti: Danger. (Vir: avtorica)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
Kako govoriti o nevarnosti v neslavnem letu 2020? Kratek vizualni dnevnik različnih nevarnosti od pandemije koronavirusa do izkoriščanja, nasilja, podnebnih sprememb in lažnih novic.Video je nastal na povabilo FemLink-Art, za mednarodni video kolaž na temo nevarnosti: Danger. (Vir: avtorica)
Vesna Bukovec - What is danger? (02:00)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
How to speak about danger in the infamous year 2020 ? A short and intensive visual diary of the many dangers ranging from coronavirus pandemic to exploitation, violence, climate change and fake news.The video was made by invitation to participate in the FemLink-Art‘s international video collage on the topic of Danger. (Source: author)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
How to speak about danger in the infamous year 2020 ? A short and intensive visual diary of the many dangers ranging from coronavirus pandemic to exploitation, violence, climate change and fake news.The video was made by invitation to participate in the FemLink-Art‘s international video collage on the topic of Danger. (Source: author)
Francisco Tomsich - A winter’s tale and a summer’s tale (08:33)
Subtitle: Silent Works
Production: Francisco Tomsich / Cirkulacija 2, 2020
A winter’s tale and a summer’s tale is part of the series of silent, usually monochrome video essays and meditations Silent Works, developed since 2016. These works dialogue with traditions of experimental documentary film, video art and early cinema and are primarily aimed to be projected on a large scale, often in groups and in dialogue with objects, installations and the space where they are shown. They are manipulations of Francisco Tomsich's own video diaries and sometimes integrate te...
Subtitle: Silent Works
Production: Francisco Tomsich / Cirkulacija 2, 2020
A winter’s tale and a summer’s tale is part of the series of silent, usually monochrome video essays and meditations Silent Works, developed since 2016. These works dialogue with traditions of experimental documentary film, video art and early cinema and are primarily aimed to be projected on a large scale, often in groups and in dialogue with objects, installations and the space where they are shown. They are manipulations of Francisco Tomsich's own video diaries and sometimes integrate te...
Ana Likar - Myriad Tentacles Will be Needed (Again and Again) (12:40)
Production: Ana Likar, 2022
What used to be the largest warehouse complex in times of Yugoslavia, grew in the 1990s into a “living, dynamic commercial organism,” a shopping centre called City. Simultaneously, a large part of the Slovenian Natural History Museum's collection (its insects, its vertebrates, its herbaria) began to inhabit the area. It was supposed to be just a temporary solution until a better space was made available by the ministry of culture, but that never happened and the animals became one of the most pe...
Production: Ana Likar, 2022
What used to be the largest warehouse complex in times of Yugoslavia, grew in the 1990s into a “living, dynamic commercial organism,” a shopping centre called City. Simultaneously, a large part of the Slovenian Natural History Museum's collection (its insects, its vertebrates, its herbaria) began to inhabit the area. It was supposed to be just a temporary solution until a better space was made available by the ministry of culture, but that never happened and the animals became one of the most pe...
Sara Bezovšek - (13:39)
Production: Sara Bezovšek, 2021
A screen recording of the webpage Sara Bezovšek was drawn to various apocalyptic scenarios that could lead to the end of the world as we know it. She collaged visual material, found online in the form of short videos, memes, photographs, gifs, emoticons and various external links, with her own works, thereby creating a complex and visually saturated narrative that follows typical Hollywood film premises, and takes the viewer from an idyllic situation to scenes of natural catastrophes, g...
Production: Sara Bezovšek, 2021
A screen recording of the webpage Sara Bezovšek was drawn to various apocalyptic scenarios that could lead to the end of the world as we know it. She collaged visual material, found online in the form of short videos, memes, photographs, gifs, emoticons and various external links, with her own works, thereby creating a complex and visually saturated narrative that follows typical Hollywood film premises, and takes the viewer from an idyllic situation to scenes of natural catastrophes, g...
Sara Bezovšek - False Utopia (08:23)
Production: Sara Bezovšek, 2021
A screenrecording of the webpage False utopia is one of the subpages of the SND project (Learning about nature and society), an interactive website in which the author addresses various apocalyptic end-of-the-world scenarios. Thematic websites are visually saturated collages consisting of quotes from popular and online culture (short videos, photos, memes, animated gifs, emoticons, short texts...), external links and her own works. (Source: DIVA Station)
Production: Sara Bezovšek, 2021
A screenrecording of the webpage False utopia is one of the subpages of the SND project (Learning about nature and society), an interactive website in which the author addresses various apocalyptic end-of-the-world scenarios. Thematic websites are visually saturated collages consisting of quotes from popular and online culture (short videos, photos, memes, animated gifs, emoticons, short texts...), external links and her own works. (Source: DIVA Station)
Sara Bezovšek - Human Extinction (03:54)
Production: Sara Bezovšek, 2021
A screenrecording of the webpage Human Extinction is one of the subpages of the SND project (Learning about nature and society), an interactive website in which the author addresses various apocalyptic end-of-the-world scenarios. Thematic websites are visually saturated collages consisting of quotes from popular and online culture (short videos, photos, memes, animated gifs, emoticons, short texts...), external links and her own works. (Source: DIVA Station)
Production: Sara Bezovšek, 2021
A screenrecording of the webpage Human Extinction is one of the subpages of the SND project (Learning about nature and society), an interactive website in which the author addresses various apocalyptic end-of-the-world scenarios. Thematic websites are visually saturated collages consisting of quotes from popular and online culture (short videos, photos, memes, animated gifs, emoticons, short texts...), external links and her own works. (Source: DIVA Station)
Sara Bezovšek - Overpopulation (07:31)
Production: Sara Bezovšek, 2021
A screenrecording of the webpage Overpopulation is one of the subpages of the SND project (Learning about nature and society), an interactive website in which the author addresses various apocalyptic end-of-the-world scenarios. Thematic websites are visually saturated collages consisting of quotes from popular and online culture (short videos, photos, memes, animated gifs, emoticons, short texts...), external links and her own works. (Source: DIVA Station)
Production: Sara Bezovšek, 2021
A screenrecording of the webpage Overpopulation is one of the subpages of the SND project (Learning about nature and society), an interactive website in which the author addresses various apocalyptic end-of-the-world scenarios. Thematic websites are visually saturated collages consisting of quotes from popular and online culture (short videos, photos, memes, animated gifs, emoticons, short texts...), external links and her own works. (Source: DIVA Station)