Neža Knez - Proposals and experiments (14:13)
Production: Škola dokumentarnog filma – Restart, 2022
The video documents the process of shooting of experimental feature film about the future as imagined by children. (Source: DIVA Station)
DIVA Experimental video
330 results in works
Neža Knez - I follow (10:33)
Subtitle: Attempt #7
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2023
The starting point of the process is a personal need to explore invisible shapes and forms, inaudible sounds, the importance, beauty and danger of touch, which brings one into a relationship with one's own body. On the one hand, the artist investigates and records the transformations of the materiality of nature, as well as the inscribing of human traces in these materials, and on the other hand, she processes the materials from the location in the studio and investigates their characteristics, follows them...
Subtitle: Attempt #7
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2023
The starting point of the process is a personal need to explore invisible shapes and forms, inaudible sounds, the importance, beauty and danger of touch, which brings one into a relationship with one's own body. On the one hand, the artist investigates and records the transformations of the materiality of nature, as well as the inscribing of human traces in these materials, and on the other hand, she processes the materials from the location in the studio and investigates their characteristics, follows them...
Uršula Berlot - Hyperoptics (04:22)
Production: Uršula Berlot, 2021
The video Hyperoptics examines the technologically extended forms of visual perception that are enabled through the application of advanced optical research tools used in microscopy. (Source: the author)
Production: Uršula Berlot, 2021
The video Hyperoptics examines the technologically extended forms of visual perception that are enabled through the application of advanced optical research tools used in microscopy. (Source: the author)
Uršula Berlot - Topology of Imaginary Skyrmions (06:55)
Production: Uršula Berlot, 2023
The video combines abstract video recordings of light-kinetic sculptures in motion together 3D simulations of them. This interplay of digitally simulated and analogue visual effects creates a topology of hybrid virtuality, which, particularly in the form of video projections that constitute an integral part of the installation together with the light objects, blurs the distinct difference between physical and digitally generated realities, while still being presented on the same experiential level. (Source:...
Production: Uršula Berlot, 2023
The video combines abstract video recordings of light-kinetic sculptures in motion together 3D simulations of them. This interplay of digitally simulated and analogue visual effects creates a topology of hybrid virtuality, which, particularly in the form of video projections that constitute an integral part of the installation together with the light objects, blurs the distinct difference between physical and digitally generated realities, while still being presented on the same experiential level. (Source:...
Marko Košnik - The missing engine of Laputa (07:35)
Production: Egon March Institute, 2006
Performance lecture by Marko Košnik for Documenta Urbana 2 in Kassel – public reading along live manipulation of video imagery in SoftVNS – Max environment. A short resume on the topics of Laputa and The Engine from Gulliver's travels, Part 3: A voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib and Japan: Laputa is a flying island. It travels above the earth to supervise the countries of the empire. Citizens of Laputa can overview the world while no else can disturb their positio...
Production: Egon March Institute, 2006
Performance lecture by Marko Košnik for Documenta Urbana 2 in Kassel – public reading along live manipulation of video imagery in SoftVNS – Max environment. A short resume on the topics of Laputa and The Engine from Gulliver's travels, Part 3: A voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib and Japan: Laputa is a flying island. It travels above the earth to supervise the countries of the empire. Citizens of Laputa can overview the world while no else can disturb their positio...
Marko Košnik - Operabil Early Documents 2004-07 (18:26)
Production: Egon March Institute, 2007
Operabil Early Documents 2004-07 Video by Marko Košnik for Air base Nr.2 installation, MQ, Dunaj, 2007 The soundtrack reading of Operabil Vienna from live performance for the Serious Pop Lab 2 in Konzerthaus, Vienna, 2005. Material used in this video was produced in the projects of Marko Košnik / Egon March Institute at the following events and locations:- North Albania, Tirana, Operabil Shqipetare, Tirana Biennal, 2005 - Performance of Operabil Kobe in Kubus Hall, Tesla - Berlin, with Su...
Production: Egon March Institute, 2007
Operabil Early Documents 2004-07 Video by Marko Košnik for Air base Nr.2 installation, MQ, Dunaj, 2007 The soundtrack reading of Operabil Vienna from live performance for the Serious Pop Lab 2 in Konzerthaus, Vienna, 2005. Material used in this video was produced in the projects of Marko Košnik / Egon March Institute at the following events and locations:- North Albania, Tirana, Operabil Shqipetare, Tirana Biennal, 2005 - Performance of Operabil Kobe in Kubus Hall, Tesla - Berlin, with Su...
Jaka Vatovec - Cerberus (06:36)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2024
The video consists of numerous scanned analog b&w photographs of night and winter nature, close-ups of old agricultural machinery, details of artificial fences and other architectural elements. Purple collages of the mythological three-headed dog Cerberus appear among them. The precise editing closely follows the rhythm of the author's music, which creates an intense impression of entrapment and horror. The video was created for two connected solo exhibitions by the artist Jaka Vatovec False Magic 3 in...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2024
The video consists of numerous scanned analog b&w photographs of night and winter nature, close-ups of old agricultural machinery, details of artificial fences and other architectural elements. Purple collages of the mythological three-headed dog Cerberus appear among them. The precise editing closely follows the rhythm of the author's music, which creates an intense impression of entrapment and horror. The video was created for two connected solo exhibitions by the artist Jaka Vatovec False Magic 3 in...
Jaka Vatovec - False Magic (06:14)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2023
The video consists of numerous scanned analog color photographs of close-ups of flowers and other plants, details of various architectural elements, shots of the sky and unrecognizable motifs. The images are grainy, made of atypical colours, random compositions and failed shots. A series of carefully edited photographs closely follows the rhythm of the music performed by the artist, which creates an intense cathartic effect. The video was created for two connected solo exhibitions by the artist Jaka Vatove...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2023
The video consists of numerous scanned analog color photographs of close-ups of flowers and other plants, details of various architectural elements, shots of the sky and unrecognizable motifs. The images are grainy, made of atypical colours, random compositions and failed shots. A series of carefully edited photographs closely follows the rhythm of the music performed by the artist, which creates an intense cathartic effect. The video was created for two connected solo exhibitions by the artist Jaka Vatove...
Teja Miholič - I Have Lost All My Photo Albums (01:43)
Production: ENSAV - École Nationale Supérieure d'AudioVisuel, 2019
A very short film about an identity. (Source: Teja Miholič)
Production: ENSAV - École Nationale Supérieure d'AudioVisuel, 2019
A very short film about an identity. (Source: Teja Miholič)
Teja Miholič - Neighbour's Dog Is Crying What if the Neighbour Is Dead (01:41)
Production: Teja Miholič, 2022
V filmu Sosedov psiček joka, kaj če je sosed umrl sem zabeležila avdio posnetke vseh svojih skrbi, o katerih sem razmišljala nekega naključnega dne, ko sem živela v Toulousu, združene z lastnimi in stock fotografijami. To delo je le eden mojih mnogih poskusov spopasti se z lastnimi problemi tako, da jih dokumentiram. Pomembni elementi mojega ustvarjanja so humor, iskrenost in analitično nabiranje nepomembnih informacij/stvari/fotografij. (Vir: Teja Miholič)
Production: Teja Miholič, 2022
V filmu Sosedov psiček joka, kaj če je sosed umrl sem zabeležila avdio posnetke vseh svojih skrbi, o katerih sem razmišljala nekega naključnega dne, ko sem živela v Toulousu, združene z lastnimi in stock fotografijami. To delo je le eden mojih mnogih poskusov spopasti se z lastnimi problemi tako, da jih dokumentiram. Pomembni elementi mojega ustvarjanja so humor, iskrenost in analitično nabiranje nepomembnih informacij/stvari/fotografij. (Vir: Teja Miholič)