Kaja & Sava Kosmač - Please Don't Follow Me Into the Sun (00:04:48)
Subtitle: Hide, Baby!
Production: Kaja Kosmač in Sava Kosmač, 2006
With the music of the Intimn Frizurn band, a video is being built on one side, on ecological topic and urban subculture, and on the other, the aesthetics with emphasized colour accents. The installation follows the musical composition and forms the composite matrix; it also uses computer video effects, most notably the mirror. Dynamic colour imagery of industrial landscape, a passing train and dance steps are by interrupted the black and white images of the face, the silhouette figure and the blue of the TV...
DIVA ecology
54 results in works
P L A T E AU R E S I D U E - Ex Topia (37:00)
Production: P L A T E AU R E S I D U E, 2017
Ex Topia is a research-based artistic intervention set in the postglacial landscape of Triglav glacier in the Slovenian Alps. The project was created in collaboration with scientists from Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU and a heterogeneous group of 32 participants in august 2017.Ex Topia is a documented artistic intervention dedicated to the disappearing Triglav glacier, which shrunk from 36ha to 1ha in just 70 years.The project focuses on the landscape under the Triglav glacier that has been tr...
Production: P L A T E AU R E S I D U E, 2017
Ex Topia is a research-based artistic intervention set in the postglacial landscape of Triglav glacier in the Slovenian Alps. The project was created in collaboration with scientists from Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU and a heterogeneous group of 32 participants in august 2017.Ex Topia is a documented artistic intervention dedicated to the disappearing Triglav glacier, which shrunk from 36ha to 1ha in just 70 years.The project focuses on the landscape under the Triglav glacier that has been tr...
P L A T E AU R E S I D U E - Alma Mater (trailer) (04:35)
Production: P L A T E AU R E S I D U E, 2018
Alma Mater is is a video installation that researches the consequences of climate change in Ice Cave at Kunč in Kočevski Rog Virgin Forest, Slovenia. The quantity of permanent cave ice has been decreasing by 1 meter in 10 years due to mild winters with little snow and warm summers. During one of our visits, we have recorded a video that documents how we used a piece of broken ice stalactite to shape the ice lens. This lens was used to record the inside of the cave and represented a semi-perverse moment be...
Production: P L A T E AU R E S I D U E, 2018
Alma Mater is is a video installation that researches the consequences of climate change in Ice Cave at Kunč in Kočevski Rog Virgin Forest, Slovenia. The quantity of permanent cave ice has been decreasing by 1 meter in 10 years due to mild winters with little snow and warm summers. During one of our visits, we have recorded a video that documents how we used a piece of broken ice stalactite to shape the ice lens. This lens was used to record the inside of the cave and represented a semi-perverse moment be...
P L A T E AU R E S I D U E - Sub Persona (trailer) (03:29)
Production: P L A T E AU R E S I D U E, 2019
Sub Persona is a research project that focuses on the importance of forests its ecosystemic, economic, recreational and cultural functions, which are too often taken for granted by humans. From human habitation to the present, resource exploitation and deforestation have led to a decrease in the extent, quality, and condition of the self-regulatory mechanisms of the forest ecosystem. In the past complex inter-species relationships and energy flows have enabled the forest to successfully adapt to the effects...
Production: P L A T E AU R E S I D U E, 2019
Sub Persona is a research project that focuses on the importance of forests its ecosystemic, economic, recreational and cultural functions, which are too often taken for granted by humans. From human habitation to the present, resource exploitation and deforestation have led to a decrease in the extent, quality, and condition of the self-regulatory mechanisms of the forest ecosystem. In the past complex inter-species relationships and energy flows have enabled the forest to successfully adapt to the effects...
Jatun Risba - Mpasturavacche (04:08)
Subtitle: The Milk-Suckling Snake
Production: Jatun Risba & STEAM Atelier, 2019/2020
Mpasturavacche is the dialectal name in Apuglia, Italy, of the common four-lined snake, which was believed to suckle a cow’s milk while entwined around its legs. The artwork Mpasturavacche. The milk-suckling snake is a one-to-one Art and Science performance that lets participants explore the perceptive abilities of snakes through wearable technologies. By disclosing the instincts and impulses of the lizard brain in the human animal, the artwork makes sense of and alleviates humans’ estrange...
Subtitle: The Milk-Suckling Snake
Production: Jatun Risba & STEAM Atelier, 2019/2020
Mpasturavacche is the dialectal name in Apuglia, Italy, of the common four-lined snake, which was believed to suckle a cow’s milk while entwined around its legs. The artwork Mpasturavacche. The milk-suckling snake is a one-to-one Art and Science performance that lets participants explore the perceptive abilities of snakes through wearable technologies. By disclosing the instincts and impulses of the lizard brain in the human animal, the artwork makes sense of and alleviates humans’ estrange...
Vesna Bukovec - Kaj je nevarnost? (02:00)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
Kako govoriti o nevarnosti v neslavnem letu 2020? Kratek vizualni dnevnik različnih nevarnosti od pandemije koronavirusa do izkoriščanja, nasilja, podnebnih sprememb in lažnih novic.Video je nastal na povabilo FemLink-Art, za mednarodni video kolaž na temo nevarnosti: Danger. (Vir: avtorica)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
Kako govoriti o nevarnosti v neslavnem letu 2020? Kratek vizualni dnevnik različnih nevarnosti od pandemije koronavirusa do izkoriščanja, nasilja, podnebnih sprememb in lažnih novic.Video je nastal na povabilo FemLink-Art, za mednarodni video kolaž na temo nevarnosti: Danger. (Vir: avtorica)
Vesna Bukovec - What is danger? (02:00)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
How to speak about danger in the infamous year 2020 ? A short and intensive visual diary of the many dangers ranging from coronavirus pandemic to exploitation, violence, climate change and fake news.The video was made by invitation to participate in the FemLink-Art‘s international video collage on the topic of Danger. (Source: author)
Production: V.B., 2020/21
How to speak about danger in the infamous year 2020 ? A short and intensive visual diary of the many dangers ranging from coronavirus pandemic to exploitation, violence, climate change and fake news.The video was made by invitation to participate in the FemLink-Art‘s international video collage on the topic of Danger. (Source: author)
Dr. Xenia, Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh - Fart Roulette (06:39)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
The performance Fart Roulette is actually a picnic on the grass, which can be reminiscent of Manet's famous painting, although this time, everyone present is dressed. The title refers to Russian roulette, and the authors shoot farts instead of bullets. The parody deals with a serious topic of environmental pollution and its far-reaching consequences. Artists in Celje have been warning about local polluters (Cinkarna Celje and other industries) for a long time, but those responsible do not take them seriousl...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk, 2021
The performance Fart Roulette is actually a picnic on the grass, which can be reminiscent of Manet's famous painting, although this time, everyone present is dressed. The title refers to Russian roulette, and the authors shoot farts instead of bullets. The parody deals with a serious topic of environmental pollution and its far-reaching consequences. Artists in Celje have been warning about local polluters (Cinkarna Celje and other industries) for a long time, but those responsible do not take them seriousl...
Sara Bezovšek - www.s-n-d.si (13:39)
Production: Sara Bezovšek, 2021
A screen recording of the webpage www.s-n-d.si. Sara Bezovšek was drawn to various apocalyptic scenarios that could lead to the end of the world as we know it. She collaged visual material, found online in the form of short videos, memes, photographs, gifs, emoticons and various external links, with her own works, thereby creating a complex and visually saturated narrative that follows typical Hollywood film premises, and takes the viewer from an idyllic situation to scenes of natural catastrophes, g...
Production: Sara Bezovšek, 2021
A screen recording of the webpage www.s-n-d.si. Sara Bezovšek was drawn to various apocalyptic scenarios that could lead to the end of the world as we know it. She collaged visual material, found online in the form of short videos, memes, photographs, gifs, emoticons and various external links, with her own works, thereby creating a complex and visually saturated narrative that follows typical Hollywood film premises, and takes the viewer from an idyllic situation to scenes of natural catastrophes, g...
Nejc Trampuž - ByeByeWorld.exe (1:15:00 (08:15))
Subtitle: Screen capture, May 15th 2022
Production: Galerija Simulaker / Lokalpatriot, Novo mesto, 2020-2022
The project ByeByeWorld.exe is a generator of digital collages in form an interactive audiovisual application. From internet-found images it creates collages of surrealist degraded landscapes. The collage generation is based on the flow of news related to environmental issues. It was first presented in collaboration with the Simulaker Gallery on the facade of the Novo Mesto Library (January 2021), and later featured in several exhibitions throughout Slovenia. (Source: Nejc Trampuž) ByeByeWorld.exe is als...
Subtitle: Screen capture, May 15th 2022
Production: Galerija Simulaker / Lokalpatriot, Novo mesto, 2020-2022
The project ByeByeWorld.exe is a generator of digital collages in form an interactive audiovisual application. From internet-found images it creates collages of surrealist degraded landscapes. The collage generation is based on the flow of news related to environmental issues. It was first presented in collaboration with the Simulaker Gallery on the facade of the Novo Mesto Library (January 2021), and later featured in several exhibitions throughout Slovenia. (Source: Nejc Trampuž) ByeByeWorld.exe is als...