Nika Oblak & Primož Novak - Dejeuner sur l'Herbe (0:19:22)
Produkcija: 2003
The video shows Nika Oblak & Primož Novak having picnic in a snowy landscape next to a highway. The postcard-like landscape is beautiful to look at, but it also isolates Oblak & Novak from the rest of the world.
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Robertina Šebjanič, Mari Lagerquist - Connected by Signals (0:06:30)
Produkcija: 2009
Video delo dokumentira pogovor med obema avtoricama s statičnim kadrom osredotočenim na njune roke in s tem njuno gestikulacijo. Nejasen pogovor pomešan z zvoki iz kavarne se transkribiran predvaja preko videa. Delo problematizira neosebno komunikacijo preko spletnih omrežij v odnosu z živahnim pogovorom v živo.
Produkcija: 2009
Video delo dokumentira pogovor med obema avtoricama s statičnim kadrom osredotočenim na njune roke in s tem njuno gestikulacijo. Nejasen pogovor pomešan z zvoki iz kavarne se transkribiran predvaja preko videa. Delo problematizira neosebno komunikacijo preko spletnih omrežij v odnosu z živahnim pogovorom v živo.
Evelin Stermitz - Gender Transmission (0:03:03)
Podnaslov: WO:MAN # 1 WO:MAN # 2
Produkcija: 2005
The two videos question the relation and boundaries between man and woman in a philosophic and psychological manner. Like in the psychological theory of Jacques Lacan woman and man mirror themselves in terms of "the Other", so this is the issue of these videos. By establishing two mirrors through video, the situation resembles a real mirror, where man and woman are confronted to each other. There is always a surface, a shape for interacting constructed here through a digital code. But what will re...
Podnaslov: WO:MAN # 1 WO:MAN # 2
Produkcija: 2005
Evelin Stermitz - Land of OZ (0:24:39)
Podnaslov: Years of Crying
Produkcija: 2008
LAND OF OZ is a video collage of urbanity, artificial nature and movement, all in all as a personal performative tableau embedded in an American context.
Podnaslov: Years of Crying
Produkcija: 2008
Mladen Stropnik - Momriding (0:04:23)
Podnaslov: ...Not Knowing a Word in English
Produkcija: 2002
Statični posnetek avtorjeve mame, kako bere pismo in preko telefona sporoča zavrnitev njegove prijave na Valvasorjevo štipendijo. Mama ne zna niti besedice angleško, zato bere komaj razumljivo in polomljeno, vendar prebere uradno pismo v celoti. Avtor s tem video delom problematizira ekskluzivno uporabo angleškega jezika v polju sodobne umetnosti.
Podnaslov: ...Not Knowing a Word in English
Produkcija: 2002
Statični posnetek avtorjeve mame, kako bere pismo in preko telefona sporoča zavrnitev njegove prijave na Valvasorjevo štipendijo. Mama ne zna niti besedice angleško, zato bere komaj razumljivo in polomljeno, vendar prebere uradno pismo v celoti. Avtor s tem video delom problematizira ekskluzivno uporabo angleškega jezika v polju sodobne umetnosti.
Evelin Stermitz - Hitchcock Dishing (0:01:17)
Produkcija: 2008
A short video about the danger of daily dishing as a sublime metaphor for the unpaid daily work of women with its loss of time and energy for other more meaningful, useful and creative activities. Hitchcock Dishing is also articulating concealed domestic violence.
Produkcija: 2008
Evelin Stermitz - Darovanje mesecu (0:03:37)
Produkcija: E.S., 2004
Video je interpretacija istoimenske pesmi Maje Haderlap. Prikazuje obraz, ki se v temi premika v več smereh. Zdi se, da obraz gleda v gledalca ali gledalko. Kar je odklon od tradicionalnih pravil gledanja (gledati in biti gledan) televizije v vsakdanjem okolju. Pesem, tako kot video, govori o gledanju, ogledovanju in iskanju. (Vir: Evelin Stermitz) Glasba: Iva Bittová, kapitulni sin, 1994.
Produkcija: E.S., 2004
Video je interpretacija istoimenske pesmi Maje Haderlap. Prikazuje obraz, ki se v temi premika v več smereh. Zdi se, da obraz gleda v gledalca ali gledalko. Kar je odklon od tradicionalnih pravil gledanja (gledati in biti gledan) televizije v vsakdanjem okolju. Pesem, tako kot video, govori o gledanju, ogledovanju in iskanju. (Vir: Evelin Stermitz) Glasba: Iva Bittová, kapitulni sin, 1994.
Evelin Stermitz - Inside the Outside (0:05:33)
Produkcija: 2006
Moving beyond a surface, an outside, a window into a different world - what are the reasons for moving within a certain space of femininity? The questions of the moving shape circulate around the other, the captured difference, the identity and the self. By acting as a body with its language, this remains from the self and questioning shape. The body as a shape for self-reflective questions within a female room seemingly protected against the outside but exposed to the gaze.
Produkcija: 2006
Evelin Stermitz - Koncentracijsko taborišče Ljubelj (0:14:33)
Produkcija: 2004
At a cruel place, one woman moves; determined with pain, fears and depression but also with hope for a way out. The dancer is standing for the painful feeling of women in concentration camps, but also for physic and psychic discrimination of women in general. Actually this place is more imaginary and not bound to the real place as it could be any place where women suffer from cruelty and hopelessness, so it could be any woman who suffers from violence. The sense of feeling and moving is transferre...
Produkcija: 2004
Evelin Stermitz - Rose is a Rose (0:03:53)
Produkcija: 2008
This performative video work shows a woman engaged in covering her face with rose leaves.
As a metaphor for the above and beyond term "beauty", the fragility of beauty and the canons of beauty, the video reveals an obscure image of woman, which is also shaped by transiency and impermanence.
Excerpts from the poem "Sacred Emily" by Gertrude Stein, in which she created the sentence "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.", form the sound collage to the video work.
Produkcija: 2008