Amir Muratović - Napeto v kabinetu (00:01:00)
Production: 2007
Video rekonstruira proces nastajanja umetniškega dela Irene Romih za razstavo v Kabinetu, ki je med letoma 2005 in 2008 gostoval v degradiranem dvoriščnem prostoru Galerije Škuc na Starem trgu 21 v Ljubljani. Kabinet je razvilo Društvo za domače raziskave za potrebe svojega delovanja kot premični razstavni prostor, ki je občasno gostil tudi druge umetnike.
Umetnica Irena Romih je portretirana v različnih zankah, njeno telo pa je tako "vpeto" v prostor, ki ga določajo skulpture.
DIVA Works
1193 results in works
Production: Projekt Atol, A Team of Three Production, Aster, 1994
Računalniška video animacija v živo je bila zamišljena kot gledališka igra brez igralcev v kibernetičnem prostoru. S podobno idejo je Vasilij Kandinski leta 1928 na podlagi skladbe Modesta Mussorgskega Slike z rastave (Bilder einer Ausstellung) zasnoval programsko gledališko predstavo, ki je bila docela sestavljena iz mehaniziranih slik in objektov brez igralcev. Video animacija je bila pripravljena, modelirana in rendrirana s pomočjo programa, ki so ga posebej napisali z oro...
Production: Projekt Atol, A Team of Three Production, Aster, 1994
Računalniška video animacija v živo je bila zamišljena kot gledališka igra brez igralcev v kibernetičnem prostoru. S podobno idejo je Vasilij Kandinski leta 1928 na podlagi skladbe Modesta Mussorgskega Slike z rastave (Bilder einer Ausstellung) zasnoval programsko gledališko predstavo, ki je bila docela sestavljena iz mehaniziranih slik in objektov brez igralcev. Video animacija je bila pripravljena, modelirana in rendrirana s pomočjo programa, ki so ga posebej napisali z oro...
Media Teror, Rok Sieberer Kuri - Media Teror Chroma Quart Mix (mix II.) (00:03:39)
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Fast changing images of a city, TV recordings, nature and objects inside nature, which are completed with art forms by different editing techniques. Dynamic hand held camera shots are processed with overlaps and chroma key effect. The content is hidden in the gaps: in the symbolic forms and association leaps in the selection of the shots, atmospheres and surroundings. Synchronous image and sound make the work resemble a music video.
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Fast changing images of a city, TV recordings, nature and objects inside nature, which are completed with art forms by different editing techniques. Dynamic hand held camera shots are processed with overlaps and chroma key effect. The content is hidden in the gaps: in the symbolic forms and association leaps in the selection of the shots, atmospheres and surroundings. Synchronous image and sound make the work resemble a music video.
Media Teror, Rok Sieberer Kuri - Media Teror Croma Quart Mix (mix III.) (00:06:44)
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Hitro menjujoče podobe mesta, televizijskih posnetkov, narave in objektov v naravi, ki jih z različnimi montažnimi tehnikami dopolnjujejo likovne forme. Gre za prekrivanje in croma key, posnetki kamere so večinoma iz roke in so dinamični, izgleda da gre za naključno lovljenje materiala. Vsebina je skrita v vrzelih: simbolnih formah in asociacijskih preskokih izbire posnetkov, ambientov in okolja. Gmote posnetkov prehajajo in se kopičijo - prekrivanje v izbranih kompozicijah, ki so zelo likovne. Na vi...
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Hitro menjujoče podobe mesta, televizijskih posnetkov, narave in objektov v naravi, ki jih z različnimi montažnimi tehnikami dopolnjujejo likovne forme. Gre za prekrivanje in croma key, posnetki kamere so večinoma iz roke in so dinamični, izgleda da gre za naključno lovljenje materiala. Vsebina je skrita v vrzelih: simbolnih formah in asociacijskih preskokih izbire posnetkov, ambientov in okolja. Gmote posnetkov prehajajo in se kopičijo - prekrivanje v izbranih kompozicijah, ki so zelo likovne. Na vi...
Marko Peljhan - RSS Atol - Projection (00:58:03)
Production: Projekt Atol, 1993
The video works for EGORHYTHMS and ATOL were conceived as the integral part of these projects. They were thought of as pictures from the inner screens of actors, rhythmical images, which interplay with alchemical symbols and abstract visualisations of communication lines. For theL Egorhythm III video, the main motive is Slovene poet Srečko Kosovel's poem Kons 5, and the rss ATOL - projection ends with a photo sequence of Serbian policeman executioning a Muslim inhabitant of the town of Brčko during t...
Production: Projekt Atol, 1993
The video works for EGORHYTHMS and ATOL were conceived as the integral part of these projects. They were thought of as pictures from the inner screens of actors, rhythmical images, which interplay with alchemical symbols and abstract visualisations of communication lines. For theL Egorhythm III video, the main motive is Slovene poet Srečko Kosovel's poem Kons 5, and the rss ATOL - projection ends with a photo sequence of Serbian policeman executioning a Muslim inhabitant of the town of Brčko during t...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Betonski človek / Concrete Man (0:15:29)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1995
A woman's shoe gets stuck in concrete in the middle of the city. Her usual rhythm of life is disturbed. She is impatient to solve the problem. But a string of unexpected events interferes with her plans. Her world of fast living, obligations and errands turns into a pilgrimage to find the lost shoe... until she finally gives into the flow of events. At the end of the film she finds the shoe, which has by now lost its role as the primary motive for her search.
Production: TV Slovenija, 1995
A woman's shoe gets stuck in concrete in the middle of the city. Her usual rhythm of life is disturbed. She is impatient to solve the problem. But a string of unexpected events interferes with her plans. Her world of fast living, obligations and errands turns into a pilgrimage to find the lost shoe... until she finally gives into the flow of events. At the end of the film she finds the shoe, which has by now lost its role as the primary motive for her search.
Sašo Podgoršek, Igor Zabel - Ceci n'est pas Paris (00:03:55)
Production: S. P., 1991
Plečnik's Ilirski steber (Illyrian Column) in Ljubljana, a historical link between France and Slovenia, condensed into a visual gift intended for former French Culture Minister, Jack Lang.
Production: S. P., 1991
Plečnik's Ilirski steber (Illyrian Column) in Ljubljana, a historical link between France and Slovenia, condensed into a visual gift intended for former French Culture Minister, Jack Lang.
Sašo Podgoršek - Cry Baby (00:03:26, 00:02:55)
Production: Nord Cross Production, 1993
Music video for the song Cry Baby of Slovenian group Demolition Group.
Production: Nord Cross Production, 1993
Music video for the song Cry Baby of Slovenian group Demolition Group.
Sašo Podgoršek - The Model (00:04:58, 00:05:14)
Production: Nord Cross Production, Mute Film, TV Slovenija, 1994
Music video for the song The Model, cover of legendary Kraftwerk, by the Slovenian band Demolition Group.
Production: Nord Cross Production, Mute Film, TV Slovenija, 1994
Music video for the song The Model, cover of legendary Kraftwerk, by the Slovenian band Demolition Group.
Sašo Podgoršek - U tvojim očima (00:04:40)
Production: 1995
Music video for the song U tvojim očima (In Your Eyes) by the Slovenian band Demolition Group.
Production: 1995
Music video for the song U tvojim očima (In Your Eyes) by the Slovenian band Demolition Group.