Tomaž Furlan - Wear XII (00:04:08)
Wear XV is part of a series of studio video performances in which the artist explores the concepts of body and human behavior in contemporary society. A static shot focuses the attention on the artist's action and on its sense or nonsense. Using poor materials for building artificial body extensions, the artist transforms himself in a kind of automaton who performs ordinary everyday actions. In this case the artist, sitting in a corner, sews and wears foam rubber clothes and accessories, while a sort o...
DIVA body
195 results in works
Tomaž Furlan - Wear XIII (00:04:18)
Production: Galerija Alkatraz
Wear XV is part of a series of studio video performances in which the artist explores the concepts of body and human behavior in contemporary society. A static shot focuses the attention on the artist's action and on its sense or nonsense. Using poor materials for building artificial body extensions, the artist transforms himself in a kind of automaton who performs ordinary everyday actions. In this case the artist, sitting in a corner, sews and wears foam rubber clothes and accessories, while a sort o...
Production: Galerija Alkatraz
Wear XV is part of a series of studio video performances in which the artist explores the concepts of body and human behavior in contemporary society. A static shot focuses the attention on the artist's action and on its sense or nonsense. Using poor materials for building artificial body extensions, the artist transforms himself in a kind of automaton who performs ordinary everyday actions. In this case the artist, sitting in a corner, sews and wears foam rubber clothes and accessories, while a sort o...
Tomaž Furlan - Wear XIV (00:02:28)
Wear XV is part of a series of studio video performances in which the artist explores the concepts of body and human behavior in contemporary society. A static shot focuses the attention on the artist's action and on its sense or nonsense. Using poor materials for building artificial body extensions, the artist transforms himself in a kind of automaton who performs ordinary everyday actions. In this case the artist, sitting in a corner, sews and wears foam rubber clothes and accessories, while a sort o...
Wear XV is part of a series of studio video performances in which the artist explores the concepts of body and human behavior in contemporary society. A static shot focuses the attention on the artist's action and on its sense or nonsense. Using poor materials for building artificial body extensions, the artist transforms himself in a kind of automaton who performs ordinary everyday actions. In this case the artist, sitting in a corner, sews and wears foam rubber clothes and accessories, while a sort o...
Tomaž Furlan - Wear XV (00:04:14)
Production: MSUM+MG, 2013
Wear XV is part of a series of studio video performances in which the artist explores the concepts of body and human behavior in contemporary society. A static shot focuses the attention on the artist's action and on its sense or nonsense. Using poor materials for building artificial body extensions, the artist transforms himself in a kind of automaton who performs ordinary everyday actions. In this case the artist, sitting in a corner, sews and wears foam rubber clothes and accessories, while a sort o...
Production: MSUM+MG, 2013
Wear XV is part of a series of studio video performances in which the artist explores the concepts of body and human behavior in contemporary society. A static shot focuses the attention on the artist's action and on its sense or nonsense. Using poor materials for building artificial body extensions, the artist transforms himself in a kind of automaton who performs ordinary everyday actions. In this case the artist, sitting in a corner, sews and wears foam rubber clothes and accessories, while a sort o...
SIVA, Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik - McButo (00:30:39)
Production: Likovni salon Celje, 2011
S projektom obleka … človeka, ki je bil leta 2010 razstavljen v Likovnem salonu, je skupina dveh umetnic in umetnika raziskovala, v kolikšni meri obleka določa človekovo identiteto, koliko se s spremembo zunanje podobe spremeni odnos drugih. Za produkcijo razstave je neformalna skupina, ki so jo ustanovili ravno za razstavo obleka ... človeka, naredila serijo javnih intervencij, s katerimi so motili ustaljene oblačilne navade. Med drugim so se ukvarjali z nenavadnim pojavom specializiranih oblek, za...
Production: Likovni salon Celje, 2011
S projektom obleka … človeka, ki je bil leta 2010 razstavljen v Likovnem salonu, je skupina dveh umetnic in umetnika raziskovala, v kolikšni meri obleka določa človekovo identiteto, koliko se s spremembo zunanje podobe spremeni odnos drugih. Za produkcijo razstave je neformalna skupina, ki so jo ustanovili ravno za razstavo obleka ... človeka, naredila serijo javnih intervencij, s katerimi so motili ustaljene oblačilne navade. Med drugim so se ukvarjali z nenavadnim pojavom specializiranih oblek, za...
Nataša Skušek - Heri (04:02)
Production: N.S., 2013
Videoperfomans je bil vključen na samostojno razstavo z naslovom Pravi moški v Galeriji Alkatraz leta 2014. Nataša Skušek v svojih delih obravnava stereotipne družbene, seksualne in družinske vloge, ki jih družba pripisuje ženskam. Dela na razstavi so se na humoren način osredotočala na partnerske odnose in vlogo moškega. Bližnji posnetek obrite moške glave. Iz ušesa mu 'raste' šop razmršenih dolgih rdečih las, ki jih ženske roke skrbno urej...
Production: N.S., 2013
Videoperfomans je bil vključen na samostojno razstavo z naslovom Pravi moški v Galeriji Alkatraz leta 2014. Nataša Skušek v svojih delih obravnava stereotipne družbene, seksualne in družinske vloge, ki jih družba pripisuje ženskam. Dela na razstavi so se na humoren način osredotočala na partnerske odnose in vlogo moškega. Bližnji posnetek obrite moške glave. Iz ušesa mu 'raste' šop razmršenih dolgih rdečih las, ki jih ženske roke skrbno urej...
Nataša Skušek - Huzar (01:05)
Production: N.S., 2011
Video prikazuje moškega v spodnjicah, ki trdno spi na postelji. Ženska roka ga obmetava z obešalniki, vendar ga to ne zbudi. Čez nekaj časa se telo v spanju začne tresti, kot bi skušalo odvreči nakopičene obešalnike. Video v avtoričinem humornem stilu obarvanava napetosti v partnerskem odnosu in se poigrava s sterotipnimi vlogami družbenih spolov.
Production: N.S., 2011
Video prikazuje moškega v spodnjicah, ki trdno spi na postelji. Ženska roka ga obmetava z obešalniki, vendar ga to ne zbudi. Čez nekaj časa se telo v spanju začne tresti, kot bi skušalo odvreči nakopičene obešalnike. Video v avtoričinem humornem stilu obarvanava napetosti v partnerskem odnosu in se poigrava s sterotipnimi vlogami družbenih spolov.
Nataša Skušek - Golica (03:54)
Production: N.S., 2013
Videoperfomans je bil vključen na samostojno razstavo z naslovom Pravi moški v Galeriji Alkatraz leta 2014. Nataša Skušek v svojih delih obravnava stereotipne družbene, seksualne in družinske vloge, ki jih družba pripisuje ženskam. Dela na razstavi so se na humoren način osredotočala na partnerske odnose in vlogo moškega. Video Golica spremlja zvok živižganja istoimenske ponarodele melodije narodnozabavnega ansambla. Žvižganje daje tempo potresavanju ženske zadn...
Production: N.S., 2013
Videoperfomans je bil vključen na samostojno razstavo z naslovom Pravi moški v Galeriji Alkatraz leta 2014. Nataša Skušek v svojih delih obravnava stereotipne družbene, seksualne in družinske vloge, ki jih družba pripisuje ženskam. Dela na razstavi so se na humoren način osredotočala na partnerske odnose in vlogo moškega. Video Golica spremlja zvok živižganja istoimenske ponarodele melodije narodnozabavnega ansambla. Žvižganje daje tempo potresavanju ženske zadn...
Evelin Stermitz - Into the Mirror (00:05:21)
Production: E.S., 2011
In black and white video performance, a woman tries to enter through the door in the mirror. The artist is referring to the door from Alice in Wonderland, which represents a transition to another world. Sound collage composed by Elise Kermani, with additional sound samples by Christine Bard, 2011.
Production: E.S., 2011
In black and white video performance, a woman tries to enter through the door in the mirror. The artist is referring to the door from Alice in Wonderland, which represents a transition to another world. Sound collage composed by Elise Kermani, with additional sound samples by Christine Bard, 2011.
Evelin Stermitz - Women in War (00:03:05)
Production: E.S., 2010
The artist has compiled a collage of stereotypical images of attractive women, which she found with the search tag 'women' on YouTube. The audio background is made of various reports of violence against women during wars and conflicts. A red-black color combination of the video symbolizes bloody and pornographic violence against the female body.
Production: E.S., 2010
The artist has compiled a collage of stereotypical images of attractive women, which she found with the search tag 'women' on YouTube. The audio background is made of various reports of violence against women during wars and conflicts. A red-black color combination of the video symbolizes bloody and pornographic violence against the female body.