Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Hotel Diary (film trailer) (00:05:59 (00:00:25))
Production: Nataša Prosenc Stearns, 2018
A long forgotten encounter comes to life through fragments of real and imagined recollections. A chronicle of an affair, set in a deserted interiors of Los Angeles hotel (Nataša Prosenc Stearns).
DIVA female
134 results in works
Neža Knez - For-Nothing (11:37)
Production: N.K., 2016
Videodokumentacija tridnevne akcije, ki jo je umetnica izvajala na delavnici v Regensburgu v Nemčiji. Na sredi travnika v parku, je začela kopati luknjo. Kopala jo je toliko časa, dokler je iz nje še lahko odmetavala zemljo. Nato je luknjo zasula nazaj. Del projekta so tudi odzivi mimoidočih. Avtorica jih je povabila, naj napišejo svoje mnenje o njenem projektu. Zapise je vključila v knjigo umetnice. Statična kamera beleži različne faze kopanja, interakcijo s soudeleženci delavnice in...
Production: N.K., 2016
Videodokumentacija tridnevne akcije, ki jo je umetnica izvajala na delavnici v Regensburgu v Nemčiji. Na sredi travnika v parku, je začela kopati luknjo. Kopala jo je toliko časa, dokler je iz nje še lahko odmetavala zemljo. Nato je luknjo zasula nazaj. Del projekta so tudi odzivi mimoidočih. Avtorica jih je povabila, naj napišejo svoje mnenje o njenem projektu. Zapise je vključila v knjigo umetnice. Statična kamera beleži različne faze kopanja, interakcijo s soudeleženci delavnice in...
Maja Hodošček - Poem (00:12:04 (trailer 00:02:03))
Production: 2015
For the first time a teenage girl is encountering a poem written by her high school colleagues – members of a school debate club wrote this particular poem. In the video we see how she reacts upon the written words by translating them in semi abstract sounds. Or she pics upon parts of the poem and tries to transform them into a new form, reading the words backwards or inventing them a new. She confronts herself with an unknown material, there is no reference on which she could depend on. Therefore she fin...
Production: 2015
For the first time a teenage girl is encountering a poem written by her high school colleagues – members of a school debate club wrote this particular poem. In the video we see how she reacts upon the written words by translating them in semi abstract sounds. Or she pics upon parts of the poem and tries to transform them into a new form, reading the words backwards or inventing them a new. She confronts herself with an unknown material, there is no reference on which she could depend on. Therefore she fin...
Small but dangers - I see 1 (00:00:25)
Production: SBD, 2015
Video performance is filmed with a mobile phone. Performer (Mateja Rojc) is looking straight into the phone camera. She starts slowly turning her head towards her right. Her gaze does not move along with her head, but remains focused on the camera and thus indirectly to the viewer or viewer. As in some kind of stare contest. With the video performance Small but dangers continue to explore and play with the gaze/view, and the reception and perception of moving images.
Production: SBD, 2015
Video performance is filmed with a mobile phone. Performer (Mateja Rojc) is looking straight into the phone camera. She starts slowly turning her head towards her right. Her gaze does not move along with her head, but remains focused on the camera and thus indirectly to the viewer or viewer. As in some kind of stare contest. With the video performance Small but dangers continue to explore and play with the gaze/view, and the reception and perception of moving images.
Small but dangers - I see 2 (00:01:01)
Production: SBD, 2015
Video performance is filmed with a mobile phone. Performer (Mateja Rojc) is looking straight into the phone camera. She starts slowly turning her head towards her left and right as if shaking it in disagreement. Her gaze does not move along with her head, but remains focused on the camera and thus indirectly to the viewer or viewer. As in some kind of stare contest. With the video performance Small but dangers continue to explore and play with the gaze/view, and the reception and perception of moving images.
Production: SBD, 2015
Video performance is filmed with a mobile phone. Performer (Mateja Rojc) is looking straight into the phone camera. She starts slowly turning her head towards her left and right as if shaking it in disagreement. Her gaze does not move along with her head, but remains focused on the camera and thus indirectly to the viewer or viewer. As in some kind of stare contest. With the video performance Small but dangers continue to explore and play with the gaze/view, and the reception and perception of moving images.
Keiko Miyazaki - What Is Your Fetish? (00:06:41)
Production: K.M., 2018
This video was shown in the Center of contemporary art, gallery Račka in Celje 2018 as a part of documentational material of the artwork. It is an interview documentary video. The interviewees are coming from different backgrounds and different generations, ages and genders. They are from Slovenia, Japan, and England. They are describing their sexual fetishes and fantasies. Their intimate stories are very personal and secretive. In the end the artist shows how fetish reviles a lot of personal background in...
Production: K.M., 2018
This video was shown in the Center of contemporary art, gallery Račka in Celje 2018 as a part of documentational material of the artwork. It is an interview documentary video. The interviewees are coming from different backgrounds and different generations, ages and genders. They are from Slovenia, Japan, and England. They are describing their sexual fetishes and fantasies. Their intimate stories are very personal and secretive. In the end the artist shows how fetish reviles a lot of personal background in...
Keiko Miyazaki - A Hole (00:01:58)
Production: K.M. & SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
This video is about the Japanese concept of MA in conversation. Ma roughly means "gap", "space", "pause" or "the space between two structural parts." In our daily life we are experiencing MA either positively or in a negative way. MA is in the purposeful pauses in speech which make words stand out. We realise how much we are communicating with non verbal gestures. Sometime the silent moment between words speaks more than the words themselves. The video explores this concept by satirically portraying a conve...
Production: K.M. & SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
This video is about the Japanese concept of MA in conversation. Ma roughly means "gap", "space", "pause" or "the space between two structural parts." In our daily life we are experiencing MA either positively or in a negative way. MA is in the purposeful pauses in speech which make words stand out. We realise how much we are communicating with non verbal gestures. Sometime the silent moment between words speaks more than the words themselves. The video explores this concept by satirically portraying a conve...
Đejmi Hadrović - Crossing Borders (00:04:47)
Production: V.A.T., 2015
In the video performance the artists stands in an empty space in front of a wall. A projected text in English is being written over her body: "I am a Muslim I am a Muslim I am a Muslim ...". The statement is repeated until it fills the entire wall. The artist stands quietly, she has a loosely wrapped scarf around her head, and smokes a cigarette. After some time she removes the scarf and starts loudly declaring "I am a Muslim". She repeats the statement with various affirmative intonations. When the text co...
Production: V.A.T., 2015
In the video performance the artists stands in an empty space in front of a wall. A projected text in English is being written over her body: "I am a Muslim I am a Muslim I am a Muslim ...". The statement is repeated until it fills the entire wall. The artist stands quietly, she has a loosely wrapped scarf around her head, and smokes a cigarette. After some time she removes the scarf and starts loudly declaring "I am a Muslim". She repeats the statement with various affirmative intonations. When the text co...
Lea Culetto - (Without) (00:02:48)
Production: L.C., 2017
The video is a collage of numerous advertisements for cosmetic products showing the female body in seductive poses. Their rapid exchange is disrupted by digital glitches. The sound in the video consists of a quote from the text Foucault, Femininity and the Modernization of Patriarchal Power by Sandra Lee Bartky. The author of the video reads the part of the text listing cosmetic products that a woman is supposed to use to achieve the perfect look.
Production: L.C., 2017
The video is a collage of numerous advertisements for cosmetic products showing the female body in seductive poses. Their rapid exchange is disrupted by digital glitches. The sound in the video consists of a quote from the text Foucault, Femininity and the Modernization of Patriarchal Power by Sandra Lee Bartky. The author of the video reads the part of the text listing cosmetic products that a woman is supposed to use to achieve the perfect look.
Lea Culetto - Reveal The Goddess In You (00:00:42)
Production: L.C., 2017
Video superimposes home footage of shaving in the bathroom with footage of shaving from commercials for cosmetic depilatory products. The third layer superimposes the text constructed of advertising slogans of cosmetic brands. The title of the work is taken from one of the slogans and ironically complements the visual contrast between reality and the idealized image of the female body. The video has no sound.
Production: L.C., 2017
Video superimposes home footage of shaving in the bathroom with footage of shaving from commercials for cosmetic depilatory products. The third layer superimposes the text constructed of advertising slogans of cosmetic brands. The title of the work is taken from one of the slogans and ironically complements the visual contrast between reality and the idealized image of the female body. The video has no sound.