Marko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost / Forth Into the Past (0:09:30)
Production: Forum Ljubljana, VPK, 1995
The video deals with our understanding of the distant future, presented through a concrete example of the 23rd-century archaeology. A narration of a professor archaeologist leads us through the story as he guides his student through one of the main archaeological sites in the City of Catastropolis, where so-called Plastoses, who (will) survived the atomic catastrophe in 2223 live. These half-organic half-mechanical creatures form a comprehensive civilisation of Plastos, which is the author's subject in a se...
DIVA urban
94 results in works
Klon:Art:Resistance, Miha Dovžan - Klon Art (00:02:43)
Subtitle: Prispevek v oddaji Studio City
Production: TV Slovenija
Dokumentarni prispevek o skupini grafitarjev in uličnih umetnikov KlonArt. Dokumentarni prispevek TV Slovenija (oddaja Studio City), ki ga v slogu skupine KlonArt odlikuje dinamična kamera in hitra menjava kadrov. Predstavitvenemu tekstu so dodani posnetki grafitarskih akcij skupine v Ljubljani.
Subtitle: Prispevek v oddaji Studio City
Production: TV Slovenija
Dokumentarni prispevek o skupini grafitarjev in uličnih umetnikov KlonArt. Dokumentarni prispevek TV Slovenija (oddaja Studio City), ki ga v slogu skupine KlonArt odlikuje dinamična kamera in hitra menjava kadrov. Predstavitvenemu tekstu so dodani posnetki grafitarskih akcij skupine v Ljubljani.
Klon:Art:Resistance - Klon Art (00:05:05)
Subtitle: Dokumentarni prispevek na Gajba TV
Production: Gajba TV
Dokumentarni prispevek Gajba TV* o skupini grafitarjev in uličnih umetnikov KlonArt. Prispevek spremlja rap komad z naslovom Ilegal d.o.o., dinamična kamera, hitra menjava kadrov in nasičen kolorit, ki je značilen za ulično umetnost. Govorjeni tekst v prispevku predstavi nekatera idejna izhodišča umetniške skupine in pojasnjuje področje njihovega delovanja. Grafitarstvo predstavi kot življenjski stil, ki presega dualizme lepega in grdega in nastopa proti gentrificirani podobi mestne pokrajine. Gra...
Subtitle: Dokumentarni prispevek na Gajba TV
Production: Gajba TV
Dokumentarni prispevek Gajba TV* o skupini grafitarjev in uličnih umetnikov KlonArt. Prispevek spremlja rap komad z naslovom Ilegal d.o.o., dinamična kamera, hitra menjava kadrov in nasičen kolorit, ki je značilen za ulično umetnost. Govorjeni tekst v prispevku predstavi nekatera idejna izhodišča umetniške skupine in pojasnjuje področje njihovega delovanja. Grafitarstvo predstavi kot življenjski stil, ki presega dualizme lepega in grdega in nastopa proti gentrificirani podobi mestne pokrajine. Gra...
Katja Šoltes, Emir Jelkić - How Do You Say Ćesma? / Kako se kaže fountain? (00:07:30)
Production: Ljudmila, Ljubljana in SCCA/, Sarajevo, 2000
The video shows thoughts of a traveller and runner David Jones, who is discovering a war-stricken Sarajevo and tells the story of his endless travels. First the video follows the runner and surroundings through a window of a moving car. The shots at the end of the video are static and feature close-ups of the runner.
Production: Ljudmila, Ljubljana in SCCA/, Sarajevo, 2000
The video shows thoughts of a traveller and runner David Jones, who is discovering a war-stricken Sarajevo and tells the story of his endless travels. First the video follows the runner and surroundings through a window of a moving car. The shots at the end of the video are static and feature close-ups of the runner.
Zmago Lenardič - Big Blue Subway (00:12:42)
Production: VPK & White Balance, 2000
Video tematizira odtujenost velikega urbanega središča s posnetki utrujenih, spečih ljudi na newyorški podzemni železnici. Pripisana beseda se nanaša na njihove misli ali sanje, odmik od realnosti odtujenega velemesta. Sprevračana je v temačno odisejado individualiziranega mestnega življenja preko osebnih zgodb malih ljudi, osamljenih meščanov.
Production: VPK & White Balance, 2000
Video tematizira odtujenost velikega urbanega središča s posnetki utrujenih, spečih ljudi na newyorški podzemni železnici. Pripisana beseda se nanaša na njihove misli ali sanje, odmik od realnosti odtujenega velemesta. Sprevračana je v temačno odisejado individualiziranega mestnega življenja preko osebnih zgodb malih ljudi, osamljenih meščanov.
Andrej Lupinc - V 8. minutah okoli sveta / In 8 Minutes around the World (00:09:38)
Production: TV Slovenija, filmski laboratorij, 1990-2000
The documentary video patchwork with shots from various places in the world that the author visited while working as a cameraman at Slovenian national TV station in the span of ten years. Diversity of aesthetics is visible through a compilation of shots from different continents. A stable rhythm that runs through the whole video unifies all different scenes and brakes the seeming symbolic differences. The video would work as an ideal visualisation of Levi-Strauss's anthropological theory developed in h...
Production: TV Slovenija, filmski laboratorij, 1990-2000
The documentary video patchwork with shots from various places in the world that the author visited while working as a cameraman at Slovenian national TV station in the span of ten years. Diversity of aesthetics is visible through a compilation of shots from different continents. A stable rhythm that runs through the whole video unifies all different scenes and brakes the seeming symbolic differences. The video would work as an ideal visualisation of Levi-Strauss's anthropological theory developed in h...
Andrej Lupinc - Odvrženi (00:42:42)
Subtitle: Adaptacija gledališke igre Roberto Zucco
Production: TV Slovenija, 1997
The story of a tourist who gets lost in a South American metropolis. He wanders into a dangerous suburb, where he meets a strange family and Roberto Zucco - the adventurer, poet and murderer.
Subtitle: Adaptacija gledališke igre Roberto Zucco
Production: TV Slovenija, 1997
The story of a tourist who gets lost in a South American metropolis. He wanders into a dangerous suburb, where he meets a strange family and Roberto Zucco - the adventurer, poet and murderer.
Media Teror, Rok Sieberer Kuri - Media Teror Croma Quart Mix (mix III.) (00:06:44)
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Hitro menjujoče podobe mesta, televizijskih posnetkov, narave in objektov v naravi, ki jih z različnimi montažnimi tehnikami dopolnjujejo likovne forme. Gre za prekrivanje in croma key, posnetki kamere so večinoma iz roke in so dinamični, izgleda da gre za naključno lovljenje materiala. Vsebina je skrita v vrzelih: simbolnih formah in asociacijskih preskokih izbire posnetkov, ambientov in okolja. Gmote posnetkov prehajajo in se kopičijo - prekrivanje v izbranih kompozicijah, ki so zelo likovne. Na vi...
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Hitro menjujoče podobe mesta, televizijskih posnetkov, narave in objektov v naravi, ki jih z različnimi montažnimi tehnikami dopolnjujejo likovne forme. Gre za prekrivanje in croma key, posnetki kamere so večinoma iz roke in so dinamični, izgleda da gre za naključno lovljenje materiala. Vsebina je skrita v vrzelih: simbolnih formah in asociacijskih preskokih izbire posnetkov, ambientov in okolja. Gmote posnetkov prehajajo in se kopičijo - prekrivanje v izbranih kompozicijah, ki so zelo likovne. Na vi...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Betonski človek / Concrete Man (0:15:29)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1995
A woman's shoe gets stuck in concrete in the middle of the city. Her usual rhythm of life is disturbed. She is impatient to solve the problem. But a string of unexpected events interferes with her plans. Her world of fast living, obligations and errands turns into a pilgrimage to find the lost shoe... until she finally gives into the flow of events. At the end of the film she finds the shoe, which has by now lost its role as the primary motive for her search.
Production: TV Slovenija, 1995
A woman's shoe gets stuck in concrete in the middle of the city. Her usual rhythm of life is disturbed. She is impatient to solve the problem. But a string of unexpected events interferes with her plans. Her world of fast living, obligations and errands turns into a pilgrimage to find the lost shoe... until she finally gives into the flow of events. At the end of the film she finds the shoe, which has by now lost its role as the primary motive for her search.
Rok Sieberer Kuri - Kuri kompilacija (00:34:29)
Production: V.S.Đ.V., Ljubljana, 1991
The Kuri Compilation combines several humorous short video clips: Crisis, Yello Party, Ljubljana Trafik, Art Evening, Bonfire, Rollins, Crime-Criminal Story, The Koncilija Portrait, and Grandma's Robbery. An interview with a street newsvendor, city traffic, 'family' video in nature, video burlesque, criminal story featuring toys. (VD)
Production: V.S.Đ.V., Ljubljana, 1991
The Kuri Compilation combines several humorous short video clips: Crisis, Yello Party, Ljubljana Trafik, Art Evening, Bonfire, Rollins, Crime-Criminal Story, The Koncilija Portrait, and Grandma's Robbery. An interview with a street newsvendor, city traffic, 'family' video in nature, video burlesque, criminal story featuring toys. (VD)