Nataša Prosenc Stearns
No. 1092
Artist: Nataša Prosenc Stearns
Title: Backfill
Duration: 00:03:35
Year: 2012
Genre: Installation Art

Avtorica je video instalacijo prvotno zasnovala za in-situ postavitev v okviru likovnih prireditev Evropske prestolnice kulture Maribor v bastiji Pokrajinskega muzeja Maribor. Video instalacija je refleksija novega zgodovinskega prostora. S tremi paralelnimi projekcijami padajočih kamnov, zemlje in proda, je umetnica oživela celotni prostor. Avtorico je do zemeljskih materialov pripeljal razmislek o zgodovini srednjeveške gradnje, a naredila je delo, v katerem poetično oživijo sloji zgodovine kot plazovi geoloških naplavin.

Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Our Twenty MinutesNataša Prosenc Stearns - Our Twenty MinutesNataša Prosenc Stearns - Our Twenty Minutes
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Our Twenty Minutes (00:07:39)
Production: 2013
Kratki film o paru, ki si skuša med službo vzeti 20 minut za zasebnost. V njuno zgodbo prileti nepovabljena trgovska potnica, ki ju z neomajnim prepričevanjem poskuša opehariti. Zgodba se odvija s frontalnimi statičnimi kadri v notranjščini hiše.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - The Noise FactorNataša Prosenc Stearns - The Noise FactorNataša Prosenc Stearns - The Noise Factor
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - The Noise Factor (00:03:15)
Production: 2012
Video work poetically captures closing in and focusing inside a view through a hotel window. From the abstract light spots of the city landscape the camera slowly moves to the inside of the hotel room. First we witness the transition to a reflection in th...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Mother for DinnerNataša Prosenc Stearns - Mother for DinnerNataša Prosenc Stearns - Mother for Dinner
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Mother for Dinner (00:12:12)
Production: Koprodukcija: Maribor , 2012
Družinsko srečanje z obedom. Na prvi pogled zgleda kot povsem normalen obisk šestih hčera pri njihovi mami. Vendar pa imajo ženske blasfemičen načrt. Da bi ostale za večno mlade, bodo žrtvovale svojo mamo v mešanici šamanističnega rituala s po...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - The Trial of Socrates (trailer)Nataša Prosenc Stearns - The Trial of Socrates (trailer)Nataša Prosenc Stearns - The Trial of Socrates (trailer)
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - The Trial of Socrates (trailer) (01:24:00 (trailer, 00:03:00))
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2010-2013
Omnibus 23 filmskih režiserjev in videastov iz različnih kulturnih okolij, med njimi sta tudi Jasna Hribernik in Zmago Lenardić. Pobudnica in glavna režiserka je Nataša Prosenc Stearns. Drugi sodelujoči: M. Basso, J. Beckhardt, J. Berry, N. Buchanan, J....
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - AfterlifeNataša Prosenc Stearns - AfterlifeNataša Prosenc Stearns - Afterlife
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Afterlife (00:02:43)
Production: Nataša Prosenc, 2010
Video is part of the series Haiku Videos, which originate in daily recordings with minimal staging. They are created when a real life situation motivates an idea. Like in Haiku poetry, the images of Haiku Videos are based on directly observed events, obje...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Going WhereNataša Prosenc Stearns - Going WhereNataša Prosenc Stearns - Going Where
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Going Where (00:02:15)
Production: 2010
Video is part of the series Haiku Videos, which originate in daily recordings with minimal staging. They are created when a real life situation motivates an idea. Like in Haiku poetry, the images of Haiku Videos are based on directly observed events, obje...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Self PortraitNataša Prosenc Stearns - Self PortraitNataša Prosenc Stearns - Self Portrait
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Self Portrait (00:03:09)
Production: 2010
Video is part of the series Haiku Videos, which originate in daily recordings with minimal staging. They are created when a real life situation motivates an idea. Like in Haiku poetry, the images of Haiku Videos are based on directly observed events, obje...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Mud (excerpts)Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Mud (excerpts)Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Mud (excerpts)
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Mud (excerpts) (00:09:59 (00:01:59))
Production: 2009
Blato je zgodba o izvoru življenja, v kateri ženska izoblikuje samo sebe iz naravnega materiala – iz tekocega blata, ki je nasičen s čutnostjo, prožnostjo in kreativnim potencialom. Zgodba je tudi pripoved o razmerju med prosto spreminjajoco se nar...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Innocence DisolvedNataša Prosenc Stearns - Innocence DisolvedNataša Prosenc Stearns - Innocence Disolved
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Innocence Disolved (0:01:30)
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2008
Video is a documentation of a same named exhibition - installation, where two looped videos are projected on a window of a gallery and on a bed.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Souvenir (film excerpts )Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Souvenir (film excerpts )Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Souvenir (film excerpts )
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Souvenir (film excerpts ) (01:20:00 (00:02:32))
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2006
A thriller about illegal trade of African art and consequences of colonialism in the west.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Swimming the DarkNataša Prosenc Stearns - Swimming the DarkNataša Prosenc Stearns - Swimming the Dark
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Swimming the Dark (00:03:52)
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2005
Underwater recordings filmed by a swimmer accompanied with sounds of water streams and machines.
YEARS 2 decades present
Nika Grabar - Format Oblivion
Nika Grabar - Format Oblivion (00:14:43)
SCCA-Ljubljana, 2012
Muratović, Amir - From the Life of Books
Muratović, Amir - From the Life of Book... (00:03:55)
Muratović, Amir, 2010/2011
Rusjan, Pila - Po-vračanje
Rusjan, Pila - Po-vračanje (0:18:19)
Visoka šola za umetnost Un..., 2010
Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik (SIVA) - Motnja – Krzno
Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tr... (00:07:10)
Likovni salon Celje, 2011
Saša Spačal - Liminoid
Saša Spačal - Liminoid (00:08:08)
Saša Spačal, Muzej sodo..., 2016
Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik (SIVA) - Motnje oblačenja – Prevelika obleka
Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tr... (00:04:04)
Likovni salon Celje, 2011
Jasna Hribernik - Tense Present: Šum fotonov / Tense Present: Photon Noise
Jasna Hribernik - Tense Present: Šum fo... (00:01:18)
White Balance, 2015
OFFTIR - P1p3P3p1
OFFTIR - P1p3P3p1 (00:03:14)
Saša Spačal - Mycophone_unison
Saša Spačal - Mycophone_unison (00:14:27)
Saša Spačal, Muzej sodo..., 2016
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