Maja Hodošček
No. 1334
Artist: Maja Hodošček
Title: Poem
Duration: 00:12:04 (trailer 00:02:03)
Year: 2015
Genre: Art video

For the first time a teenage girl is encountering a poem written by her high school colleagues – members of a school debate club wrote this particular poem. In the video we see how she reacts upon the written words by translating them in semi abstract sounds. Or she pics upon parts of the poem and tries to transform them into a new form, reading the words backwards or inventing them a new. She confronts herself with an unknown material, there is no reference on which she could depend on. Therefore she finds herself in a space of learning and doing, her own creative response is being celebrated. (Source: Maja Hodošček)

NOTE: On the artist's request, the on-line DIVA Station Archive presents only a short trailer. The full video is kept and on view in the DIVA Station Mediatheque at Metelkova 6, Ljubljana.

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Maja Hodošček - The Lesson (00:15:20 (trailer 00:03:46))
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OFFTIR - 0038640573341
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