Milena Kosec
No. 1593
"Exhibition Flags at Kapelica Gallery"
Milena Kosec - Exhibition Flags at Kapelica Gallery
Video available only in physical archive
Artist: Milena Kosec
Title: Exhibition Flags at Kapelica Gallery
Duration: 42:12
Year: 2001
Genre: Raw footage / Exhibition
Production: Galerija Kapelica


Raw footage of Milena Kosec's solo exhibition at the Kapelica Gallery entitled Flags. The exhibition is dedicated to menstruation and libidinality. (Source: DIVA Station)

Rene Rusjan, Milena Kosec - Rene Rusjan: Holes in space, holes in timeRene Rusjan, Milena Kosec - Rene Rusjan: Holes in space, holes in timeRene Rusjan, Milena Kosec - Rene Rusjan: Holes in space, holes in time
Rene Rusjan, Milena Kosec - Rene Rusjan: Holes in space, holes in time (35:55)
Production: Galerija Vila Katarina, 1996
Raw footage of the opening and exhibition view of a spatial installation. Following the idea of ​​Milena Kosec about an art exhibition of mirrors in the garden ambience of Vila Katarina, the sculptor Rene Rusjan designed the spatial installation entit...
Milena Kosec - Ceremnonial burning of scarecrows at the garden of Vila KatarinaMilena Kosec - Ceremnonial burning of scarecrows at the garden of Vila KatarinaMilena Kosec - Ceremnonial burning of scarecrows at the garden of Vila Katarina
Milena Kosec - Ceremnonial burning of scarecrows at the garden of Vila Katarina (10:36)
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 1993
Documentary recording of ceremnonial burning of scarecrows at the garden of Vila Katarina. Performative event is part of the The Mythic Era (1992-1996) of The Scarecrow Statelet, a long-standing project of a sovereign, independent, artistic microstate by Mi...
Milena Kosec - Mirko Bratuša and Darko Golija: Sculptural works in the gardenMilena Kosec - Mirko Bratuša and Darko Golija: Sculptural works in the gardenMilena Kosec - Mirko Bratuša and Darko Golija: Sculptural works in the garden
Milena Kosec - Mirko Bratuša and Darko Golija: Sculptural works in the garden (21:19)
Production: Galerija Vila Katarina, 1991
Documentary recording of the public opening of the sculptural exhibition by Mirko Bratuša and Darko Golija in the garden of the Vila Katarina gallery in Ljubljana. Art historian Tomaž Brejc and representative of the Ministry of Information Du&scar...
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