Dr. Xenia (Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh)
No. 1627
"Man, Don't Get Angry"
Artist: Dr. Xenia (Andreja Džakušič, Keiko Miyazaki, Iva Tratnik, Simon Macuh)
Title: Man, Don't Get Angry
Duration: 19:34
Year: 2021
Genre: Performance
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Galerija Alkatraz, Festival Mesto žensk


Man, Don't Get Angry is first and foremost a feminist response to the familiar image of (dressed) Marcel Duchamp and (naked) Eva Babitz's chess game from 1963. It is also a reference to the performance Mojca ärgere dich nicht, which was performed by Petja Grafenauer, Zoran Srdić Janežič, and Simon Macuh in 2013 at the Red Dawn festival with the aim of defending the use of nudity in works of art. Here, next to the dressed women, there is a half-naked man, who does not get to make a move during the game. Play figures in the shape of red erected and green limp penises humorously allude to the generally accepted perception of potency as a symbol of power, which serves to exploit others. The performance conveys rich associations and shows that the mere exchange of power relations among genders in society when all the other relationships remain unchanged and, moreover, still based on capitalistic order, is by no means a solution. (Source: excerpt of the curatorial text by Vesna Bukovec, Ana Grobler and Sebastian Krawczyk for the exhibition Dr Xenia: The Fourth Corner – Rights for Our Fights)

Video was premiered at the 27th International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women on the exhibition Dr Xenia: The Fourth Corner – Rights for Our Fights at Alkatraz Gallery in Ljubljana.

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Production: Likovni salon Celje, 2011
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Production: Likovni salon Celje, 2011
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Production: 2011
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Production: 2010
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Production: 2008
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Production: 2008
Video is documentation of performance in public space made at the occasion of the Admission Free 2008 festival in Celje. During the time of the festival the artist sang a lullaby to the city at exactly midnight. The initiative for the performance was e...
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Andreja Džakušič - Development of Compassion (00:17:45)
Production: 2008
The first part of the video is entitled Let Go (series of photographs and sound), the second part is documentation of the performance Embroidery and Burning in the Chapel of St. Elizabeth in Celje in 2007. Developing Compassion is a project made of ser...
Andreja Džakušič - Development of CompassionAndreja Džakušič - Development of CompassionAndreja Džakušič - Development of Compassion
Andreja Džakušič - Development of Compassion (00:17:45)
Production: 2007
Photo and video documentation of the performance Embroidery and Burning in the Chapel of St. Elizabeth in Celje in 2007. Developing Compassion is a project made of series of performances, installations and photographs, which lasted two years (2006-2008)....
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Andreja Džakušič - Celje, my city (00:04:23)
Production: 2005
The video is a photo slide show documentation of the 'Celje, my city' action in public space which was part of the Admission Free festival in Celje, 2005. Similar to a well know action of the Belgrade based collective Škart (Your Shit - Your Re...
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Production: 2002
Video is a photo slide show documentation of the project 'Unusual Pairs', created together with Radivoj Mulič at Likovni salon Celje in 2002. The two artists transformed the Likovni salon exhibition space into an apartment and offered visitors...
YEARS 2 decades present
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