Teja Miholič
No. 1725
"Nuclear Force is the Most Powerful Force in the World"
Artist: Teja Miholič
Title: Nuclear Force is the Most Powerful Force in the World
Duration: 03:32
Year: 2021
Genre: Art Film / Art video / Experimental film
Production: ENSAV - École Nationale Supérieure d'AudioVisuel


A girl borrows 10 euros from a friend. (Source: Teja Miholič)

Teja Miholič - Neighbour's Dog Is Crying What if the Neighbour Is DeadTeja Miholič - Neighbour's Dog Is Crying What if the Neighbour Is DeadTeja Miholič - Neighbour's Dog Is Crying What if the Neighbour Is Dead
Teja Miholič - Neighbour's Dog Is Crying What if the Neighbour Is Dead (01:41)
Production: Teja Miholič, 2022
V filmu Sosedov psiček joka, kaj če je sosed umrl sem zabeležila avdio posnetke vseh svojih skrbi, o katerih sem razmišljala nekega naključnega dne, ko sem živela v Toulousu, združene z lastnimi in stock fotografijami. To delo je le eden moji...
Teja Miholič - I Have Lost All My Photo AlbumsTeja Miholič - I Have Lost All My Photo AlbumsTeja Miholič - I Have Lost All My Photo Albums
Teja Miholič - I Have Lost All My Photo Albums (01:43)
Production: ENSAV - École Nationale Supérieure d'AudioVisuel, 2019
A very short film about an identity. (Source: Teja Miholič)
Teja Miholič - So That Humanity Can SurviveTeja Miholič - So That Humanity Can SurviveTeja Miholič - So That Humanity Can Survive
Teja Miholič - So That Humanity Can Survive (06:31)
Production: ENSAV - École Nationale Supérieure d'AudioVisuel, 2019
Two girls play detectives and discover a real serial killer. (Source: Teja Miholič)
Anne Tassel, Teja Miholič, Ester Ivakič - Shall I change your name?Anne Tassel, Teja Miholič, Ester Ivakič - Shall I change your name?Anne Tassel, Teja Miholič, Ester Ivakič - Shall I change your name?
Anne Tassel, Teja Miholič, Ester Ivakič - Shall I change your name? (06:19)
Production: Anne Tassel, Teja Miholič, Ester Ivakič, Lea Anclin, 2016
Nothing is as it seems. (Source: authors)
YEARS 2 decades present
Anne Tassel - Live in a Megabit
Anne Tassel - Live in a Megabit (12:12)
AU UNG, Warehouse Collect..., 2017
Anne Tassel - parking_space
Anne Tassel - parking_space (01:45)
Temporama, 2019
Anne Tassel - Islands
Anne Tassel - Islands (04:58)
Anne Tassel, 2022
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