Vipotnik, Miha (Kut Gas)
No. 216
Artist: Vipotnik, Miha (Kut Gas)
Title: Fantasy
Duration: 02:43
Year: 1997
Genre: Television Art / Music video / Art video
Production: Aanima


Music video was shot for the song Fantasy (Fantazija) by Kut Gas. Scenes were shot on blue screen, the movement of the musicians is synchronized with the rhythm of the music. The video was made on a basis of opening credits for a TV show Zero Mass - The art of Eric Orr Trikk – Space for your imagination (Trikk - prostor za vašo domišljijo).

Miha Vipotnik - ConcurrencesMiha Vipotnik - ConcurrencesMiha Vipotnik - Concurrences
Miha Vipotnik - Concurrences (52:00)
Production: Casablanca, RTV Slovenija, 2017
The story of the poet - the protagonist of the film, who, upon the release of his new collection of poems, receives a message about finding long-lost videos of the late writer, poet and essayist Jure Detela. Vipotnik's recordings, which was actually accid...
Miha Vipotnik - LaughterMiha Vipotnik - LaughterMiha Vipotnik - Laughter
Miha Vipotnik - Laughter (03:16)
Production: Miha Vipotnik, 2015
The video is divided into two vertical levels. The one above shows the scenes of military territories and interventions of the USA in Irak and Middle East. We see oil marks and empty cities in bird's perspective. A smiley face is added to all the shots as...
Miha Vipotnik - Time of Aliquot PartsMiha Vipotnik - Time of Aliquot PartsMiha Vipotnik - Time of Aliquot Parts
Miha Vipotnik - Time of Aliquot Parts (12:00)
Production: Slovenski etnografski muzej , 2013
Video/Film was commissioned for the 90th anniversary of Slovene Ethnographic Museum and it shows the wealth of museum’s collections from different geographical regions. It uses various audiovisual material: film and audio documents/footages are reus...
Miha Vipotnik - Lumino auroMiha Vipotnik - Lumino auroMiha Vipotnik - Lumino auro
Miha Vipotnik - Lumino auro (23:39)
Production: Uho;Oko Institute for Art and Technology & M. V., 2011
The video constantly changes its format, which makes it rather complex. Variations of the surface are subtle, often barely noticeable and therefore make the viewer feel uncomfortable. Lumino Auro is a video which causes spatial anxiety on different levels. Th...
Miha Vipotnik - Človek poslušanjaMiha Vipotnik - Človek poslušanjaMiha Vipotnik - Človek poslušanja
Miha Vipotnik - Človek poslušanja (19:18)
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2008
Eksperimentalna video-zvočna kompozicija je portret komponista Bora Turela, enega najvidnejših slovenskih skladateljev eksperimentalne in elektroakustične glasbe. Avtor se prek dela skladatelja ukvarja z zvokom v povezavi in primerjavi s sliko, g...
Miha Vipotnik - Man of HearkenMiha Vipotnik - Man of HearkenMiha Vipotnik - Man of Hearken
Miha Vipotnik - Man of Hearken (19:17)
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2008
Experimental video and video-audio composition is a portrait of a composer Bor Turel, one of the most noticed Slovene composers of experimental and electroacoustic music. The author deals with sound in connection and comparison with image through the work...
Miha Vipotnik - METROUTMiha Vipotnik - METROUTMiha Vipotnik - METROUT
Miha Vipotnik - METROUT ()
Production: 2007
A web page put up by Miha Vipotnik and his students as a school project contains amongst other art contents, four video projects by Miha Vipotnika. Conundrum of Time: Clepsydra (2002) Eriounios: Bringer of Luck (2005) Zirconia: Encrusted tweezers (2006)...
Miha Vipotnik - MetroljubMiha Vipotnik - MetroljubMiha Vipotnik - Metroljub
Miha Vipotnik - Metroljub ()
Production: Famul Stuart, 2006
Underground City and metroLjub is an interdiciplinary project created at the school of applied arts Famul Stuart in collaboration with Miha Vipotnik. The goal of the project is to encourage a permanent pulse and current of energy in the city's underg...
Miha Vipotnik - AtmosphereMiha Vipotnik - AtmosphereMiha Vipotnik - Atmosphere
Miha Vipotnik - Atmosphere (10:15)
Production: Miha Vipotnik, 2004
The experimental video is a part of a larger digital composition and interactive sound program shown as an interactive multimedia visual-audio installation by Miha Vipotnik (Glass Courtyard and Gallery in Eurocenter, Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2004). It consi...
Miha Vipotnik - The Power of DestinyMiha Vipotnik - The Power of DestinyMiha Vipotnik - The Power of Destiny
Miha Vipotnik - The Power of Destiny (50:47)
Production: KUP, RTV Slovenija, 2001
The work was made in 2001 and 2002 marking the centennial of Giuseppe Verdi's death. The power of destiny is an experimental and polemic story about the making of a film intertwined with music by the Italian giant of classical music Verdi and his contempo...
YEARS 2 decades present
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda (ZANK) - The Sand Collectors
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda (ZANK) - Th... (00:12:34)
V.S. Video / Forum Ljublj..., 1995
Ema Kugler - Hydra
Ema Kugler - Hydra (00:15:45)
V.S. Video, Forum Ljublja..., 1993
Kugler, Ema  - Station 25
Kugler, Ema - Station 25 (00:30:08)
Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1997
Kugler, Ema - Menhir
Kugler, Ema - Menhir (00:35:16)
Forum Ljubljana, VPK & TV..., 1999
Hribernik, Jasna  - Ballabende
Hribernik, Jasna - Ballabende (00:21:46)
TV Slovenija, 1995
Kovačič, Marko  - No More Heroes Any More
Kovačič, Marko - No More Heroes Any M... (0:18:15)
V.S. VIDEO/Forum Ljubljan..., 1992
Hribernik, Jasna  - Carte Postale
Hribernik, Jasna - Carte Postale (06:32)
TV Slovenija, 1997
Kracina, Damijan - Žeblji / Nails
Kracina, Damijan - Žeblji / Nails (00:06:34)
Akademija za likovno umet..., 1995
Lupinc, Andrej - V 8. minutah okoli sveta / In 8 Minutes around the World
Lupinc, Andrej - V 8. minutah okoli svet... (00:09:38)
TV Slovenija, filmski lab..., 1990-2000
Kovačič, Marko - Naprej v preteklost / Forth Into the Past
Kovačič, Marko - Naprej v preteklost /... (0:09:30)
Forum Ljubljana, VPK, 1995
Hribernik, Jasna  - Hiša nasprotij / House of Contrasts
Hribernik, Jasna - Hiša nasprotij / Ho... (00:20:17)
TV Slovenija, 1998
Hribernik, Jasna  - Lok Telesa / The Body Bow
Hribernik, Jasna - Lok Telesa / The Bod... (00:18:21)
Sfinga, TV Slovenija, 1996
Kovačič, Marko (2227) - I've Seen That... Like It Is
Kovačič, Marko (2227) - I've Seen That...... (06:20)
V.S. Video & Strip Core /..., 1993
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