Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda (ZANK)
No. 264
"Within Four Walls"
Artist: Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda (ZANK)
Title: Within Four Walls
Duration: 00:33:17
Year: 1999
Genre: Documentary video / Art video / Fiction
Production: ZANK, VPK & TV Slovenija


A documentary Within Four Walls (orig. Med štirimi stenami) problematizes violence towards women through stories of those who ran away from it and found help in shelters. With covered faces they speak about years of abuse, violence, rape and loneliness. Film includes scenes from the shelter for women and children - victims of violence, shots filmed in social work centres and in groups for nonviolent communication which help men change their violent behaviour. Historians and anthropologists share their opinion and talk about social dimensions of the problem.

Scenes from Slovene films Idealist (Igor Pretnar), Vdovstvo Karoline Žašler (Matjaž Klopčič), Nasvidenje v naslednji vojni (Živojin Pavlović), Sedmina (Matjaž Klopčič) are included.

Zemira Alajbegović - Marko Peljhan's Invisible TerritoryZemira Alajbegović - Marko Peljhan's Invisible TerritoryZemira Alajbegović - Marko Peljhan's Invisible Territory
Zemira Alajbegović - Marko Peljhan's Invisible Territory (00:49:12)
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2007
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Zemira Alajbegović - Quick/SlowZemira Alajbegović - Quick/SlowZemira Alajbegović - Quick/Slow
Zemira Alajbegović - Quick/Slow (00:11:47)
Production: Zavod ZANK / koprodukcija RTV Slovenija, 2004
The short film explores the modalities of time and connects them to different basic mental states of a human being. Peaceful and slow action in the garden, which we see at the beginning of the film is replaced by first melancholic and then hysteric scenes...
Zemira Alajbegović - P.O.R.Zemira Alajbegović - P.O.R.Zemira Alajbegović - P.O.R.
Zemira Alajbegović - P.O.R. (00:00:29)
Production: ZANK, 2003
Video is a part of a series of eleven noise track videos by a music group BAST titled Burn Out. The camera is still but not completely static. The music dictates the rhythm of fast-forwarded detail shots of cutting a leek and shredding a carrot. Music and...
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Slices of TimeZemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Slices of TimeZemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Slices of Time
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Slices of Time (00:59:54)
Production: ZANK, VPK, TV Slovenija (kulturno umetniški program), 2001
The documentary film follows stories of two elderly women (artist's grandmothers) born during the First World War after which the Austro-Hungarian Empire fell apart and a new state, Yugoslavia was established. They lived in different cultural and religiou...
Zemira Alajbegović - VortexZemira Alajbegović - VortexZemira Alajbegović - Vortex
Zemira Alajbegović - Vortex (00:04:04)
Production: TV Slovenija, 2000
Music video of Iztok Turk (DJ plasma). Vortex is a video limited to rigid symmetrical space which nevertheless shows an extraordinary abundance of shapes. This compositional matrix with a simple concept contains affluence of visual contents connected to t...
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Med štirimi stenamiZemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Med štirimi stenamiZemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Med štirimi stenami
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Med štirimi stenami (00:32:35)
Production: ZANK, VPK & TV Slovenija (izobraževalni program), 1999
V dokumentarcu Med štirimi stenami svoje zgodbe pripovedujejo ženske, ki so pobegnile pred nasiljem v lastnih družinah in poiskale pomoč v zatočišču. Spregovorijo o letih zlorabe, nasilja, posilstev in osamljenosti. Zgodovinarji in antr...
Neven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - Staro in novoNeven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - Staro in novoNeven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - Staro in novo
Neven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - Staro in novo (01:05:55)
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, VPK & TV Slovenija (kulturna redakcija), 1997
Staro in novo je dokumentarec o posnetkih FV videa. Video rekonstruira živahni vrvež na ljubljanski subkulturni sceni v 80-ih letih, ki sta ji pripadala tudi avtorja. Množico dokumentov in video posnetkov, nastalih od 1982 do 1986, sta z minuciozno in...
Neven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - The Old and the NewNeven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - The Old and the NewNeven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - The Old and the New
Neven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - The Old and the New (01:05:55)
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, VPK & TV Slovenija (kulturna redakcija), 1997
The Old and the New reconstructs the lively bustle of the "Ljubljana subculture scene" in the eighties, and it was made by two insiders. With a minute and swift editing of the picture and sound, the makers have succeeded in compiling a number of documents...
Zemira Alajbegović, Boštjan Jurečič - Rok Sieberer - KuriZemira Alajbegović, Boštjan Jurečič - Rok Sieberer - KuriZemira Alajbegović, Boštjan Jurečič - Rok Sieberer - Kuri
Zemira Alajbegović, Boštjan Jurečič - Rok Sieberer - Kuri (00:05:51)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1996
Informative TV emission about an exhibition and the work of Rok Sieberer Kuri.
Zemira Alajbegović - UrbanariaZemira Alajbegović - UrbanariaZemira Alajbegović - Urbanaria
Zemira Alajbegović - Urbanaria (00:01:50)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1996
Statement by Barbara Borčić, one of the curators of Urnbanaria exhibition concerning a two-day event Presentation of Metelkova (conference, discussion, guided tours, screenings) on February 14th and 15th, 1996. Urbanaria was the first annual exhibition...
YEARS 2 decades present
Kovačič, Marko (2227) - I've Seen That... Like It Is
Kovačič, Marko (2227) - I've Seen That...... (06:20)
V.S. Video & Strip Core /..., 1993
Jurečič, Boštjan - Televizijski prispevek
Jurečič, Boštjan - Televizijski prisp... (00:04:18)
TV Slovenija, 2001
Kovačič, Marko - Naprej v preteklost / Forth Into the Past
Kovačič, Marko - Naprej v preteklost /... (0:09:30)
Forum Ljubljana, VPK, 1995
Hribernik, Jasna  - Carte Postale
Hribernik, Jasna - Carte Postale (06:32)
TV Slovenija, 1997
Kracina, Damijan - Žeblji / Nails
Kracina, Damijan - Žeblji / Nails (00:06:34)
Akademija za likovno umet..., 1995
Kugler, Ema - Menhir
Kugler, Ema - Menhir (00:35:16)
Forum Ljubljana, VPK & TV..., 1999
Hribernik, Jasna  - Lok Telesa / The Body Bow
Hribernik, Jasna - Lok Telesa / The Bod... (00:18:21)
Sfinga, TV Slovenija, 1996
Osole, Marijan - Max - Morte ai sciavi
Osole, Marijan - Max - Morte ai sciavi (0:16:28)
ŠKD Forum, Škuc, 1983
Ema Kugler - Hydra
Ema Kugler - Hydra (00:15:45)
V.S. Video, Forum Ljublja..., 1993
Kugler, Ema - The Visitor
Kugler, Ema - The Visitor (00:26:41)
V.S. Video / Forum Ljublj..., 1995
Lupinc, Andrej - V 8. minutah okoli sveta / In 8 Minutes around the World
Lupinc, Andrej - V 8. minutah okoli svet... (00:09:38)
TV Slovenija, filmski lab..., 1990-2000
Hribernik, Jasna  - Ballabende
Hribernik, Jasna - Ballabende (00:21:46)
TV Slovenija, 1995
Hribernik, Jasna  - Hiša nasprotij / House of Contrasts
Hribernik, Jasna - Hiša nasprotij / Ho... (00:20:17)
TV Slovenija, 1998
Osole, Marijan - Max - Avtop
Osole, Marijan - Max - Avtop (0:04:52)
ŠKD Forum, 1983
Kugler, Ema  - Station 25
Kugler, Ema - Station 25 (00:30:08)
Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1997
Kovačič, Marko  - No More Heroes Any More
Kovačič, Marko - No More Heroes Any M... (0:18:15)
V.S. VIDEO/Forum Ljubljan..., 1992
Osole, Marijan - Max, Mežnarič, Irma - Linije sile
Osole, Marijan - Max, Mežnarič, Irma -... (0:04:18)
Škuc - Forum, 1983
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